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who's the most famous person you have ever met

Fisherman Mike

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Another nice one for Chris evans

My son was standing behind him and Billie piper in Harrods and at the time wasn't very old but very vocal about saying hello to the doctor who lady.

Chris heard this and turned and was kneeling down talking with my son and as we didn't have a camara he asked a member of staff to take there pictures together and a week later we got it through the post signed.

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Met a few over the years. Many from when I was into motorcycle racing. (used to get in the pits as a friend raced) Agostini, Phil Read, Barry Sheene, Grant, Ditchburn Ron Haslam all from 70's. Most recent have been Steve Davis at a snooker exhibition, wonderful guy who was very witty who stayed 'for a late one' and was more than willing to talk to us all. Michaela Tabb the female snooker referee was also there...she's fit and very sociable.....but the year before my favourite all time snooker player 'The peoples champion' Jimmy White was a real let down....pretty much picked up his earnings and left.


I don't know if you would call them famous, but I get to see Jason Plato and the drivers of the British Touring Car Championships as I go to many of the meetings.


Jack Charlton at a game fair quite a few years ago was also another we met.


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I saw Richard Madley when Mrs H & me were renting a cottage in Rye. She was cooking breakfast & I was having a gander out the window when he walks up on the other side of the steet. I call the Mrs, as she likes him, and she comes to have a gander. I bang on the window and duck from view and all he sees is my Mrs gawking at him wearing her pinny and her hands on hips, and a shocked expression.


oh! And I told Simon Bates what he could go and do to himself but that was over the phone and in the heyday of Radio 1, the late 80's. He annoyed me when he talked down to me, the jumped up to$$er.


I met Wolf from Gladiators once and all he wanted to do was talk about baby clothes (???). His Mrs was expecting but I was trying to explain why his boiler was up the creek.


Tony Arthur, from Play School (anyone remember her?). She lived in Tunbridge Wells at the time and swore like a trooper.


I think that's about it. No one of any real standing.

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oh yeah and we once rescued the owners of the uk fore most foot and bondage web site when their nissan sunny sunk in quick sand about 3 miles out on a sand bank as the tide was coming in they had been havin a photo shoot out there with her tied to a ship wreck!

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Whilst working in the swimming pool industry installing and testing the ventilation systems I've met the following,


Eddie Irvine ( F1 )

The Edge

Chris Deburg

Ronnan Keaton

Chris Eubanks ( K *** )

Peter Stringfellow, a top bloke who gave us a free night out in his cub B)

Eddie Jordon


and only 2 weeks ago Prince William at a polo match , very down to earth and plenty of time for everyone.

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Spent 20 minutes teaching David beckham to fly. Don't believe the Stories about him being thick. Lovely bloke and pretty switched on. We were tempted, but didn't mention rebecca loos....


Sat next to Kelly Brook on the way back from la, on a BA 747" in steerage of all places! Nice girl, thick as mince.


Flew a few journos, John Humphries (lovely bloke), John Simpson and very recently Jeff Randall.


Ross Kemp ( during his "Ross kemp in Afghanistan" days), seemed a nice bloke, we spent more time with his film crew who were tops.


I would love to meet HRH the Duke of E, down the local, supping a pint of warm ale whilst chewing the fat about his days as a navy officer in the war. Seems a lovely bloke from what I hear and pretty striking still when you meet him. Very switched on.

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Spent a night with Kim Wilde........











































Along with 230 odd others, but I did talk to her in the bar after for quite some time

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Really not interested in the whole celeb gig, they are after all just otherwise "normal" people with different jobs to most of us, but by far the most outstanding person I ever met was ArchBishop Desmond Tutu.



Yes, I too would like to add something high brow and cultured into this thread which otherwise seeks to worship that dreadful cult of personality.


My addition is that my mate Dave got pulled off by Alison Moyet when he was 14 (and they were at school together).


Yeah, beat that {insert Frankie Howard, titter ye not madam}

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About 30 years ago I had a kick about with George Best in my uncle's back garden before he played in an exhibition match at a local club. He was very down to earth and had time for my brother, my cousin and I. I have a photo somewhere. Must dig it out.

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I use to work in london during my trainning as a chef i was a apprentice chef working on the veg section in a very large open kitchen and sir elton john came in and sat down at a table no more then 80 yards away to say i was star struck was a under statment. Then 5 years later i got sous chef job at the jjb stadium and have cooked for wigan athletic and other teams. And met and chatted to footballers like steven gerrard wayne rooney and his wife.

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Guest rimotu66

the Queen Mother when she was our honorary colonel


You really cannot top that :good:


I guess my most famous would have to be Roger Marshall, multi British champion and all round great guy, I am a little bit biased though as I grew up down the street from him and see him now and again in my parents local.

After Roger it would be John Ottway, Leon Haslam, the Lowes twins, John McGuinness in fact quite a few motorcycle racing stars.


Damn, how did I forget James Whitham who presented me with a championship trophy the same day as he announced he was clear of cancer, really really great guy and the best bike racing commentator there is.

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Val kilmer


Adam Ant

All depeche mode

Alison moyet

Liv tyler

Sandy shaw






fred housego

john wilson

Matt hayes

Mick Brown

Chris tarrant

Terry marsh


Gary newman

Mathew kelly

billy connoly

Pamela stevens

Shirley bassey

frank macaveny

Clive allen

Richard griffith (uncle in harry potter)

Tommy walsh

the guy with the big droopy moustache from discovery channel who makes all the things out of scrap metal

Bloke who plays Jack in eastenders

serial stalker :)

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I met Kylie once - She's very short, but pleasant... Unlike her minders.


I also once rushed round a corner in Covent Garden and flattened a girl in leathers with punk hair who was coming the other way.Once she got up, she gave me a right mouthful..... All I could say was "Sorry Toyah, didn't see you there love".


Diminutive females aside, I've met Prince Charles, Peter O'Toole, Dave "Eurythmics" Stewart (loads of times, smashing bloke), and dozens of music & TV celebs... Once had a professional (photography) disagreement with Lindsey DePaul, and unfortunately reduced her to tears in our reception area.... But that's back on the short chicks thing again though!


My favourite name dropper though, is that I've been drinking with Ray Winstone a few times. His best mate used to work with us, so Ray would come round to the office of an evening, and decamp next door to the pub with us....And he's exactly like you'd imagine. Only jollier.

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