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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Whether you go for the siliphos-type cartridge system or the full softener route, you should have a drinking water tap direct off the incoming mains. If you have a real problem with scale, I would recommend a softener rather than a cartridge filter, as it will work out cheaper in the long run, plus it will solve the problem completely rather than disguise the symptoms. They are pretty simple to fit, if slightly more complex than fitting an inline filter (you need a bypass and a drain line).
  2. Wouldn't they need to be proofed?
  3. Only ever shot two, both around 20 yards with shotgun.
  4. Ok, that didn't work too well - needed a lot of adjustment to get it to catch ejected shells without jamming. If it is set too low, it didn't catch every one. If too high, the second case bounces puff the first, back into the port, and causes a jam! I have got it working now, but it looks a bit second hand from multiple ...errrr.... adjustments, so I will be making another one, incorporating the proportions established in my extensive trials, and forgoing the layer of paint, which doesn't last very well
  5. Use fibre liners between the wood and the metal. Protects the metal and looks nice.
  6. Update - it is built and mounted, on M5 screws, using neodymium magnets. The Dutch chap who made the one in the video was very helpful when I emailed him It catches ejected cartridges when manually cycled as far as I can manage - I'll hopefully get to shoot it at the weekend, so photos and possibly even video then.
  7. How do you define "not worth repairing"? Someone with more time than money might be glad of the chance to have a go at repairing a free gun
  8. Great read - a bit of father/son bonding is always good, and if it gets you a keen shooting buddy, even better Doing some informal clays next week with No 1 son (same age as your lad), to get his eye in again ready for some outings on the bunnies.
  9. Nice little piece. Handle maybe a bit short for the size?
  10. Nice job What next with it?
  11. Of course he will - resistance is useless!
  12. Hideous! Ugliest thing I ever saw. Purely as a public service, send it to me and I will err... safely dispose of it for you No charge
  13. That was Clarence! Bloody kids! (Mutter, mutter, grumble...)
  14. And that is certainly nothing like objective journalism!
  15. Try York Guns - they are the importer, and list them on their website.
  16. CaptainBeaky

    Sad Dad

    So sad - words fail me. My condolences to you and your family.
  17. 1. No problem2. Eminently reasonable, so probably won't go anywhere. 3. What good would that do? You need to show entitlement already to purchase, putting ammunition on ticket as per section 1 just adds more bureaucracy and cost to the public purse. 4. Again, sensible and quantifiable - probably too sensible to happen. 5. Haven't we already had this argument over airgun licensing in Scotland? If it won't persuade Scots scrotes to register, why think it would work with English scrotes?
  18. Smoker for applying lamp-black?
  19. News to me, too! I know you're not supposed to shoot hares or other game with a self-loader, but as I read the regs, bunnies are fine, as they classed as vermin. I would query that with BASC.
  20. Your lock knife only comes under the offensive weapons times if there are other circumstances e.g. you are waving it around during an argument in the pub. The rest of the time, your problem is the Criminal Justice Act 1988, section 193, "having an article with a blade or point in a public place". A non-locking knife is allowable without good reason, a locking blade or fixed blade is allowable with good reason or lawful authority. That said, if you wave your non-locking knife around in the aforesaid pub argument, the off-weap rules kick in regardless. As for a recommendation, for when you have a good reason, use a fixed blade Mora. For when you don't, there are still a few makers in Sheffield making traditional folding knives in the £20 range. For something a bit nicer, you can't go wrong with a Spyderco UKPK- the current incarnation is reasonably priced, or a Pingo if you can find one. Check whether it locks or not - a lot of them do.
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