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Just like to say


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Just before I batten down the hatches for our nice and quiet New Year's Eve evening as always and only answering the door to the Indian delivery driver,

I would like to say a massive ALL THE VERY BEST to you all and a big thank you to everyone for making 2012 on PW so enjoyable I have sometimes laughed so hard I've cried and read some quite saddening threads and posts but that's what makes PW what it is.

Thank you also for those guys who I have met off here and even though we may not agree on everything I can hand on heart say I have not met anyone I would not want to meet again, some have become good mates.

So enjoy yourselves wherever and whatever you may do this evening and stay safe


My utmost regards






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Sorry to hear your working Dave but respect to you mate because so many people these days don't give a damn and would chuck a sicky. Me and the wife grab any chance of quality time together because both of us work so much

All the best


Somebody is actually off sick, so I've volunteered to cover the shift.

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I'll be sitting in front of a bank of screens in work.


Snap on New Years Day but at least I'll be home in the evening. At work now but can't have a drink tonight as I'm up at 04:30.


Just think Tug, all them telly's to watch and nowt decent on any of them.


Anyway happy NY to all.

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A generous thought bi9johnny and I wish you compliments of the season.


I have not met many PW members but those I have met have been sound fellows with whom I would be happy to share a hide. I have been lucky to get some more land to shoot over for next year and I hope to share my good fortune with PW members who perhaps don't get much pigeon shooting.

Edited by JDog
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