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Used Cartridges - Litter/Pollution


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I took some friends for a walk with me on Sunday across a local moorland,

I was embarrassed to find 50+ used cartridges, dumped by a hedgerow.

I felt embarrassed because my friends know I am a shooter/countryman

and I found it hard to explain away non-biodegradable litter close to a pathway.

I picked them all up (and may use them to make a clock with the brass ends in place of the numbers)

but there is NO EXCUSE to leave any kind of litter behind :good:

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As a young kid I used to pick up the odd used cartridge and it ended up on the window sill in my bedroom.

But more than 50 just left in a heap!!!!

The plastic shell DOES NOT DECOMPOSE.

I started shooting in 1984 and have never left an empty shotgun cartridge on the ground anywhere in the UK


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I shoot a semi auto and the thing is a ****** for launching the empties, I could how many shots i fire and i count the empties back in.

The other day I must have left 1 as I just couldn't find it, or I miscounted my shots fired.

It isn't acceptable. The other month when walking the dog he came running by with a very green pigeon in his mouth (he isn't a gun dog) getting the little sod back to give it to me was, hmm interesting. When we walked back to the car there was a pile of about 15 there. Annoyingly it was right next to a field I have permission on. I went back to the car grabbed a sack and picked them up as i didn't want anyone to think it was me leaving woodies behind. They really smelt too :good:


As for fishing I think the fishermen are worse I used to get so mad to see people saunter up near me fish for a few hours then kuff off and leave a pile of rubbish. Maybe they are just more conspicuous because of thier number.

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The thing thats always wound me up, is that be it fishing litter or shotgun shells or any other shooting litter. It weighs a bloody lot less to take home than it did to take there so there should be no excuse what so ever. And i'm sure no one wants to sit in a swim or walk a feild full of litter even the w*****s that don't pick up their own.

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Is the layby tipping still going on? :lol:



I will admit I haven't driven along that road for a couple of weeks so I haven't seen if it has stopped or not. After having a few words with the culprit I sincerely hope it has stopped.


Thing is there are so many empty cartridge cases along that road now you have to slow down to see if the heads are rusty or not. If there are any more dumped I will be collecting every empty cartridge case I can find and depositing them in his garden.

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I will admit I haven't driven along that road for a couple of weeks so I haven't seen if it has stopped or not. After having a few words with the culprit I sincerely hope it has stopped.


Thing is there are so many empty cartridge cases along that road now you have to slow down to see if the heads are rusty or not. If there are any more dumped I will be collecting every empty cartridge case I can find and depositing them in his garden.

Are you not gonna try my suggestion?


They make a right mess once super glued to a bonnet :rolleyes: Soon get the message :)



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i dare not leave anything lying around, the owner of my permission keeps highland cattle, he'd string me up if he found any cases or plastic wads on his land.

ther's no excuse for it, like someone here has already said, " they weigh far less on the way back than on the way there"!



I too am against any form of litter left laying around the countryside, I have friends who all farm and shoot, they all allow me free range of their land which they regard as their garden, I would feel that I would be letting them down by littering.


One thing is noticable in all the preceding posts no one until now has mentioned plastic wads, these should be banned except for use on licenced clay shooting grounds, they are not degradable and like the cases will lay around for years, in my opinion they are more dangerous than the cases which have at least a metal part to put animals off swallowing them.


It will not be long before an act is passed to restrict their use.


Off topic I know but have to mention my other pet hate and that is these mass releases of gas filled balloons into the air, where do they land? Do the people releasing them care, do they #####. Often these are released on some charitable pretense, many end up caught in the upper branches of trees and remain there for months others in the hay crop, baled up for animals to choke on.


Rgds Rob.

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