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Has anyone been shot

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I have just been wondering?? after reading some stupid threads like "My mate said can i use a rimfire to shoot crows out of trees".

How many peolpe have been shot by irresponsible idoits.

I was unfortunate to be shot whilst in service 23years ago and have suffered ever since.

And was just wondering ho many other peolpe get angree when they read such threads.

Why are these people aloud a pea gun never mind a real firearm.


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I have just been wondering?? after reading some stupid threads like "My mate said can i use a rimfire to shoot crows out of trees".

How many peolpe have been shot by irresponsible idoits.

I was unfortunate to be shot whilst in service 23years ago and have suffered ever since.

And was just wondering ho many other peolpe get angree when they read such threads.

Why are these people aloud a pea gun never mind a real firearm.



I had a .22 air rifle pellet in my leg as a kid, it came through a hedge, never knew who fired it. I dug it out with a penknife (only skin deep), still got the scar.

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I have just been wondering?? after reading some stupid threads like "My mate said can i use a rimfire to shoot crows out of trees".

How many peolpe have been shot by irresponsible idoits.

I was unfortunate to be shot whilst in service 23years ago and have suffered ever since.

And was just wondering ho many other peolpe get angree when they read such threads.

Why are these people aloud a pea gun never mind a real firearm.


Who shot you?

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been shot in leg with an airgun by an idiot,and shot with 12g in shoulder,another idiot,we were ferreting and my mate invited this lad who had never even held a shotgun,let alone fire one,i was stood around 30 yards in front of this person when a rabbit bolted,i fired at the rabbit,he did the same,and got me,i was very lucky i didnt take a piece of shot in the back of the head,the same day the same idiot fired at a rabbit running along a fenceline,my mates dad had his(empty)shotgun leaning on the fence,and yes you guessed it,the gun took the brunt of the shot,this moron never came again....



Edited by rabbiter
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me and a good freind (we still are) were snipe shooting a saw a fox in the resh ahead of us we both put 32g no1s in i crouched down as he was comeing dawn the fence to me afetr 2-3mins i stood up to se where it was, just as a snipe brock back thrue the line of us tom followed thrue and i took 2 pellets at 30 yrd one in the hip and one in the rib i was damm lucky it hit the rib it cracked it too i was too scared to go to hospital incase the police took my guns( dont know why they would) so it stayed in their and went nasty! all green and pussey :blink: :blink: the one in my hip was slowed dawn by a game bag trousers and wax jacket so they got sqeezed out :oops:

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Interesting topic, though not pleasent for those on the receiving end of a gun.


Speaking of friends inviting their friends to come along and shoot - sometimes

without your prior knowledge is annoying. It's happened to me on a few occasions, I never

had a problem with anyone, it's just you never know. The worst part was that when one guy

fired the gun he nearly dropped it!


I've told my friends now that the ivite has to come from me personally.

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Yes, I was shot by myself, using the muzzle loader, in the study. Actually it was the farm, but that isnt in Cluedo.


I'm not going to go into too much detail, but it involved an attempt at patterning, a surprisingly hard sheet of chipboard, an inadequately small charge of powder and a load of rebounding shot.


The bag for the day was me, Wabbitbosher and Wb's mate Greg :blush::blush::blush:

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About 20 years ago an old boss shot me with my own air rifle which i'd brought in to shoot the ferral pigeons which kept roosting in our building.He fired at a hollow core door from about 10ft and i was standing on the other side having a coffee chatting to our sales rep.Damn pellet went through overalls,jeans and imbedded itself in my leg-which i picked out with a screwdriver then cleaned up with TCP and plaster.Scariest thing was it was at genitals level and i still shudder to what might have happened.


It was bloody painful.

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Got shot with an air rifle many moons ago. Hurt like ****!

Makes me wonder how these cowboys and the like in films get shot and just keep going as if nothing happened. I know i was jumping about squealing for 10 minutes or more.

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i took my sisters boyfriend shooting to a mates clayshoot( and yes he does hold a sgc ). on this particular shoot theres a armed response policemen that often comes for a shoot every now and then. well this time he turned up sporting a brand new four wheel drive to show off with and had parked it where the traps are operated from next to a caravan.

the first stand stood three guns including my sisters ****** of a boyfriend. i watched him close the gun and shout pull. he brought the gun up to his shoulder pointing it at the group of people stood by the caravan on the way up and covering the trigger with his finger in the process and before the gun reached his shoulder he had accidently pulled the trigger. bang...... smash. he had managed to not only shoot the coppers brand new 4x4 peppering the bonnet and smashing the windscreen but shot the copper aswell. luckily no one was hurt and the shot had gone through the sleeve of his jacket. it took alot of restraint not to give him the army treatment and rifle butt the prik in the back of the head.

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I don't get angry when I read of such threads regarding shooting birds in trees with a rimfire or heavier calibres.As long as it's done at an angle of 90 degrees I don't have an issue with it.Judging from the responses so far,it would appear most incidences of wounding done by negligence or accident are done with a shotgun or air rifle.

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only by a "paslode"nail gun in the hands of another joiner i work for,nailed my hand to a roof spar accidently of course,it really did hurt amd more so extracting my hand after we cut the head off the nail,at least he paid my days off!

Edited by Rupert
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never actually had a pellet hit me surprisingly but most seasons i have pellets zinging past whilst beating, and at one shoot the guns were warned that a beater would be in the game covert on the hill brow, that was very close!!

Had a friend who shot at a partridge near some telephone wires and the ricochet was hard enough to break the skin on his forehead, very lucky it wasnt his eye, and his head has a thick bone layer! Bled quite well!!

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only by a "paslode"nail gun in the hands of another joiner i work for,nailed my hand to a roof spar accidently of course,it really did hurt amd more so extracting my hand after we cut the head off the nail,at least he paid my days off!

A workmate shot himself with a 'Paslode'(good job he was just using 50's at the time)Icy morning,putting down locators on a wall plate.Stabbed at the ply,gun didn't go off(cold gas probably)slid along ice 'til it hit his thumb,then went off! :lol: Took a nice divot out of his thumb!

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My brother was shot with an air rifle when he was about ten or eleven by a neighbours son a little older. Usual "its not loaded" rubbish. The pellet hit the main artery in the groin, he was taken to hospital and somehow the pellet had to be left in while they operated due to the severity of the injury the doctors were unsure what would happen if they removed it?


My dad at the time was going to wrap the airgun around the head of the other boys father!!!

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only by a "paslode"nail gun in the hands of another joiner i work for,nailed my hand to a roof spar accidently of course,it really did hurt amd more so extracting my hand after we cut the head off the nail,at least he paid my days off!

Same here, but twice, both with 90mm ringshanks!!! Proper hurt, the first time was nailing a fascia to a noggin (didnt think as was on price and rushing) and boff, straight through, pulled it out and struggled down the ladder with blood down my arm, straight in my mates van into A+E, haha. Left a massive bruise on the underside of my forearm for some reason. Second I was fencing at a mates house, nailed but it "fishooked" and came back, but it pushed my finger away instead of going in. Never been shot with anything else apart from BB guns when I was younger. Touch wood!!

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