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Cravings from yesteryear


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Being able to jump on the bus even as it was pulling off.


Agreed, for a number of years I used to get the Routemaster up and down the Strand on a daily basis. A very practical and iconic bus suited to central London.


I never quite understood why it got taken out of service - urban myth tells of a tourist who got injured and sued for trillions or that the bus contravened disability discrimination legislation and had to go.

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Ahh as before Texan bars, wham bars (before they shrunk) highland toffee.....

Pints of blastaway (diamond White and castaway) don't miss the hangover tho!!


And god do I miss proper midget gems, not the horrible rancid type places sell these days and being able to buy a quarter!

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Old fashioned Tizer and Dandelion and Burdock - scrumping fruit from someone elses orchard - camping out during the hay harvest. Joules bitter and a castella cigar after a days farm work. Youth itself and a boundless joy and expectation of life. E type jags for a £1000 brand new. The list is long

and shows how old I am !!!

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i still crave the odd ex girlfriend :blush::D , but most of all proper milkyways . not the orrible things they make now.


How odd was she?


Petrol at 3/7p a gallon - not sure now what it is in new money - something like 17.5p -- when I was a smoker - Passion Cloud - anyone remember them.




You mean Passing Clouds? Smelled like a Turkish Harem.


What I miss is being able to get to work five days a week, 15 miles each way, and then go fishing 30 miles to Wetherby and back at the weekend on a gallon of petrol (Honda SS50)

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