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Security risk


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Dear All


It will pay to look yourself up and keep circulating this


A website has been brought to my attention that may pose a risk. The

website is http://www.b4usearch.com / and by clicking on 'People' and

typing in an individuals name and area it brings up their home address,

phone number, details of other members in the household, details of

neighbours in the same street and also directions to your home. I would

advise that if your details can be accessed via this website, that you

have them removed. To do this send an email to privacy@b4u.co.uk and

your request should be removed within 21 days if they are not removed

within this time you can complain to the Information Commissioner's

Office by sending an email to compliance@ico.gsi.gov.uk


Jon North

Detective Constable 2456

Thames Valley Police

Force Authorities Bureau

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Beware of sending e-mails lots of companies like this do just that to get lists of valid e-mail addresses to sell to people who will then spam you.

The results look like a google type search for your details which show up if they are elsewhere online

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Got me name and address but it's openly available on the electrol register anyway.


My Number is Ex Directory so they aint got that :oops:


Don't say when i go on holiday or what i have in the house so it's no REAL biggy is it?


Besides as someone stated before this could be a rouse to get your Email address and sell it on as ALL the info they find on you is free on ANY public domain through Telephone directories AND the electrol register :)



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Yea I found myself too - and I was actually lost :)


Seriously though, although it's possibly leading to junk mail etc, it (might) also cause some difficulties if a credit check or whatever company uses this and cant find you - so you get knocked back?


Good heads up mate thanks

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