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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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At no time have i ever justified wot he done, quite the oppisate he made 3 or 4 wrong decisions in quick succesion and i think it is right he has lost his ticket and fully deserves to be charged, he could of very easily hurt or killed the boy. Wot more can i say.


Hundereds of thousands of people possibly millions go out every wknd and never get battered/slamdunked by bouncers, are they all just lucky or will there time will come!!

This was a very unfortunate incident which was provocked (still no excuse) and is pretty rare concisdering the ammount of punters that go out and the grief bouncers get and also the type off people who give the grief, generally they have absolutely no respect for anyone other than themselves.



As for the randoms, from the 1 or 2 people that ACTUALLY know wot happened before it he was kicked out for fighting,(post 166) it's not a wild leap of faith to say if he is drunk/drugged or testoteroned up enough to fight inside a club then have a few goes at a bouncer twice his size, it would only take an unfortunate random to walk past and to bear the brunt off his anger. It does happen, believe me.


U pick and choose wot part of post's u want to read highlight

I'm away to be juvenile elsewhere

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The doorman has lost his badge and job, yet according to some, he didn't do anything wrong. The logic escapes me.


As for all this - "you must get into the pub scene or get in touch" - do me a favour. The doorman was employed in the very scene and should have known how to conduct himself.


The above scenario is a junior classic - conclusion jumping of the highest level.

I agree love the get in touch bit, I have known more than my fair share of bouncers over the years to the point of drinking with a couple of the more sensible ones,of which there are a few, as for the rest? lets just say they have just about all done time for assault related offenses at some time in their life,and some still managed after that to go on to run "security" companies, one well known EX bouncer in my town (used to be a very good boxer) was well noted for having more than a liking for dishing out a random left and right to any unsuspecting or undeserving victim.



Edited by kdubya
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Must admit it didn't look to me like the boy was really going to hit the bouncer, just jumping about pretending he was a big man, if u left him for 2 mins he would off got bored and walked away. Its all puffed up chest stuff showing off, usually his mates pull them away prety quickly when that happens althou not sure if u had mates there to save hiim.


There was no need for the bouncer to get involved in the first place but if u do u really have to go in hard the boy should have been on the floor far earlier and no with a move like that, could very easily of killed or crippled the boy


And after he done it (rightly or wrongly) he should be checking to see boys ok, i would say recover position but after a landing like that possibly not if any neck/spine damage, if that boys wasn't so drunk and relaxed he could of been severly hurt


Spot on' accessment .

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scotslad - I agree with your last sentence.


kdubya - I have known a few doormen over the years - some friends, I have had professional dealings with even more. In addition, both my sons know a fair number of current doormen. There are good and bad - this lad is not in the "good" category.

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because his mates held him back and he decided against it

Thanks for that. Puzzling really,when you consider the situation hadn't changed,in so far as the numpty was still spoiling for a fight and therefore the threat hadn't gone away.Perhaps they simply locked him out eh?

I wonder why his mates didn't hold him back or he didn't decide 'against it' in the first instance?

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for my tuppence worth......doorman lost the plot and the fiale of the slam dunk was out and out assault-that could have been a killing blow to the back of the head/upper spine.


door staff have made huge efforts to improve their game over the years-this guy won the fight but was over the top.



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So gordon or scully have u ever jumped into split a fight up between randoms to stop someone getting really badly hurt?


Yet bouncers ar expected to do it both inside (part of job and paid for it) but also outside.

I bet if the punter went on and battered a bird or random bloke and bouncers stood and watched they would still be in wrong.


He should never have 'slamdunked' him like that and i think it is right he has lost his job and ticket but some of the critism is just nonesense

So who exactly 'jumped into split a fight up between randoms to stop someone getting really badly hurt'? All I saw was two men squaring up to each other on a pavement.If the doorman had been acting in self defence I would have no problem,but he wasn't. He may have been assaulted inside the premises and may have had to defend himself then,and that is fair enough,but to follow the numpty outside AFTER he had been ejected when all it would have taken to end the situation was to lock the door cannot be construed as self defence.A bit of retribution perhaps,but not self defence.

By the OP's account the numpty was back on his feet and ready to go again within seconds,but no further altercation took place because the doormans mates held him back and he decided against it,yet the threat that you explain of him possibly targeting some 'unfortunate random' still remained! Puzzling!

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The doorman may have gone over the top but so will even the most mild mannered person if theres enough provocation

Without having all the facts or actually being there it looks like a ****** idiot who has caused aggro, been chucked out, gobbed off and had a go at doorstaff on the way and been taught a valuable but painful lesson. It could have ended in tragedy but it didn't. If the young tit hadn't got drunk and obnoxious it wouldn't have happened.

What would general opinion be if it had happened inside the club?

I'll stick my neck out and say I have more sympathy with the doorman than the drunk at the moment because things happen in the heat of the moment, control can be lost in an instant, how many people can honestly say they've never reacted in rage?

The drunk will only be thinking of his next night out looking for a scrap.

The doorman will be wondering how to pay his rent or mortgage.

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If the doorman reacted in rage - he was in the wrong job.


I agree that both were complete idiots. The difference was that one was drunk, the other - a sober professional.


Bit of a quantum leap in supposition about the drunk's intentions for his next night out.


As for the doorman, he should be more concerned with the CPS and future lawsuits, if the drunk starts to suffer any subsequent ill health.

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If the doorman reacted in rage - he was in the wrong job.


I agree that both were complete idiots. The difference was that one was drunk, the other - a sober professional.


Bit of a quantum leap in supposition about the drunk's intentions for his next night out.


As for the doorman, he should be more concerned with the CPS and future lawsuits, if the drunk starts to suffer any subsequent ill health.


When I was younger(and more stupid than I am now) we had lads in our group who were always getting aggro when bevied up, some of us just got happy and silly, others wanted to fight the world. Those that stayed happy had no problems apart from being told to go home. The scrappers invariably ended up getting a hiding on a regular basis and they deserved it. I'll put a pound to a pinch of **** that the lad in the clip was no stranger to trouble after drinking.

If I'm wrong, I'll hold my hands up but if, as reported he then got up and wanted to have another go then he obviously didn't get a hard enough knock the first time.

Me and my Mrs don't go out in town for a drink anymore because of the behaviour of drunken twots like that, maybe the club owners and authorities should take that into consideration.

I stand by my original feelings, the doorman over reacted but the drunk caused the original problem and by all accounts STILL wanted another go.

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So gordon or scully have u ever jumped into split a fight up between randoms to stop someone getting really badly hurt?


Yet bouncers ar expected to do it both inside (part of job and paid for it) but also outside.

I bet if the punter went on and battered a bird or random bloke and bouncers stood and watched they would still be in wrong.


He should never have 'slamdunked' him like that and i think it is right he has lost his job and ticket but some of the critism is just nonesense



scotslad - you really need to think about what you post. This was not a fight between "randoms". You then wager that the punter might have battered someone else, never pausing for a second to wonder if the doorman might go on to batter someone else, which seems the more likely.


The criticism is justified - the doorman did it. The Police have given their view - via press statement. He has lost his ticket, lost his job, but you are still not happy. He could have maimed or killed the punter. Please don't say he didn't - he didn't give it a second thought.


As for the juvenile comment about have Scully or I jumped in between "randoms"? - whatever they may be - it is akin to saying that you can't judge a murderer unless you have murdered someone. Priceless.

I can remember a few times throwing out lad out for fighting...who then cracked the next lad that walked past him


Thanks for that. Puzzling really,when you consider the situation hadn't changed,in so far as the numpty was still spoiling for a fight and therefore the threat hadn't gone away.Perhaps they simply locked him out eh?

I wonder why his mates didn't hold him back or he didn't decide 'against it' in the first instance?

because he had already hit the d/s twice before and told his mate to film it now


doorman? Professional? lol

oh please............

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yep yep yep yep this is why i have a few with the wife infront of a nice fire and stevie.i'm too old for this macho bull ****.

That's the best way nowadays, why go in town and risk aggro with numpties high on drink or drugs?

The last time I went out with my Mrs on a friday night we were confronted with various drunks, druggies and a woman squatting and crapping in a shop doorway, people like that have no rights as far as I'm concerned. If they cause aggro and get battered then I have no sympathy whatsoever.

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timmytree - I agree - I have no sympathy with the drunk, I just think he could easily have been crippled for life or dead. The doorman had no way of knowing the severity.


leeds chimp - with all due respect - whatever your experience, we have been asked to judge on this video and subsequent press coverage, so that is immaterial.

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doorman? Professional? lol



Professional thugs.

Where as i agree the Doorman in this case was wrong and has been punished for it,


Dont tar all doormen the same, there are some very good doormen who take pride in their job and do it very well, just as there are good and bad in every profession,



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timmytree - I agree - I have no sympathy with the drunk, I just think he could easily have been crippled for life or dead. The doorman had no way of knowing the severity.


leeds chimp - with all due respect - whatever your experience, we have been asked to judge on this video and subsequent press coverage, so that is immaterial.


It's funny how we can pick and choose wot assumptions to make depending wot suits our arguments.


A few of us who have worked the doors have all seen this type of numpty every wknd and quite often they will take their aggression out on the next person that unfortunatley walks past, but that is out off order to persume the boys is not a saint.

Yet u are quite happy to persume that the bouncer (and all bouncers the way some of u are going on) are thugs and is away inside to batter some poor innocent to make his penis feel bigger, and that is perfectly ok to assume that


Don't know wot all the debate is about the bouncer made 2 or 3 stupid mistakes got into a no win position and had to go way way over the top to finish it, Can see them using that clip as a training clip in future, off exactly how u should NOThandle the situatiuon, but very easy to critise (even for me) when sitting behind a keyboard


U try standing on a door being called all the f's b's and c's under the sun occasional attacked and assulted with little or no warning and even spat on, many on here think that is acceptable behaviour and a bouncer should expect it believe me that is not acceptable behaviour and no one should be treated like that, last time i done was a poxy 7.50 an hour, was getting paid 2 or 3 times that back in the late 90's with a lot off free drinks thrown in after hours etc. Now u have to buy ur own soft drinks.


I'm actually amazed more boucers don't react like that the stuff they put up with.


We all probably watch cowboys builders yet don't come on here calling all builders/plumbers/sparkies etc cowboys crooks or rip off merchants but see 1 30sec clip of a rogue bouncer and there all thugs, there would be a lot more people hurt if it wasn't for bouncers

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iv changed my mind i can't be bothered to debate it





There both idiots


there's a few reasons for being a doorman,

1, top up your wages/dole

2, the feeling of being important for once because you couldn't get into the armed forces or the police.

3,the opportunity to beat some one up and get away with it

4, pussy.

depending on the person, and i know quite a few, it's one or the other of those 4, sometimes all of them.

that's about it,

Edited by Paddy Galore!
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there's a few reasons for being a doorman,

1, top up your wages/dole

2, the feeling of being important for once because you couldn't get into the armed forces or the police.

3,the opportunity to beat some one up and get away with it

4, pussy.


that's about it,

I was a doorman for nearly 10 years, just to top up my wage and for banter with my mates.


I've seen things I can never mention on here and as said in a earlier post that doorman shouldn't have done what he did, but after a full weeks work then you get some little idiot saying he's gonna burn your house down or kill your family things happen...I'm not agreeing or dis-Agreeing with the posts on here but unless you have worked in this type of job it's hard to pass judgement it can be a hard violent job and you don't know who you are going to come up against especially in Manchester...I worked the doors when gangs were at a all time high and people would pull a gun on you rather than talk to you and some times getting one in first ment going home at night in one piece..I prided myself on being firm but fair, I never used my fists unless I had no other choice, I would blag violent costomers that the police were outside I would use my knowledge before anything else but some people just want to scrap and no matter what you say you know it's a matter of time before it's time to get it on...that's the hard reality of the job.

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I was a doorman for nearly 10 years, just to top up my wage and for banter with my mates.


I've seen things I can never mention on here and as said in a earlier post that doorman shouldn't have done what he did, but after a full weeks work then you get some little idiot saying he's gonna burn your house down or kill your family things happen...I'm not agreeing or dis-Agreeing with the posts on here but unless you have worked in this type of job it's hard to pass judgement it can be a hard violent job and you don't know who you are going to come up against especially in Manchester...I worked the doors when gangs were at a all time high and people would pull a gun on you rather than talk to you and some times getting one in first ment going home at night in one piece..I prided myself on being firm but fair, I never used my fists unless I had no other choice, I would blag violent costomers that the police were outside I would use my knowledge before anything else but some people just want to scrap and no matter what you say you know it's a matter of time before it's time to get it on...that's the hard reality of the job.

helloo archie, you quoted my post before i amended it, sorry if that hit a nerve, it was n't my intention.

that lad took a hiding and he deserved it IMO, although how far is far enough for the bouncer?

i've seen a few scuffles too, the funniest was a mate of mine i was supposed to meet in a club, as i walked up the steps he was launched through the doorway at some velocity and we passed about halfway up/down. the result was a cracked skull, jaw, both cheeks, and a lot of missing teeth. but then he was in possession of illegal substances, and shouldn't have mouthed off at the mad iranian on the door.

i've worked and socialise with quite a few doormen, a few of them are good friends and would gladly back up what i said, we tend to steer clear of the walt types looking to make a name for themselves as it's usually their undoing.

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