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Dog snatched and murdered by yobs


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I'm slow off the mark on this one so apologies if it has been posted. I'm pretty laid back at the best of times but this has really wound me up. Just why would you do this?


Owner Genna Robinson has spoken of her anguish after her two-year-old Labrador was taken, tied to a brick and thrown in the Trent and Mersey Canal.
A pet Labrador was snatched off the street and cruelly murdered by yobs who threw it in a canal with a brick tied around its neck.

Heartbroken pet owner Genna Robinson is struggling to come to terms with the murder of her dog Tilly.

Genna's anguish began after the "loving" chocolate Labrador was taken from outside a supermarket while her partner picked up groceries.

The couple launched a frantic search for the two-year-old pet, even putting up lost posters and making appeals through social media.

But their hearts were broken when the RSPCA called to say Tilly had been pulled out of the Trent and Mersey Canal after being spotted floating in the water by a passer-by.


Rest of story.


Edited by Marki
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Jesus, there is some low life scum about.

I really wonder at what point in a persons life they believe that this is acceptable behaviour.


I know from my child growing up, she sometimes does stupid things. I.e whilst stroking mums dog she will pull her tail and I will tell her off and explain why you can't do it.

Same with thieving etc... You explain it's wrong.


Why didn't their parents bring them up knowing it's not acceptable to go about torturing animals.

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This happend in the same town as a bloke I work with lives...he knows the family and the local police know who's done it, they seem to be gathering evidence/statements..,the bloke I work with is a ex colour Sargent from 1 para and a big bloke...he said he's gonna catch up with these lads and have a quiet word..

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