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Anyone else get wound up by this?


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Yep - winds me up also and usually find it's women that don't acknowledge as though they expect it - :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Another that winds me up is our local brat run - narrow road with all the legless taxi's parked all down one side so you have no option but to drive down other side of road - half way down a tart will drive round corner and stop by first car expecting me to back up - up her's - I get newspaper out they soon back up - well not exactly back up more weave side to side in general direction of backing up. :yes: :yes:



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I only ever wave if the person has *had* to give way. What I mean is, if there is enough room for two cars to pass side-by-side, but the other person stops to "give way" when there is no need to, I don't wave. If they can't judge the width of their vehicle then they shouldn't be driving.


I get more annoyed by people who see you sitting at a T-junction giving way, then they turn in without indication.

Edited by Piebob
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I think it's worce if you hold a door open for someone and they dont even look at you let alone thank you, that really gets me!


i always let them know, "manners doesnt cost a thing you know".


Another that gets me. When shop keepers put the money on the counter when your holding your hand for the change and they can blatently see you waiting. *******!

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It definitely gets my goat. I always say no no there is no need to thank me it was my pleasure. That seems to wind the other half up as much as the other driver winds me up though.


:lol: I have noticed its a fair proportion of well to do types in rangies, discoveries, jags, beamers and mercs that are the worst culprits..


I always go for it rather than let them through but will always stop for a woman simply because you havent a clue in hell what they are going to do.


If I do stop for one of the above I always flash my lights when they come through and put my hand up because I know that they wont acknowledge it...i hope it makes them feel really small and inadequate. :lol: :lol:

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I only ever wave if the person has *had* to give way. What I mean is, if there is enough room for two cars to pass side-by-side, but the other person stops to "give way" when there is no need to, I don't wave. If they can't judge the width of their vehicle then they shouldn't be driving.


I get more annoyed by people who see you sitting at a T-junction giving way, then they turn in without indication.


Yep, know what you mean. It's just the same as a shooter who can't estimate 40 yards/metres to within 6"/15cms they shouldn't be allowed to have a SGC let alone a FAC.

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Yes, it winds me up also.... :look:


If I've pulled over and it gets to that critical moment that you're not going to get a wave then I simple give them a big wave.


It usually results in a very late wave back from them :good:


If I don't get a wave I just mumble some proverbial abuse to myself :lol:

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I was on a single track road the other day and somebody pulled into a parking space, I did go to wave thanks but was too late too, my passenger did though so hopefully they didnt curse me for it. Reason was is that I was on a hill and no power steering in my work van so wanted to keep both hands on steering wheel to make sure.

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a couple of years ago on holiday in cornwall, on a narrow lane with high sided hedges i met an oncoming motorist, she sat stationary for a bit, so i then decided to reverse, it was at least 150 yards of winding lane for me to find somewhere to pull in, she then sped past me without any type of thanks, now this does always wind me up - but what made it much much worse, was realising that she was not more than 15 yards from a spot to pull in, i was spitting feathers ! manners cost nothing.

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Another that gets me. When shop keepers put the money on the counter when your holding your hand for the change and they can blatently see you waiting. *******!

Yeah that really bites me to, it's ovious really, there you are holding your hand out for what seems like the longest while whilst they mess about with your change, only to have it dumped in front of you, really makes you feel a bit of a ****, then having to spend more time rummaging around picking it back up!

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I would invent a time machine just to go back in time and not give way.


I find driving with the window half way down and shouting "yeah you're ******* welcome [mate]/[love]" makes the unhappy experience more bearable.


Ahh, Mung. It's like you're a chip of the old block :lol:


It does grind on me and it does tend to be mainly women. not all the time but a fair percentage, certainly in my area. It's rude and discourteous not to make your thanks heard or known to the person being courteous. I will always put up a hand long enough and bold enough for the other driver to see or say thank you very much in a loud clear voice if someone holds a door open for me or my Mrs.


The last time I pulled someone up for not having the courtesy to say thank you, they swore black was white that they did and that I shouldn't be so rude as point it out to them. They then said my Mrs looked like a fishermans wife (???) and should take greater care in her appearance. Incidently, it stemmed from some old dear who had dropped a fete programme and I picked it up for her. When she didn't say thank you I told her it was normlly the done thing to do so.


Not quite as eloquent as munglers 'Up yours!' but each to their own.

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