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There was a time when...

henry d

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...getting up at 3am, going to work and then lamping until the wee hours, bed around 1am and up at 7-30 would be taken in my stride.


...going to the Grouse and marching off up the hill and only stopping when the fit guys were (also) peching (also know as - breathing out their bottoms) would be taken in my stride.


...dragging a beast was no bother.


However I am now a little greyer where my hair used to be and the above wipes me out, what do you find a wee bit too much nowadays in the field that were once taken in your stride?

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I got home from lamping at 2am this morning , up at 7am to exercise the dogs and dead on the sofa between then and tea :lol:

Working a 4 on 4 off shift pattern I often used to go shooting or fishing straight after my last 12hr night , I rarely do that now as it kills me.

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Used to go drinking every night of the week, working away all week we'd be up at 6 and finish around 730. 5-6 pints, bed up brekkie work.


I now struggle to go lamping when Iv got work the next day. Or should that be, I struggle to go to work when Iv been lamping. Lol


Had a night foxing after my stalk the other week, got home at 2am. Showed up for work just a few hours late... :-D

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Henry, I joined the used to do that club some time ago, walked up grouse is now something that others do. Even the walk and stand game syndicate I belong to is hard work on the walking bit, fortunately my grandson now shares with me so he carries my kit,sad but true, getting old is not all fun, but it is one hundred percent better than being Dead.




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Rings a bell does this.I thought nothing of going straight out at 0600 following a 12 hour night shift to catch those early morning summer bunnies,now when out lamping I'm yawning my head off and wanting to go home at 2300.Still do it of course,including the early starts,but no more shifts.

Have a mate who drives all day as part of his job,he is a year or two older than me(I'm 54)and negotiating the hills on walked up days has him puffing and panting,but that's down to fitness levels I think and not his age.

The thought of a very early Roe Buck stalk would have me springing out of bed at one time.Still do this also,but have misplaced the spring somewhere.

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I take pride in being quite fit for a sixty year old. I was the fittest person on the grouse moor last week (I did the outside leg all day) and if necessary I can carry all of my pigeon shooting kit across any sized field to get to where I want to go.


The sport gives me the adrenalin to push on and get through when I am tired, but I am never too tired to go shooting when there is sport to be had.

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All though it may have something to do with this 8 month old lady trying to crawl in front off me ;) ha ha ow and 5 dogs 4 cats rabbit mrs mother in law who decided to crash her car this morning :/ working contis and having two houses.


Yep it's defo the shooting tiring me out lol.

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