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Raoul Moats


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i can't believe friends and family of Moat have been in the media saying "if we were allowed to see him his death could have been avoided, none of this was necessary, etc".

Well where were they when he was beating his misses and child, being invovled in a previous attempted murder and then the shootings he perpetrated?

The guy was a nasty piece of work, so don't try and justify his actions.

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i can't believe friends and family of Moat have been in the media saying "if we were allowed to see him his death could have been avoided, none of this was necessary, etc".

Well where were they when he was beating his misses and child, being invovled in a previous attempted murder and then the shootings he perpetrated?

The guy was a nasty piece of work, so don't try and justify his actions.


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i can't believe friends and family of Moat have been in the media saying "if we were allowed to see him his death could have been avoided, none of this was necessary, etc".

Well where were they when he was beating his misses and child, being invovled in a previous attempted murder and then the shootings he perpetrated?

The guy was a nasty piece of work, so don't try and justify his actions.



Agree.. surley we have to look at our media and their role in all of this, first of all they stir it all up with bits of information and little facts just putting reporters out there talking dribble, then after the event give his sad brother air time and turn their story around to question the police actions. In my opinion if these people wernt given such high media profile, it would happen less

well done the police, nothing works perfectly in this world, they did a good job under the circumstances.


Edited by docholiday
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As someone who frequents rothbury on a regular basis i can catagoricaly say the heat seeking tec would have been a waste of time as the bloke was basically "IN" the village and unless his heat was different to the thousand or so other people that live in rothbury then how would they know it was him.


The rest of the search was pretty keystone cops.They missed his bright orange t shirt which was found by the press, all of 50 yards away from his campsite 4 days after the police had done an "extensive search" of the area surrrounding it.He broke into a house on the tuesday,inside the "2 mile exclusion zone" 100 YARDS AWAY FROM WHERE HE EVENTUALLY DIED,twice was seen in back gardens nicking veg from gardens,60 yards from where he died,and was even seen by 8 different people walking down the main street on the thursday 200 yards away from where he died.


Would it really have taken a genius to have a look in the big storm drain/concrete bunker that is almost visible from space less than 15 feet away from where they eventually helped him kill himself.And all of this happened in a small village where the population had been increased by 10% with armed police for a week.

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Now the police are saying he wasnt in the drain,but then again they have also said today that "They dont know yet if the 2 tasers fired at him were fired before or after he shot himself :angry: They seem to have got "dont know" and "not telling you" mixed up.

Any cops on here explain why they dont know yet ?

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Now the police are saying he wasnt in the drain,but then again they have also said today that "They dont know yet if the 2 tasers fired at him were fired before or after he shot himself :good: They seem to have got "dont know" and "not telling you" mixed up.

Any cops on here explain why they dont know yet ?


To be honest who gives a toss if he was in the drain or not?

Who gives a toss if he was tasered before or after he topped himself?

He was a wrong 'un plain and simple, good ridance to bad news as far as i'm concerned.

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To be honest who gives a toss if he was in the drain or not?

Who gives a toss if he was tasered before or after he topped himself?

He was a wrong 'un plain and simple, good ridance to bad news as far as i'm concerned.


Sorry i didnt realise we had the death penalty,i must have missed that in camerons speech..



You are very right in saying he was a "wrong un" and a lot of people will be glad the way it ended...doesnt mean it's right though.

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Sorry i didnt realise we had the death penalty,i must have missed that in camerons speech..



You are very right in saying he was a "wrong un" and a lot of people will be glad the way it ended...doesnt mean it's right though.


Death penalty? Are you saying the police deliberatly tasered him so he'd shoot himself? A bit 'Hollywood' don't you think?


Personally i'd have prefered him to have been taken alive and face his day in court. If i was one of his two (living) victims i'd feel cheated by his death.

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18,000 numbskulls on facebook would agree, or is that 17,999 ?

I feel sure that as you were a visitor to the village you can assure us the locals were furious that armed police were guarding the schools etc.

Where did you get that obscure 10% population increase and what is it meant to signify ? Would 8% be ok ? 11% completely ludicrous?

What would you propose as a "right" ending???

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It is simple, there will be a post incident inquiry with legal ramifications, so they will not be confirming or denying any contentious details until they have been established on the basis of whether they were or were not lawful.

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The scumbag was holding a shotgun to his own head and some idiots don't think he was trying to kill himself. A little extreme for someone keen to stay alive.


Why is anyone agonising over the events? If you were one of the Police who fired a taser at the same time he pulled the trigger, could you honestly say which happened first.? We now have armchair critics casting doubt on the Police. They should hang their heads in shame.


No sign of concern for the dead man and the two others shot. Just worrying about a worthless piece of cowardly garbage who shot a woman and defenceless Policeman - not to mention killed someone.


Time to get priorities adjusted I think.

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I dont have as much respect for the police as i used to. The modern police force seems to be full of people, not police officers. I know its the old thing one bad apple...etc..etc.. but its true. Regardless of my feelings about them, they had a job to do in this case, and they did it the best they could. My personal opinion is that they should have 'dealt with him' when they could. The fact that he shot a policeman in the face with a shotgun.........and tried to MURDER the love of his life....and MURDERED and young chap he had never met..................come on people. If you think the police are wrong in this, and he is just a miss-understood guy...you need to wake up and smell my toilet.

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No sign of concern for the dead man and the two others shot. Just worrying about a worthless piece of cowardly garbage who shot a woman and defenceless Policeman - not to mention killed someone.


Time to get priorities adjusted I think.


Yep, have to agree....As for the 18,000 Amoeba Brained Halfwits on Facebook, it beggars belief that they give him Cult Status. :good:


The family of the lad shot dead were on the local news the other night distraught, talking about the shooting....Moat had stood over him & shot three times at pointblank... & they call him a Legend :drinks:


Certainly time to get the Priorities Right for some.

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I'm sorry UKPoacher but I've seen it happen numerous times.

Granted not in this country,some American police forces have scent tracking championships,it's a very big deal,

Only bloodhounds though, nothing else cuts the mustard.

Did you just track scents with your dog?

I also think asking a dog to track a car as in the american sniper case is a bit unfair on the dog unless it can drive,

maybe thats why you see dogs with their head out of car windows.

In woodland this is how other countries do it,

cheap and effective.

As for Bin Laden, There's the memoirs of a man in charge of Delta Force you should read,

120 Delta Force and 30 or so SAS had Bin Laden in a 2 km grid five days after 9/11.

The word came from the top to relax the perimeter and leave the area,

He's still angry about it now,

He thinks now that if they would of caught him then their would be no excuse no carry on the War on Terror.

So its not really a dogs fault Bin Laden is still out there.

The Uni bomber lived in a hut in Montana and sent bombs through the mail system, which I don't think falls into the same kind of tracking as woodland scent tracking.




Absolute rubbish.


I have extensively studied tracking & scents and have first hand experience in tracking and trailing. Not just seen it. I've done it. I probably know more about scents and tracking dogs than the rest of the forum put together.


A scenting dog can only track in certain situations and conditions. The Dutch pioneered scent discrimination techniques, not the Americans, and they used Malinois. Bloodhounds have been proven to offer little advantage over Rotties, GSDs and Mallies amongst others, and bloodhounds are slower and harder to keep in working condition.


One dog could not possibly be expected to pick up the scent of the suspect in such a large area without putting the dog and handler at risk. Two men and a bloodhound looking for him? It would never happen. That's TV fiction. You could no more ask a dog handler to find Moate in those circumstances as the Uni bomber and bin Laden. They were all outside the dog's abilities. Moate had use of a car in the early stages. No dog can follow that. There was no sighting of him on foot for the dog to track from. The search area for the dog to try and find a scent using discrimination techniques was like a needle in a haystack.


You've been watching too much TV.

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Chaps, the only things we can say we know for sure about the movements of Osama bin Laden or SF is that anything we hear will be heavily sanitised and spun. There is no point in building an argument around what the press says on such matters.

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QUOTE (njc110381 @ Jul 11 2010, 01:55 PM)

I'm on the side that believes it's very easy to say you could have done better after the event. As others have said thermal imaging doesn't pick up things that are sheltered by something that doesn't transfer their heat to the surface. And in all fairness they did find him reasonably quickly.


Why can't people be happy that we live in a country that in general, is one of the best? If the government is so poor, health service shocking, police corrupt/badly trained etc etc then move to Iraq, China, Russia or whatever and make a comparison! Have a moan there, you never know they may even shoot you for it!


The police did a fine job. Maybe not perfect, but who is?


This was once agreat country and can be again but if you think our government do a good job, the health service isnt badly run and the police are no way corrupt/badly trained then I think you may have your head in a sack, maybe not travelled alot. Who pays for all this, you and me and we deserve that our money is well spent but hey arent we getting of the original post. The final result with Moet was a success all round but how was the result achieved, he shot himself. Prison authorities warned the police the day after he was released that his motives could be dangerous, he was running around for quite a while and thank god he did not shoot alot more people, he had motive, intent and the means, after Cumbria then I would have thought a lesson may have been learned.

Back to the picture of an angry and very aggressive looking policeman fisting forward a tazar, do you really think the crowd will shout' well done son', even if Moet had what he deserved.


for the love of god.....take the blinkers off fella.


The picture you quote....look at it properly, the Taser officer is looking directly at the camera, not Moat. The 'snarl' appears to be part of some kind of speech. I think it is most likely the cameraman popped upped, early on in the stand off, before a thorough cordon could be erected. The officer appears to me to be giving the cameraman some 'advice'......perfectly reasonable given the circs?

Edited by Windy
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I think the Press were shocking.. they behaved like complete idiots ....... they turned the whole thing into a circus

anything to up the viewing they do my head in.the best thing about the news channel is the weather so we can check to see if its gona rain on our shooting expeditions especially when becky mantins presentingpost-18875-1279058667.jpg

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Am I the only person to be thinking this way, ?


It is now some time since the sad outcome of the stand off, and the media has covered all sorts of angles in quite some depth. Vast sums of your and


my tax money have been spent.


But one thing is missing and is an indication of how we just take certain things for granted.


Mr. Raoul Moat had I understand quite a criminal history with terms of Imprisonment. So I am assuming he did not have a "Shotgun Certificate"


"Why oh Why," has the fact that he was easily able to get two shotguns and a significant amount of ammunition not been mentioned and questions/


asked about? why it is so easy for the bad guys to get their hands on guns, We are now it appears programmed to except, "its just like that these




With all the very strict, I understand toughest in Europe controls, placed on us the law abiding gun owners.


It seems to me it would be better if the same sort of money/effort/ resources were applied to the very real problem of illegal guns.


We then as law abiding gun owners maybe would find a little more security, and not be living on a knife edge every time sum looney goes off on one,


This includes all the "tooled up" drug gang people. It should be impossible for them to get guns, lets get on with tackling the illegal guns then some


real headway will be made. My goodness me where did all that come from ?

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18,000 numbskulls on facebook would agree, or is that 17,999 ?

I feel sure that as you were a visitor to the village you can assure us the locals were furious that armed police were guarding the schools etc.

Where did you get that obscure 10% population increase and what is it meant to signify ? Would 8% be ok ? 11% completely ludicrous?

What would you propose as a "right" ending???



Keep your hair on,i am not defending the tool,infact in a perfect world the prisons are full of people that should have met a similar fate.But we dont live in a perfect world.


The 10% is niether here nor there,would it be better if i just said" loads",can you understand that bit ? Loads of police and this bloke was wandering round for almost a week.


The right ending is the bloke was arrested like all the other murderers in the country but because he shot a policeman some people think killing him is the right ending !I am not saying they did but they may have helped by shooting him with a weapon that the police own guidelines say "may cause a suspect to discharge a firearm"


At the end of the day the police got their man and thats all that matters really.

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I admit to being the first to criticise the police when I feel its needed ,but in this case ie a case where a man HAS shot an unarmed man in the back then stood over him and put one into his head, then shot a woman, then he decides to blow the eyes out of a traffic cop destroying his life and that of the cops family forever? I am over the moon the piece of dog dirt got what was coming to him,pity it was quick and a shame they could not just blow out HIS eyes before drowning the scrote in the river, as for ####face having a tribute page and them refusing to remove it? I hope people stop using it and send it into obscurity.



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