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Empty cartridge litter louts


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  1. 1. Do you put your empty cartridge in the bins provided or let them litter the floor ???

    • Put in bins provided
    • Let them fly out and litter the floor

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I've been to a number of clubs and have noticed still quite a number of people still let the empty fly out of the chamber and litter the floor :no: , I know with a semi auto it's still abit difficult to find all of them but do people think I'm paying to shoot here so let the staff pick up the empties ???

Or is the modern day etiquette to pick up your empties :good: opinions please :)

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Semi-auto, but always pick up all the empties I can find (often including those from other shooters). In fact a bloke waiting to follow me said 'I thought you were praying to Mecca', as I was down on my knees reaching for an awkward one at Park Lodge last Sunday... Can't abide littering, or lazy shooters :no: .

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You should pick them up, you may be paying to shoot there but manners cost nothing.

Could not have put it better. It's just good manners.

Plus it's usually young lads and lasses who operate the traps where I shoot and I bet they only get paid peanuts. The last thing they need is to tidy up after lazy people.

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I like litter louts walking off after flight around 10am off a popular scotish marsh last year there had been a lot of action on pinks that morning, walking past where the guns were linned out i picked up 27 3.5 inch chedite cases and 19 dark green Remington 10ga cases. Love litter louts.

Edited by B B
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I think it is disrespectful to leave your empty cartridges lying about out in the field or at the clay grounds!

You wouldn't just throw your litter down on the floor at home and walk off so why should you do it in the field or at the clay ground?

Edited by Frenchieboy
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I challanged a Chap one day at Steve Smith's about his empties!


His exact words were " I don't pay £6 to pick up my own cartridges "


I would have banned him if I ran it!



Some years ago whilst refferreeing at a large prostigious shooting ground in Bedfordshire I had been politely telling the squads to place their empty shells in the bins provided.



One shooter complained and I was repremanded by the Ground Manager for doing so. His logic was that they had a load of youngsters employed to clear up.



Personally, I catch my ejected shells and place them in the bin when using the u/o for clays and pick up as many as I can find when using the s/a for hunting.

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It is all down to good manners to pick up after yourself,I am a bit anal about things like this!,their is absolutely no reason why we as adults are not able to bin used cartridges and the boxes!. This is how bad I am my wife when we first started seeing each other chucked out a sweet wrapper out of the car window,I was so incensed, I stopped the car on the verge and made her get out and pick up the said wrapper. Bearing in mind we were on the new A299 Thanet way!,i might have been a little harsh but hey if some of us dont make stand where would we be!.


I worked for a few Years out in Singapore and littering was punishable by flogging,and this was only 5 years ago!,


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You should see the amount of empty cases left by the people from the boot shaped country . they leave em all over the place & they don't stop shooting at birds until the magazine is empty . Rant over but its a fact ! .


Thank heavens most people pick them up these days & when we have clay shoots we all pick up at the end of the day & burn them in a barrel that's there for the job . :good:

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Even when I first started shooting my coach tought me to open the gun and catch the cartridges, therefore making it easier to put them in the bin. I hate litter so its a no brainer to me.


I've never seen anyone leave a lot of cartridges around, I think I would have to say something if I did.

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I challanged a Chap one day at Steve Smith's about his empties!


His exact words were " I don't pay £6 to pick up my own cartridges "


I would have banned him if I ran it!


Had a similar experience up there, whole family of ****heads doing it when there are cartridge bins EVERYWHERE up there <_<


If i'm using my O/U i just eject them into my hand and throw them in the bin. At my strawbaler one of the areas we shoot from is quite tight and if you eject them they'll twang the scorer and/or button man in the face, and the other is on a high stand usually surrounded by nettles and/or horse plop so its just utter ignorance letting them fly, plenty people still do though :mad:

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