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What are you most looking forward to over Christmas?


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Title says it all really.


For me, it has to be a nice break from work and spending some quality time with my wife.( only been married 4 month so may be a different story next year :lol:)


My dad always goes to his apartment in lanzarote for Christmas but that just seems

Wrong to me. I like it to be cold over Christmas, not miserable, just cold.

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Looking forward to the Boxing Day shoot, except not having one this year as we are having Christmas lunch part II at my parents on the 26th. So it will have to be a morning on the marsh instead, may reschedule the Boxing Day shoot for the 24th!


Just hope we have a proper cold snap, two week sub zero with a foot of snow across Christmas, quick thaw then more of the same for the end of season beaters days.

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I finish work on the 14th December and dont go back till 7thJanuary so it a nice long break for me.


Christmas day watching my 2 year old grandson unwrap his presents and playing with him and I suppose being at home with the missus. lol


I have 2 Farmers shoots to go too, there great, not many birds but the company and friendship is worth more and I have 2 driven days booked so they will be good.


Trying to do some of the things I keep wanting to do round the house lol ( unless the rape needs attending too :good: )


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Up with the other half an open me prezzies i may have had off santa for being a good boy, then up my mothers house and spend a couple of hours up there. Then out about half 10 for a

couple of Christams Day jars with the lads. Home for a Lush Christmas dinner cooked by the other half about 2ish. The usual crash out an snooze for

a few hours digetstion period an let all the goodness settle down. Either have a cozy night in the evening or as per norm we'll go to my bezza mates house

and have a few beers with him an his family. Always good company there and a right laugh is had by all.


Boxing Day may do some early morning shooting, then home for Turkey, chips and home made pickles and after, out for a few beers with the lads

in a pub that has some sort of Christmasy entertainment.


Though things could well change between now an the Big Day. But what ever does unfold, i hope it still will be a very Merry Christmas.




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Generally I am not a Xmas person and tend to relax more when its over ( in fact the family say I am misery guts ) , allways worked Xmas where I could , however I am a Grandad now and look forward to seeing Jack (2) with his prezzies . Got him a battery operated Stihl Chainsaw to annoy his mum & dad with and just cheered up a bit as only 10 mins ago postie been and opened a letter from HMRC expecting an underpayment from when I was s/e 3 yrs ago but nice surprise of £216 due as they say I overpaid . :good:

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im working xmas eve and xmas day and boxing day....so christmas is a no go for me this year..


my mrs will be at her mums for the 3 days and i will be living at work for the 3 days...no the best of situations really but it pays the bills :no:


That's my situation next year. I ******* hate shift work sometimes! 😡

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I love having time with the family. Her side of the family will be with us for lunch and everybody else will join us for tea. We'll have our usual Indian buffet on boxing day evening and totally slob out on the 27th in PJs all day.


Go to make the most of this year as I'll be working next Christmas. 😢

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