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what will fetch the magpies in?

Keith RW

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whilst out last Sunday walking around my permission I came across something like a dozen magpies, possibly more,

all grouped together and which are tending to be more elusive than ever, getting anywhere like

near them with a chance at a shot with the 12g is proving impossible so far.


Question is, what might I be able to use to get them to come closer from the hedgerows they are in and which are across a grass field from me where they are out of range (and on land which I don't have permission) and get them to come towards me on the edge of the wooded area where I can set up hide.


would a plastic magpie decoy playing dead and a couple of crow decoys next to it have any likely results ?

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Use an owl decoy in a prominant position like on a fence post within range of your hide. Or put a dead rabbit down, half paunched, with a couple of magpie or crow decoys standing over it and attract attention with a rattle or caller.

You'll get a good few crows interested as well and in both cases your hide will need to be absolutely spot-on. Nothing's got eyesight like a magpie.

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My self and a friend shot 37 magpies in a local wood one evening a couple of years ago. We went to shoot roosting pigeons and shot a couple of magpies which we set out on the edge of the wood. The started coming in droves and no amount of shooting scared them away.We were both using 12G 28g 7 1/2s. As we shot them we threw them all out into the field along with the two originals. It ended up like a set of pigeon decoys.

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I've never had much success with the plastic magpie decoys,i'm not sure if the FUD decoys work any better.The magpie rattle seems to work well in the spring/early summer when they're young and naive,but they do seem to get wise to it after a while.


A dead rabbit works well,and if it's laid out in an area where they're active,it doesn't take them long to find it. Then once you get your first one,your in business........ the others will go mental.If you can, freeze one,so you can use it as a decoy another day


I've also tried laying a dead one out,with a FUD crow decoy standing over,which really stirred them up.


But keep changing how you set up your ambush,they're cunning ******** and it doesn't take them long to get wise to your set up.

Edited by the enigma
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I read in an airgun magagazine, that placing a carrier bag with 'rubbish' spilling out, will attract Magpies. If you tie a few empty tins, bread wrappers, and place a few egg shell outside the bag, the Magpies will think its a rubbish bag that's split open. I have'nt tried this myself, but apparantly it works.

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Few things better a dead rabbit within 35 yds of your posision. Not ever had much luck with plasitic deeks but a stuffed fox or cat works a treat. Old time keepers used to put a big hob ferret out on a line, they go crazy to mob it (of course this now comes under live deycoy laws now, but it doesn't half work as i used to exersize my ferrets like this and can attest to its powers)

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