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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. I watched our 38 year old neighbour standing on a skip shaking her head side to side to put on TikTok - never seen anything so ridiculous or degrading in all my life.
  2. Thornit. Sprinkle very lightly around the inside of the ear - not into it.
  3. Welcome - but a word of warning, don't listen to anything I say as I'm a fair few pellets short of a Tin. Oh - and don't laugh at my jokes because apparently"I shouldn't be encouraged".
  4. Police on site in under 5 minutes - good - knifeman shot dead - even better. Policeman injured in the line of duty, let's hope he makes a full recovery. Well done indeed to Glasgow police.
  5. Surely it's to reduce contact between seller and the customer - contactless payment must be the safest way?
  6. I'm sure we used to be able to buy Biodegradable cartridges over here - few years back now though.
  7. Yep 13" - fitted and a huge improvement - even comes with a stock bolt!! The recoil pad is ventilated and is 1/2" shorter than the pad fitted to the standard stock so I could increase the length just by changing the pads - well pleased, just waiting for the heat to die down then I will go scare some more pigeons. Great service from SGC, couldn't fault them.
  8. Don't they have a particular taste for Cats?
  9. I use a tube extension on my scope but you need to find out what thread your scope has - if you can find out then you can buy a cheap chinese item from Fleabay - much dearer to buy in this country but if needs must.
  10. bruno22rf


    High on the joys of life OPP.
  11. bruno22rf


    Jesus wept man, pull yourself together, it's so simple. You are not allowed to go Fishing unless 5 other people go with you, if you cannot fish 2 metres apart then you must Fish back to back taking it in turns to fish in the water then on the field alternatively.When you catch a Fish you must sing happy birthday to it to protect yourself - Fishermen in Wales are permitted to form small groups and sing together. If there's a Bus Stop at the water's edge then you can walk or cycle without a mask but if you use the Bus you must pay extra for your Bubble unless you have a Religious Belief or Disability in which case your Bubble can claim travel expenses - in a real world situation it would be easier to all walk a metre apart, back to back, allowing the "Tail End Charlie" to carry your Bikes onto the Bus. If you need anymore help just ask.
  12. Out of interest, why are you removing the barrel?
  13. Only reference I can find says 12.75 inches compared to 14.75 for the adult? Footnote - now you got me worried Stu so I rang SGC and they say it's 13" so happy days.
  14. Pretty much as Stu says- First I would run her over a chrono to make sure power/consistency is up there then I would centralise the scope, remount and work out why it was maxing out.
  15. Appreciate everybody's input but a shorter stock has to be a good starting point - I'm built like an Umpa Lumpa and the gun in question catches under my arm on mounting - I have to push the gun well forward then bring it back to meet my shoulder. It's very distracting when you have a bird hurtling towards you and have to fumble just to get the thing in your shoulder.
  16. If it happens again and you're still not sure then simply shoot half of it and keep everybody happy.
  17. Obviously if you are a Wildfowler you must feed the Ducks bread - there is then no bread left for the little tweeties - simples. Lloyd90 - do you want your post moved to the joke section? How could they afford such a "state of the art media centre" - crazy notion, I think the only way would be to charge a high price to join then sit around all day with your thumb up your jacksie.
  18. My nose is big enough to shock Concorde on final approach.
  19. So, after a dismal performance a few days ago with my little KOFS Sceptre 28g, I have been searching for a valid reason and I'm pretty sure that the stock is too long for me - using the old butt in the crook of my arm, my trigger finger barely touches the trigger and every time I shoulder the gun, the butt catches under my arm. Quick word with my Gunsmith reckons around the £50 mark to remove the existing recoil pad (about an inch) and replace it with a plastic unit. After a bit of head scratching I remembered that KOFS also do a junior version with an inch shorter stock. One quick call to the importers (Sportsman Gun Centre) and I am shocked at the price of a replacement Walnut stock...........£63.!!!! How, on earth, can they make a stock and sell it for such a low price?
  20. bruno22rf

    Co2 or not

    I love mine 88inch - wanted one for over 30 years before finally buying one - not regretted it for a moment.
  21. Trawl "allaboutdogfood" website and see what's the best at a reasonable price. I tend to feed 50/50 wet and dry using Lukullas wet which my Springers devour -kibble wise I use whatever is on offer so long as it's not rubbish (which most of them are).
  22. After recently discovering a field of Peas and performing like a big girl's blouse with the 28g Friday - I took the proper gun out today (12g) and set up my decoys in anticipation of carnage. Well, apart from a bruised shoulder, a ringing in my ear and an awful lot of peppered Pea plants I managed to rid myself of 38 cartridges for a pathetic 8 birds down. To add insult to injury these birds were suicidal and flying dead straight, straight towards me at about head height. Power Reds (1500 fps) 27gr and a complete eejit behind the gun.
  23. bruno22rf

    Co2 or not

    What pellets did he recommend? Mine loves AA field and JSB Exacts - quite tight fit but superb accuracy. BTW - before you go terrorising the bunnies, have you chronographed the gun to make sure she is on par - they only put out around 10.5 ft/lb when new - that's around 540 fps with a 16 gr pellet.
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