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Your furthest .22lr shot


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Well guys what has been your longest shot with the LR. I am sorry to brag but I was out with a fellow member tonight (Glensman) and I shot a rabbit stone dead at 135 yards (he has a lazer range finder so this is accurate). Ok fair enough it was off the bipod and it was flat calm but I have been smiling like a chesire cat since ;) . So lets hear your stories guys...honest.

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Well, Ollie,S

My best shot was with a sub 12 ft/lb .22 air rifle. Straight down a McDonalds drinking straw at 2000 yards. No wind blowing, of course.


Thats pretty impressive, I take it this was done free hand.

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What would be the maximum effective range of a .22lr sub? Could you consistently hit a target at 100 yards with it? I've never fired subs so don't understand them. Sorry for being off topic ;)


I wouldn't call myself an expert as I have only had the rifle just over a month but I couldn't consistently hit a target at 100 yards with a Sub at the moment as I wouldn't be sure of the hold over. That is why I am using High Velocity rounds for the longer shots as they don't drop as much around the 100 yard mark.

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The reason behind asking is that I intend to zero my .22lr at 100 yards with a suppressor so that the bullet hits exactly where the centre of the crosshairs rest. It will be used for target shooting at this distance and also across the fields. Longest I've shot at is 100 yards, but always with CCI HV's. Very accurate and have obtained 3/4 inch groups using a bipod ;)

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Longest ranged one was a rabbit at 142yards but when I went to pick it up it was still breathing. Shot was right in the chest so it mashed a lung but whereas usually the bullet would generate enough shock to stop the heart, at that distance it didn't seem to do the necessary. Never shot one again at that distance (more HMR terrority imo) most of my LR usage is 80yards tops now.

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Can of worms topic, but here goes..


My longest .22 shot.

Was 300 yards at a grain sack of the bonnet of my mates car, we were bored on a farm with nothing else to shoot at ..


Longest .22 kill.

On a perfectly still evening I shot, from a high seat, a rabbit at long range, and then one at very long range.

I had an idea how far they were but didn't pacing it out as I don't believe it is in any way accurate.

All rabbits were picked, dead, I hasten to add.

They were shot using my binoculars as a bipod resting on the bar of the highseat, oh and I only have 7x50 scope but with a fine reticle.

The following week we went back and I took my rangefinder, the 'close' one was 132 yards, the long one 179 yards.

I should add the shots were witnessed by a mate and occasional PW lurker Hants Rifle, in fact they were on his permission.


If I am honest I don't particularly like long range stuff, I just found it interesting what the round is capable of in perfect conditions

I actually prefer using a bit of fieldcraft and taking them at close range, and haven't shot anything over about 70 yards since - the fact is I probably couldn't do it again anyway.

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last month i checked the zero on my .22 and re set it at 60yds, moved back to 140yds to check zero on the .243 then tried the .22 from that range, at 60yds i got a 3/4" group from 140yds i got a 4" group centered aprox 20" lower than POA, at 60yds the bullets passed through a chip board kitchen cupboard door at 140 they bounced off leaving small dents, probably still enough energy to kill kill a bunny but not accurate enough to consistently head shoot



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127yrds freestanding and another at just over 100yrds(too excited measuring the furthest :welcomeani: ) in the same field, was well impressed that night and both my cousin and shooting partner(witnesses) couldnt believe it..! cz452 .22lr with WTC 3.5-10x50....who said you have to buy really expensive kit! never tried anything over this range..maybe i should after reading about 170yrd shots!

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.22 subs are more accurate than HV at longer ranges HV drop transonic (go back though the sound barrier) and loose accuraccy


It is nothing to do with power the .22 sub will kill small game and vermin way beyond the range anyone can shoot with a hope of hitting anything


Wind is the big thing shooting beyond 100yds you cannot detect the 2-3 mph gusts that make a big difference, it's easier to shoot with a 5mph head or tail wind than no wind for this reason. At 100yds a .22 suffers 4" of wind 10mph at full value when your out at 150 yds i should make a wild guess and say double it thats 4" of drift in 5mph and 2" drift in 2.5mph. OK i am wild guessing the windage past 100 (bet i am not far out though) fact is i won't go further than this so it is useless info to me. How many had the full wind and drop calculated and field tested before taking the shot and had spot on ranged thier quarry?


Some of the shots spoken of here are just prayer shots the type of shot you are pleasantly suprised when you connect with a clean kill, rather than amazed when you miss. if i sat out now and shot at a bunch of bunnies say 300- 400yds away i am sure i could eventually connect with one if i fired enough shots, but what would it prove other than i am a calous moron?

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Some of the shots spoken of here are just prayer shots the type of shot you are pleasantly suprised when you connect with a clean kill, rather than amazed when you miss. if i sat out now and shot at a bunch of bunnies say 300- 400yds away i am sure i could eventually connect with one if i fired enough shots, but what would it prove other than i am a calous moron?


oooooh pop quiz!! :no:


let me guess, it proves that you should have zeroed at that range first?? :o


did i win?! :welcomeani:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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1986 brecon beacons wales 600 yard hit a 10pence piece 3 times out of 5 shots and won a few quid (army 7.62 SLR) you never said the back ground



That is some shooting at 600 yards and would get you in the England team today, are you talking the FN, if not which SLR out of interest, and what sights/scope/ammo?

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