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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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Spot on. Yes the doorman went well OTT, but he didn't ask the lad to cause trouble did he?! If you act like a moron and get hurt it's nobody's fault but your own in my opinion. I've had plenty of disagreements with coppers and door staff but not once have I been manhandled because I don't act the big man like this little **** did.

If nobody ever acted like a moron there would be no doormen, so every drunken **** should just automatically be given a kick in?


They no what they sign up for and what they have to and are expected to deal with.



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That is bloody brutal...not reasonable force by any stretch of the imagination and the other stupid door men should of interveined to aid in the restraint of the aggressor, not leave them to "fight it out" like a bloody street brawl. An MMA style take down on a Tarmac floor, I would look to take his for attempted murder.

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What I saw in this clip was a moron who was meant to be a door man at a club. Once the problem is removed from the club, job is done. He should have stayed at the door and if the yob then made a move on him that is when he is to react all be it with minimum force. The moron took several paces forwards to try and trip the yob which then ended up with them in a tussle well away from the morons place of duty. The end result is sickening and could have been lights out for the yob, the moron is lucky that he is not facing man slaughter charges.

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Not defending the doorman for his actions. What I do want to know though is: how often have any of you have had to deal with someone who is totally zoned out like this lad seemed to be? If for one moment you look at and consider the unnatural strength of conviction and commitment he is putting into trying to fight the doorman would you just stand back and allow him to keep on hitting you?


Yes the doorman should have kept himself indoors. But as others have said here, we do not know how much provocation or whatever was in the lead up to it all.


To those who seem to want to attack the opinion of those who can understand the fact that one way or another the situation happened - rightly or wrongly and the doorman is OTT in the way he stopped it from going further - please wake up and smell the coffee. Just because you think the world should run your way - doesn't mean it will - and doesn't give you the right to act so righteously with other people points of view.

Who do you think you are? Judge, jury and defence solicitor for all the clods on the planet who have no social responsibility?


Once again look at the intensity of how the numpty goes at it. - that is - in my opinion - drug induced - and will not be stopped easily. If the doorman left the scene - then some other poor punter would have been the target of this moron.


Oh and in reply to the point made about alcohol still being legal - absolutely yes it is, but that is why we have laws to enforce acceptable behaviour when people consume it. My point is that it isn't always enforced by those who sell it all night to folk they know have had far too much - or is that too pious for you to understand?


Have fun folks. :friends::yahoo:


Pushkin B)


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I think it was excessive but the guy just wouldn't stop, how long do you keep taking punches before one catches you and knocks you out? I think the second bouncer could have done more but you don't know if matey had friends nearby watching.


I feel sorry for people in this line of work same as I do the police as your expected to remain calm in a virtually impossible situation. I would think there is more occurred than what the video actually shows, it looks to me like it's been filmed on a mobile so we've probably missed round 1 and they've started filming round 2.


I doubt the bouncer meant to slam him on his head but it's happened, people would soon be moaning if matey walked off and kicked the poop out of some innocent passer by because a bouncer had got the better of him.


IMO it's the 70% the guys fault for keeping going as the bouncer was running out of options and jus wanted him on the ground ASAP. 30% poor judgement for how he slammed him but he's just picked up a very angry aggressive drunk what was he meant to do?


I'd let him off the guy was a thug the bouncer just made a mistake in the line of duty.

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Pound to a penny we ain't heard the last of it:


Mr.Bouncer is probably bricking it about the claims that could come his way. I wonder how bad the spinal/neck/head damage is when the drink and/or drugs wear off and the pain kicks in, he might be a cripple who just don't know it yet. A paving slab is a good bit less shock absorbing than a wrestling ring floor.

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I love the views that perhaps the doorman was saving some other member of the public from possible assault. He didn't go on to restrain the man or even get help. He had done his bit of showing off and walked away.


Bizarre is the most polite thing that could be said about those views.

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iv watched this again and shown my family and it's mixed reviews but like my brother and mum said the bouncer (taking the other bouncer out of the equation) was running out of options and it's quite clear the lad was ready to have a real tear up, and I wonder if the lad would have stopped kicking the **** out of him once he was on the ground? The way he was going I think he would probly be stamping all over the bouncers head. antill anyone is in that situation how can you comment? Sometimes no amount of talking will stop a drunk yob wanted to kick you all around the road. iv seen it when iv been out in town when a nice group of lads get started in buy 2 drunk bloke and it kicks off and you do think " I wish one of them lads was a boxer and just knocked both of them out" what difference would it have made if the bouncer chinned him and knocked him out, or dropped him on his head, both just as dangerous.

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Ha ha, I don't see too many murder victims making an allegation. Video/film/Hard evidence is perfectly acceptable. The Police have this video (it is in the public domain), if there was evidence within it to charge anyone then it is up to them if they want to bring a case, even if the alleged victim does not want to bring charges, the police have a duty to the public and if they thought there was evidence or it was in the public interest THEY will charge the doorman whatever anyone else says. :good:

Slight difference between murder and assault though.

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Pound to a penny we ain't heard the last of it:


Mr.Bouncer is probably bricking it about the claims that could come his way. I wonder how bad the spinal/neck/head damage is when the drink and/or drugs wear off and the pain kicks in, he might be a cripple who just don't know it yet. A paving slab is a good bit less shock absorbing than a wrestling ring floor.

No complaint from the young lad and he was up and trying in fight again in 5 sec
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I know the story behind this and in all 160 odd comments nobody has got it right. The lad was ejected from the club for fighting. He hit the doorman on the way out and ran outside. He waited for the lad to turn his back and ran up and hit him again, then the third time he told his pals to record it on his phone but this time the doorman reacted back. He throws no punches but does try to restrain, very sloppily, and eventually it gets out of hand.

The lad handed himself into the police station after the video went viral and has since lost his badge and his job.

It's a hard job working as a doorman in Newcastle just like it is in any part of the country. Your always going to get grief off little tossers or wannabe gangsters. Sadly it's all part and parcel of the job.

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It's all good criticizing the doorman BUT if I was in that position, a drunken idiot shouting in my face, who had already been fighting, no matter where I was I'd want to defend myself and not be a punch bag. As for the harsh takedown being "un professional", there is no such thing as a fair fight, if you can imobilize them quickly then why not? Yes he maybe could have used a different technique but I'm pretty sure while getting punched in the face your not going to think, oh I better be gentle as I might hurt him.


We're all soon to comment on here how he was in the wrong but yet we protest when a thief gets compensated for being beaten/shot etc, what's more valuable to you? Your tv or potentialy your life?


Sorry but that's horse ****. A door man chooses and gets paid to put himself in harms way in a beer fuelled environment. There job is to control the situation and ensure the safety of other party goers. There was no control here it was a straight fight. Licensed thugs. If a police officer did that you would be ready to lynch him.

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Sorry but that's horse ****. A door man chooses and gets paid to put himself in harms way in a beer fuelled environment. There job is to control the situation and ensure the safety of other party goers. There was no control here it was a straight fight. Licensed thugs. If a police officer did that you would be ready to lynch him.

At last the voice of reason :stupid: At least he has lost his badge! The doors are now a little safer in Newcastle :good:

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Can't really believe this hs went on for 9 pages. Everyone has got an opinion, usually a strong 1


From some of the replies i think a lot off u need to get out into the pub scene nowadays, it has changed a lot. There is no longer rules for a 1 on 1 square up, doesn't happen now its groups v 1 or others groups, hit the deck no one lets u get up they all come in with boots flying there really is no mercy. In my day first thing u done was put ur pint down so not to spill it; now u see the little *******'s about to start a fight or going to help there mates out and first thing they do is pick up a bottle or glass. The rules have turned full circle.

Yes some off the old school boys were in it for a fight but they generally only hit folk causing bother who were also looking for fights.

I mind 1 night club the bouncers used to help us up the stairs to get in if we were so drunk, :yahoo: we were all biggish lads but bouncers knew we never started bother and were just after more drink and slim chance off birds. Thoose were the days :innocent:


Look i was a total ******** like most folk in my youth on the bevy 4+ odd nights a week at college or working away from home, but fighting is the furthest thing from my mind when drunk, luckily same with my mates


I've also done the doors, there are a few thugs on the doors on power trips but it is quite unusual now, allthe licensing has sort of sropped it. When i was on doors i always treated folk the way i would want to be treated when i was drunk. But generally the folk that get a slap deserve a slap


Here's a senerio Ur walking down a street on a Fri or sat nite and see a fight and a boy on deck getting a hiding off either 1 or 3 boys acrooss the road from a pub with bouncers. Do u stop and split it up? I would bet most would'nt, yet u would expect the bouncers too even thou none off there business

I would argue most bouncers would go acrooss the road to help even thou nothig to do with their job, infact possibly leaving door abondaned undermanned. Bouncers actually have less rights than a normal person in the street as deemed a person of responsibility and can have ur ticket taken away from u which may pay ur mortgage


While i do not agree with wot he has done i think a lot of the critism is pretty harsh and shows how out of touch many of u actually are with wot happens in big towns esp a place like newcastle


Also as plenty of others have said the polis usually are as much good as a choclate fire guard when ur on the door, the response times can be terrible funny how the polis are all angels when it comes to situatuions like this but are the devil when comes to firearms licensing or traffic offences,


As far as i'm concerned the bouncer should not have got involved wether been hit or not, they should have simply closed the door and let the boy get bored. Been involved in a similar situation with some off the boys i worked with, bouncer got cuaght outside as a gang of his mates charged pretty much tunerd into a mini roit for about 15mins, 100yds for polis station and they never even tuned up, could look out window and see it :no:

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The doorman has lost his badge and job, yet according to some, he didn't do anything wrong. The logic escapes me.


As for all this - "you must get into the pub scene or get in touch" - do me a favour. The doorman was employed in the very scene and should have known how to conduct himself.


The above scenario is a junior classic - conclusion jumping of the highest level.

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So gordon or scully have u ever jumped into split a fight up between randoms to stop someone getting really badly hurt?


Yet bouncers ar expected to do it both inside (part of job and paid for it) but also outside.

I bet if the punter went on and battered a bird or random bloke and bouncers stood and watched they would still be in wrong.


He should never have 'slamdunked' him like that and i think it is right he has lost his job and ticket but some of the critism is just nonesense

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scotslad - you really need to think about what you post. This was not a fight between "randoms". You then wager that the punter might have battered someone else, never pausing for a second to wonder if the doorman might go on to batter someone else, which seems the more likely.


The criticism is justified - the doorman did it. The Police have given their view - via press statement. He has lost his ticket, lost his job, but you are still not happy. He could have maimed or killed the punter. Please don't say he didn't - he didn't give it a second thought.


As for the juvenile comment about have Scully or I jumped in between "randoms"? - whatever they may be - it is akin to saying that you can't judge a murderer unless you have murdered someone. Priceless.

Edited by Gordon R
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