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Most hit with one shot

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I've only managed one from one,


But witnessed a mate shoot three from one. We were walking through a wood to a field where we were going to be setting up our hide, I got to the edge of the wood first and saw a pigeon on the deck about 20 yards out feeding. Mate had his gun out with a couple in the pipe so I did the whole pssssst thing and pointed to where the bird was.

He got to the edge of the wood and lined up just as two more came in to land.

Literally within a few seconds of them landing he took the shot and all three dropped, he said they all moved into a line as he was aiming. I couldn't believe it!


Two stone dead the other wounded which was quickly dispatched, maybe not an amazing shot but certainly an amazing piece of luck. I doubt I'll see that ever happen again. And you have my word this happened :good:

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A good few years ago a mate and myself were out rough shooting when we bumped into the farmer who was in a right rip about the number of starlings on his ground and mostly feeding around his barns. On getting back to the yard later in the day he asked if we had shot any and as we had not (did'nt want to) we thought we had better show willing. Getting to the result 4 shots (2 x each) = 33 picked starlings, the dogs thought is was their birthday and it was a handy supply of ferret food for a bit. A few weeks later after some bad cold the woodland floor on that farm was covered in dead starlings. We dont seem to see massive flocks like this any more.

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Many years ago a farmer friend was having trouble with sparrows eating the chicken corn. Got some 9shot and waited for the flock to land.

My single barrel AYA cosmos accounted for 28. Actually I now really regret this and would never repeat this knowing what I know now.


I also had 5 mallard with one shot about 6 years ago. 36gms of heavishot at about 35yds. Shot at the nearest duck as it came in to land on a splash which the farmer had been feeding up. The others got caught dropping in behind though only 2 of the 5 were dead. It took ages to get the other three as I had no dog and it was pitch black by the time I found the last 1. Another scenario I'd rather not repeat!





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Best ive done is 4 rats with 1 shotgun cartridge, (fair enough they where all feeding on the same pile of wheat) but I shot 2 Canada's about a month ago with 1 cartridge at about 30 yards away. Done 2 pigeon with 1 shoot too, total fluke, the same as the Canada's, they where just in the right place at the right time, if I tried to do it, I bet it would never happen!

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I've had two Deer with my .338 and three Rabbits with my 6.5x55. With a shotgun hitting something is a bonus, let alone more than one with a single shot! :oops:


Actually I did once take two birds with one shot with a shotgun. A Pigeon and another bird directly behind it which I didn't see. It was the saddest day of my shooting life - I didn't go out for about a month afterwards. :no:

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erm 6 geese sitting in a field, 42 steel over their heads killed the lot clean as a whistle


and i got 7 teal in one shot punt gun style i spent a houre stalking them one shot killed 5 and crippled two the other two shots in the gun got 2 more as they flew off 9 birds for 3 shots!


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Many years back I was out pigeon shooting with a Navy Arms 12 gauge muzzle loader.Mid afternoon the fog came down and visibility dropped to about 30 yards so we moved to a small copse in the hope of catching a few if they came in to sit out the fog.A large group of over a hundred came in and for some reason (doubt they could see me)they spooked and I heard the clatter of wings as they pitched into one of the trees just outside the copse.Being determined to get a shot I wandered off in search of them and was soon face to face with the majority of the flock smothering a small tree (looked quite comical).Carefully lining up the nearest bird I let them have both barrels as quickly as I could pull the triggers and was deafened by the report of the gun and the sound of panic stricken wings.Picked up 12 with only a couple needing finishing off.Had worse days! :yes:

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erm 6 geese sitting in a field, 42 steel over their heads killed the lot clean as a whistle


and i got 7 teal in one shot punt gun style i spent a houre stalking them one shot killed 5 and crippled two the other two shots in the gun got 2 more as they flew off 9 birds for 3 shots!



Whilst what you shot may be OK - just, "crippled two" is not a nice way to describe shooting - why not just leave it as "wounding" or something like that?


Your final words in block capitals would seem to indicate that you have some doubts about your shooting "prowess" and I am not surprised in the slightest. A bird that is flying is much more of a challenge - each to their own I suppose.....

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Quite a few woody pairs with one shot over decoys, once had a flock land in a tree behind me so I chose a couple together and fired, killed two more behind I hadn't seen. The most amazing was once when we were watching a field of rape in winter absolutely blue with birds. The chap I was with was an excitable newbie and just couldn't contain himself :lol: , so before I knew it he got his gun out and as the flock took off for a flutter he gave them both barrels; we ended up picking 8 birds, he thought it was great fun. :)

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