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New gun meltdown


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If you want to send your wife down Gixer I wouldnt expect her to walk from scotland to Norwich . I would drop a bike off at kings Lynn for her .


Harnser .


sod the bike Harsner - knowing my wife she'd sell it and make a profit! make the wench walk! ...remember she already got a kiss! :lol: can't give too much in one go!

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It's quite easy, just give her a chocolate button when she does something good, and a squirt of water in the face when she does wrong. Some people use electric shock collars, but this should really only be used for the worst behaviour.

Watched the 'Big Bang Theory' where one of them did this, trouble is i watched it with my wife so she would know what I am up to ! :sad1:

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My other half used to be a bit like this. Try making a 'supreme sacrifice' to earn brownie points! I'm selling my (beloved!) Mazda RX8 because we can't afford to run two gas guzzlers (A grand cherokee). My Mrs says that when I sell it I can buy a new gun!! I'm not sure if she's trying to confuse me.... :eh:

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this thread makes me laugh :hmm: you work for a living obviously,aslong as they have what they want ect whats the diffrence in you getting what you want :good: i,m not having ago mate .....show them nothing :no: the more you show them the more they moan about :sad1: I hope you get what you want ....... :good:

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Many years ago I used to work with a woman who's husband used to go fishing in Ireland for a week each year with his brother...........................silly man.




If you get what I mean? As soon as he was off down the road she turned into a raging nympho for a week and then reverted back to sweet darling little wifey when he got back. Half the young blokes in the workshops were on vitamin tablets the week before he went trying to build up their strength a bit for the task ahead. The older blokes took bets and kept a score sheet. There is no way I would leave my wife alone for a week to go fishing. No way at all.

Edited by Vince Green
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Many years ago I used to work with a woman who's husband used to go fishing in Ireland for a week each year with his brother...........................silly man.




If you get what I mean? As soon as he was off down the road she turned into a raging nympho for a week and then reverted back to sweet darling little wifey when he got back. Half the young blokes in the workshops were on vitamin tablets the week before he went trying to build up their strength a bit for the task ahead. The older blokes took bets and kept a score sheet. There is no way I would leave my wife alone for a week to go fishing. No way at all.


Trust is a marvellous thing..........

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got 3 guns . simple rules we have joint account for life wots left is 50/50 ours spend it on whatever u want she got 2 grands of pandora bead **** sh,,,, i got 3 shottys n 2 airguns all happy no ding dong rows life 2 short .watched my pa lose his battle against cancer that made me say life sucks we want it we have it .your only here once no rehersals live life go out smiling

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I thought that's what the top shelf of a gun safe was for, Gun Fund money so the screaming skull doesn't find it ! As for getting it in the house, just wait till she's out, then take in the house. Most of my guns have been REAL bargains or swaps ;-) just like the 3 wardrobes of rags she has :-) tell em nowt, save the ozone layer that's my motto

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If you give in next time it will be worse ! stand your ground & don't budge an inch ! or the next thing you know she will have you preforming tricks like a pet poodle in front of her friends !.


I stayed a bachelor & its the best decision I ever made once they think they have got you under control they CHANGE !!!! talk about Jackal & Hyde !!!!


I got rid of the last one cos she wouldn't iron me a shirt ! :good:

Edited by Pole Star
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