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O/U or SxS for pheasant shoot


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started of with o/u silver pigeon shooting ducks pheasant fox the lot , now im no great shot but fancyed sxs so got aya no2, first few times out couldnt hit you if you stood in front of me, untill it was our last day shooting took the no2 with me as wasnt bothered whether i hit anything, woodcock came out over trees 20mtr up and 30mtr away shot at it it fluttered and fell to the ground to calls of great shot(lucky ****).....to this day ive no idea how i hit it,,,lol then pheasant came out same trees going away hit it with both barels and hey presto all of a sudden i could hit with it,,,,nowadays the no2 gets lifted first can def swing it quicker and just enjoy using it,still take the o/u or even the semi to the ducks and foxes but for game the no2 gets the pick and rem its also lighter to carry when walking around......

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I use a 687 for clays and driven pheasants - its my best gun - a bit tatty but still best gun.

I have a s/s but moving from a single selective trigger to two and different sight pictures makes for more misses, so I keep the S/S in the cabinet. I also have a Beretta semi for pigeons which is an identical fit so no problems there.

If I was having a go at grouse, I would use the s/s as a matter of respect for tradition - just me.

Edited by Kes
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Not everyone can swap over but it's nice and traditional to use a sbs from time to time but most people will shoot better with a good fitting ou.


Can't say I agree with that, I can only assume that everyone shot badly until the creation of the OU? I think not, a good fitting sxs should be just as effective & give consistent results. As with any gun, ensure it fits, pattern it and practice..

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Can't say I agree with that, I can only assume that everyone shot badly until the creation of the OU? I think not, a good fitting sxs should be just as effective & give consistent results. As with any gun, ensure it fits, pattern it and practice..

There was once only the s/s and two triggers at that.

Anyone can shoot either effectively with, as said, fit, patterning and practice - especially practice. JMO

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Can't say I agree with that, I can only assume that everyone shot badly until the creation of the OU? I think not, a good fitting sxs should be just as effective & give consistent results. As with any gun, ensure it fits, pattern it and practice..

The single sighting plane of an OU makes it easier to learn to shoot as the brain understands it better. It takes more time to learn to shoot a sbs.


Good fit is more vital with a sbs because of this, how many people actually get their guns fitted, I teach 6-10 lessons a day and over 90% of those have never had a gun fit on any gun.


In we get fair few lesson asking for help moving offer to a sbs as they want to shoot well with it but can't. A few minor adjustments and an hour or so and we start getting some results (if they can shoot well already be it ou semi whatever).


If a sbs is totally equal why do most people shoot an ou now.


Oh and the ou was around before the sbs!!!!

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Any decent shot will be able to use anything,all of this nonsense about two triggers just,sounds

like incompetent users to me.



Nice to see a considerate approach from someone who is obviously 'competent'' to comment..............................sssssssss

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Guest cookoff013

i dont get this cant switch between the two malarkey, they both have ribs, they both should fit and all for barrels should be regulated to hit in the same area.


i went on a pheasant shoot and there were 2 sxs, me and a friend, he changed to an o/u after the first drive. it appears his gun has a safety catch !


now of the whole group, i shot exceptionally well. but i had been practicing for about a year with it.


the next peg was having a bad day.


now the double trigger is a useful rough shooting technique to learn, as you can independently shoot either cartridge, kinda like shooting 2 guns. so have 6s or 4s in either barrel. i usually have for pigeons just 6s. you can instantly go for the appropriate cartridge and choke. that is an advantage of sxs, but is often overlooked. modern cartridges perform faultless thesedays.


the only downside i can see is a fixed choke. my merkel is 1/2 and 1/1 so is classed as tight. but actual approx 3/4 and extra full.so for bird shooting in light loads of small shot can really perform well.


i homeload for it to, big slow loads of days gone by, really help with the recoil, but negates the 2 cartridge rule. these sxs were never ever designed to shoot more than 32grams at 1200fps or more. modern cartridges have been the reason the o/u have become more popular. game loads were never supposed to be 1400fps.


the best compromise is a big shotsize, and slow, thats no recoil and dynamite on targets such as slow "tesco everyday value" pheasents.

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