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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. A colleague went to court to grovel after being caught four times in one afternoon on the same camera at a similar sort of speed above the limit, with a few points already. He went in the hope of keeping the fine down and avoiding a ban, both of which he succeeded in. His insurance costs however hit him square in the plums on renewal by a couple of grand.
  2. Very interested if this is still available.
  3. I have one of the two speed manual ones at home that my brother wants to restore, great fun things.
  4. I cut a set from surplus horse box matting that work well.
  5. Probably codominance but if things aren't entirely straightforward a coaching session is probably a good idea. Im right handed but strongly left eye dominant so shoot left handed, the better half is codominant and shuts her left eye just before she takes each shot.
  6. He is presumably there to make as good a living as possible and in order to provide the service has costs of running an rfd to cover. Either he bills directly for time or hopes doing it for free brings enough profit on other buisness to acheive more profit overall. The only exception to this may of course be that he is not looking to maximise financial return, i have occasionally worked with people who are not financially motivated or minded (something i find hard to comphrehend at times). Is charging for a 'service' exploitation or the fundamental principal of free market economics?
  7. Some of the earlier schemes essentially defined it as never having bought a property before either in the uk or abroad. You also had to be buying as a primary residence. There was some form of exception for very short leaseholds i think. I dont know how they are defining it this time but imagine it wont be more generous.
  8. I use a 6x42 on my 22lr with no complaints. I have iron sights on my air rifle at present but would anticipate if going back to a scope going low power fixed magnification.
  9. A thread on this came up a while back that may be worth digging up. I used to live with a carpet fitter who last time i spoke to him was doing a small 3 bed terrace at a fixed price of £400 including dirt cheap carpet and underlay. His work was aimed at landlords wanting cheap redos in east yorkshire every 3 years. That seems to be the absolute cheapest end of things, and he would want a few houses booked at once for that. He was happy to work as a one man job and undercut the competition that way, most of his competitors were trying to pay 2-3 sets of wages fitting as a team. He also did occasional work on £25-40 per room to simply turn up and fit/relay carpets if the customer was supplying all materials.
  10. I think the principal of what goes around comes around is too often forgotten. My local RFD is a pleasure to buy from, never the cheapest but i always look forward to visiting and trying to find an excuse to buy something. If he goes out of buisness i am stuck with nobody for miles, and whoever i can find may well be far less pleasant to deal with When two products are equally good for me i ask which he has the better margin on and buy that. He often charges me far less than would be reasonable for bits of gunsmithing and knocks money off bills. I hope your customer remains loyal for many years to come.
  11. 43 people who said they could do it failed to provide any evidence it worked in the above trial, those were selected from 500 who also said they could do it as the ones who showed the most promise. My lucky underpants don't work, I still swear them for job interviews, likewise the horseshoe on the shed door doesn't bring luck. These things are pleasant traditions but should never be the foundation for financial decisions. Until I see robust evidence refuting its failure to show any experimental promise it has no role in how I make decisions or how I expect people working for me to make decisions impacting my finances.
  12. First you need to demonstrate it works, given that they have been shown pretty conclusively to be codswallop a scientists job should be to promote evidence based practice. https://www.csicop.org/si/show/testing_dowsing_the_failure_of_the_munich_experiments If i were paying for a service that unexpectedly involved dowsing rods i would very quickly be seeking somewhere else to spend my money.
  13. A nice touch, although whilst i am very much looking forward to having the geographical stability to make buying worthwhile this may not benefit me unless it is available for a good while.
  14. The first thing to work out is the value of the friendship, then consider 1,2, or 3.
  15. Seems fair enough to want witnesses, the Sab clearly has been recklessly endangering the rider and evidence will be required to stuff them.
  16. Probably, but also probably less so than the real thing. A couple of colleagues switched over and went from smoking ten a day to the equivalent of over a hundred a day. Cheap, convenient, and enjoyable they tell me. Neither were looking to stop smoking they were looking to save time and money.
  17. Wb123


    When they can borrow from the Bank of England at next to nothing and are so limited in who they can lend to by historical standards my understanding is that the banks simply don't need our money. In older times they needed our money to lend out but now current accounts and savings accounts only yield any profit via charges or people sticking with the same provider for credit. I suspect it it is only a matter of time before charging for current accounts is the norm unless there is a significant shift in how the system works. Halifax have looked after my current account and credit card very well for years and it won't have made them a penny, not viable for the long term.
  18. Wb123


    Halifax, they offered a big interest free overdraft whilst studying and have never had reason to leave. Beforehand I was with nationwide but I think their relative lack of branches would have posed issues had I stayed with them. My better half stuck with bank of Ireland for a long time but the lack of branches and very slow money transfers eventually pushed her to Halifax.
  19. Only making £35 for a1 decoy and £75 for the keeper by the look of it.... The keeper could potentially just nip out and blast all 17 then drop them off at the game dealer for his £2.75 a pound, losing only £1275 in income over letting out the shooting but freeing 17 nights work which he may or may not be able to replace with other work. The above assumes £2.75 a pound is the genuine game dealer rate, given boar from the game dealer at home is less than double that I suspect there may be a bit of mark up on the meat, but even so if a representative shooter takes one boar, buys his petrol and then lifts a 20ld leg he does his night for around £200-250 all in assuming no more than a tank of petrol. This would seem cheaper than an equivalent deer stalk.
  20. Would a cheaper gun and a pile of money at a stock finisher be acceptable? There is a local chap to who seems to perform whichcraft on any bit of wood for £150-500 depending what you want.
  21. Try a right handed one if you can. I did and hated it, but some people find them perfectly useable. I ended up with a bps which I love to bits and suspect I would prefer to a true left hand pump (but have never tried one). The advantages of the bps are the much higher quality fit/finish vs other pumps I saw (mine is about 30-40 years old, new ones may not maintain this), cartridge cases that neatly pile between your feet, and being able to pretend you got something ambidextrous so the girlfriend can use it too... the short stock does need a slip on for me though. The disadvantages of the bps are difficulty finding the *******, I resorted to wanted ads but since then it seems some new ones have been imported, you can't as easily drop a cartridge directly into the chamber, and resisting the temptation to butcher an old fixed full choke should you end up with one.
  22. I'm not entirely convinced house alarms are worth anything much. Mine had had a fault the other week and went off at 0100. Took me 20 minutes to silence it and didn't see anyone check up on it (living in reasonably densely packed suburbia). I don't think I have ever got to a neighbours alarm that hasn't been going off for at least 30 minutes all said, by which point any burgler would be long gone I do have a big 'guard dogs' sign, though that occasionally puts couriers off dropping things round the back. My my gut feeling is that if people really want something specific they will get it, otherwise you only need to look slightly more troublesome to burgle than your neighbour.
  23. After a rummage through the cupboards i found a 15mm rubber shotgun comb raiser, i thought that would be far too much but the rifle now seems to point wherever i look such that the target is more or less in the middle of the scope. I would have thought this should make target acquisition very much easier and avoid me having to lift my cheek. I am away working the next four or five days but will reort back once i have a chance to shoot it. I cant help but feel low mounts and that much comb raising must either mean i have a wildly oddly shaped face (i like to think this is not true) or i am trying to acheive the wrong thing. Edit: i asked the girlfriend what she thought, she picked the rifle up, declared she could now see down the scope without contortionism, and that she thought it might now be enjoyable to shoot (she hated the thing before). Given in terms of shotgun fit we are both quite similar we might just be barking up the same incorrect tree.
  24. I bought a bps for just this and have never yet managed to get to the foreshore with it. One day though i will get to try some wildfowling with it. I went bps as it drops the cartridges between your feet, is ambidextrous so the better half can shoot it also (makes it much easier to justify to her), and is just a beautifully made bit of kit.
  25. Hello If i focus on the bird and have no idea what my shotgun is doing but shoot gun down and mount once the eyes are locked onto the bird i hit things most of the time, so i assume my shotgun fits well enough. When i mount my shotgun the comb rests gently snuggled up to the lower aspect of my zygomatic arch (bony lump between eye and ear) and my dominant eye looks straight down the rib. I have a cz452 american which came with a bsa sweet 22 on high or medium mounts, it never felt right and i always had to lift my head slightly to get a good view down the scope, something i have felt with every scoped rifle i have shot. An S&B 6x42 became available at a price that felt like theft so now i have mounted it on hawke low mounts. I still have to lift my head slightly from where i would expect my shotgun to rest (though there is a substantial improvement). Both wih the old optics and new i end up trying to keep my mastoid process (bony lump just behind ear) consistently against the stock whilst i slightly lift my head to gain a good view. If i was to file a groove in my scope lens covers i could probably go 4-5mm lower if i could find even lower mounts, should i be persuing this, raising the comb, or do rifles fit differently to shotguns? i understand the american is supposedly intended for a scope, but my eye seems to end up in just the right position for iron sights, could i have ended up with a lux stock by accident?
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