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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Ex battery hens are brilliant - most likely still have 3 years left in them and will still lay maybe 5 eggs/week. The biggest pleasure, however, is seeing the transformation from the poor condition they arrive in to superb looking specimens in about a month - mine had never seen rain and just stood out in it at first not knowing what to do. They WILL eat your garden and dig up your lawn like a rotavator on steroids so be warned - gave my chucks away about 5 years ago and my lawn has just about recovered. Eggs will cost you twice shop bought prices as the feed is not cheap in small quantities but they taste sublime - you will also need to buy Diatomaceous earth to keep red mites at bay. As you eat the Eggs, crush the shells and put it in their food - cheap source of the calcium they need to lay decent eggs.Go for it cos they are fascinating birds to have around the garden but be sensible as to how many you keep - dont take the wife when you go to collect because she will want to rescue all of them. Contact the British Hen Welfare Trust for the best advice.
  2. Use marbles as Ammo - anybody finds one in their garden they will just think that kids have left it there - pretty deadly as a projectile as well.
  3. Chambers do spares - vaguely remember these guns - I had the G80 flagship model - absolute carp but nice looking guns.
  4. It is all made clear - just putting your name counts as a signature, it's in the notes. P.S. don't forget to list your moderators - I know someone who did!!. BTW - they are no longer doing home visits.
  5. A cabbaggy smell I think would indicate a sewer - check around the base of the toilet where the pipe joins the pan - we suffer occasionally in the mornings, the sewers dry out at night and some sort of gas is released and then in the morning when people "upstream" of us start using the Loo the gas is forced to find a way out.
  6. No movement on the scope whatsoever chaps - the Ebay special (£7 new from the land of deadly viruses) one piece mount has been placed exactly where the scope rail ends so that any slipping would be apparent - it just so happens then that the scope has to be as far back as possible for correct eye relief for my old eye. Only real problem' I'm having is the weight of the beast, the cacophony of noise on firing, the whole shebang seemingly trying to jump out of my hands on slipping the trigger and the whiff of oil in the air. Trigger, for an old gun is, IMHO, better than any other spring gun I have ever tried and when I'm rich I will have the stock redone.
  7. I wrote awhile ago about this gun, I had promised myself when I was a teenager that, one day, I would own one (long story) so last year I scratched the itch and bought the gun below. Had her serviced (new spring, washer etc) and then pretty much put her in the back of the cupboard and forgot about her. With the current situation re Air supply, I am reluctant to use my Wildcat for garden plinking so ,in an uncommonly intelligent moment, I dug her out for a bit of blatting down the garden. I bought a period scope (from this site I think) and the whole outfit felt quite "classic" as I popped a target down't garden (37 yards) and settled in for a period of testing.First 10 shots are shown below - there's a small tear high and right but that's where a lead particle came back and hit the paper - not bad for a mid 80's springer??
  8. I like Boris, always have. However, when this is all eventually over and anger replaces fear, I think questions will be asked as to why Boris ignored Prit Patel's recommendation to close our borders and why we initially followed the herd immunity theory. If you consider Germany's current stats I believe that these 2 actions alone may have cost thousands of UK lives and the people of this country are not terribly good at forgiveness.
  9. This is my Annie - stupid accurate.
  10. "Long suffering lefties"??? I demand satisfaction Sir......Pistols at Dawn? Sometimes wish I were right handed because I'm pretty sure it's classed as a disability and I could claim benefits.
  11. How did you pay the deposit....Credit Card I hope?
  12. How odd that the AA guns should be picked out as being prone to rust - the 2 examples given, the S410 and the S200, are made by 2 totally different companies i.e. NSP Engineering and CZ - thousands of miles apart, different barrel makers, different chemical treatment facilities yet both still potential rust buckets?
  13. bruno22rf

    Strange noise

    You are lucky to be able to see them, they are quite scarce and fascinating to watch - try a crow decoy as near to the cowl as possible.
  14. "The Remains of the Day"- so boring I sat there trying to cut my wrists with a Ring Pull. "The Last Emperor" and "Moonstruck" must have caused more suicides than Hallucinogenic Drugs.
  15. They are stunning looking tools but I think it's the rarity rather than the capability that makes them desirable nowadays - if you compare one to ,say, the HW80 (available around the same time) then I believe that the shortcomings would be apparent. The true Stutzen (BSA) has the tap loading system and not the rotary breach so don't get fooled into buying the "pretender" - if you can find one with open sights fitted, sell your soul, Car and then Wife to buy it.
  16. It's a Jack Russell - you'll never get him to read a training guide or stop attacking the biggest Dog at obedience classes - be quicker to train your mum to keep out of his way when he chances upon the opportunity for a scrap.
  17. Shot the S410 for many years - always filled to 170 bar then carried a pot of 50 pellets - the gun will put these within 10 fps of each other and no hunting trip is likely to need more than 50 shots.
  18. OMG - I detest stuff like that.
  19. I think that converting your current 410 to FAC will devalue it considerably - and restrict where you can use it. If I were in your shoes I would buy a used FAC version.
  20. Always loved this one... Not A-G nor P-Z. _ _ _ _ _
  21. Shoot - you're right Ttfjlc - there's the almost constant need to replace the indexing post - sometimes as often as every 8-9 years of heavy use, unless, of course, you fit the newer type which will, most likely, outlast each and every one of us.
  22. And with that simple act, steve_b_wales ,you are achieving more than Packham ever will.
  23. Jesus wept - so not only do AA barrels flex like a Roach Pole but now they suffer from Iron Oxide poisoning? The 5 + PCP's that I have owned from this manufacturer must have missed that memo cos , when I eventually sold each one, they all looked pretty much brand new - one of them had been in constant use for over 10 years!
  24. If you honestly imagine that pellet manufacturers can work to such tolerances then carry on. The diameter of a soft metal such as lead will go up and down like a whores drawers from the tin in your cupboard to the pouch or whatever in your pocket. Unless you are only ever going to shoot at 20 degrees C (standard temp at which metal is measured) then your best bet is to try a variety of Ammo then stick with whatever gives the most consistent accuracy in your gun. AA guns generally prefer AA or JSB (same pellet) but you might have an odd barrel that loves H&N - now is the time to try.
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