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Crows : next time someone defends corvids, use this ...


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Of course there is no defence of corvids for their habit of taking eggs. However I think that the RSPB will put some ridiculous spin on it. I am actually amazed that the footage was released in the first place.

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Crows and magpies do steal eggs we all no that but they are also natures cleaners when you see a rabbit with

mixi and died you always see a crow / magpie cleaning up the mess so yes they are a pest but like every thing else they also provide a service

And yes i do shoot them quite regular

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So what you are saying is it is quite ok for the Osprey to kill and eat anything that it likes ie rabbits other smaller birds but should a Crow do the same thing then they should all be killed going by your logic we humans are the worst of the lot there is not much that lives in this world that people do not kill and eat from cows to ants.

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Osprey are piscivores, i.e. they only eat fish.


So what you are saying is it is quite ok for the Osprey to kill and eat anything that it likes ie rabbits other smaller birds but should a Crow do the same thing then they should all be killed going by your logic we humans are the worst of the lot there is not much that lives in this world that people do not kill and eat from cows to ants.

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They are a bit like Pandas then a bit thick to limit your food supply to one thing I was not awere of that fact but on the other hand they are still eating the young of another animals be they fish.

Yeah cause fish are in short supply these days with the eastern Europeans about

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They are a bit like Pandas then a bit thick to limit your food supply to one thing I was not awere of that fact but on the other hand they are still eating the young of another animals be they fish.

I have to agree, it seems nonsensical to persecute an entire species because it is only doing what is natural to it.

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I have to agree, it seems nonsensical to persecute an entire species because it is only doing what is natural to it.

So - are we to take it that you are quite happy to let rats **** all over your kitchen table, because that's what is natural to them? Or would you try to control them?

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I have to agree, it seems nonsensical to persecute an entire species because it is only doing what is natural to it.

Get real! Or do we have an anarchist in our midst. An armed bank robber does it naturally so should we all let them get on with their habit.

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Balance, balance, balance. That's the key. Most native species have a beneficial job to do in the right numbers and in the right place.


A case can be made for controlling virtually any species, where numbers and conditions indicate balance has been lost. Badgers are an obvious case in point. A handful of alien introductions could do with being exterminated altogether - rabbits, grey squirrels, mink for example.

Unfortunately, vested interest and sentimentality do not make for balance. That small minority of shooters who would shoot a native species to perdition because its legal and its fun, or conserve an alien pest for their own sport and claim what they're doing is "conservation" without possessing the slightest interest nor the knowledge to assess whether that is truly the case or not are as big a nuisance as the urban Beatrix Potter fantacists of the Brian May school who want nothing shot at all.

Edited by Gimlet
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Balance, balance, balance. That's the key. Most native species have a beneficial job to do in the right numbers and in the right place.


A case can be made for controlling virtually any species, where numbers and conditions indicate balance has been lost. Badgers are an obvious case in point. A handful of alien introductions could do with being exterminated altogether - rabbits, grey squirrels, mink for example.

Unfortunately, vested interest and sentimentality do not make for balance. That small minority of shooters who would shoot a native species to perdition because its legal and its fun, or conserve an alien pest for their own sport and claim what they're doing is "conservation" without possessing the slightest interest nor the knowledge to assess whether that is truly the case or not are as big a nuisance as the urban Beatrix Potter fantacists of the Brian May school who want nothing shot at all.


But what do you think about that particular crow taking an egg belonging to that particular osprey?

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meh... its nature.


I do believe that due to large inhabited areas and/or current farming techniques (driven by our food requirements) we do have a corvid imbalance due to sometimes unlimited food supplies provided by..... us (in whichever form that may take).... and it is for us to address this imbalance.

Edited by thepasty
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So what you are saying is it is quite ok for the Osprey to kill and eat anything that it likes ie rabbits other smaller birds but should a Crow do the same thing then they should all be killed going by your logic we humans are the worst of the lot there is not much that lives in this world that people do not kill and eat from cows to ants.

Er there are a lot less Ospreys than there are crows!

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Get real! Or do we have an anarchist in our midst. An armed bank robber does it naturally so should we all let them get on with their habit.

No, but by shooting all crows because they might steal eggs, would be more akin to locking up all people because they might rob a bank? It was also somewhat of a wild assumption that i am an anarchist from what i said previously, but you have made it clear that you are prone to exaggeration so there is probably very little point in trying to argue with you.

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I was walking my dog last night and saw a magpie sat on a bird box trying to get something out, not sure if it had chicks in or what it was after..but it was trying to get something out...



i had 2 robins nesting in my tree, 2 young in it came home from work nest on the floor,wife herd a hell of a noise magpie had them,

Edited by mossy835
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It's estimated that 99.9% of species that ever lived are now extinct ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction ) , which makes me wonder if we should really be bothering to save pandas. Let's face it, many species are redundant, evolutionary failures, and everything we don't take with us to another planet will be extinct one day anyway.


Why do we spend so much time and money saving a species that will ( soon, in a universal timescale ) be wiped out when the Sun goes super.

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It's estimated that 99.9% of species that ever lived are now extinct ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction ) , which makes me wonder if we should really be bothering to save pandas. Let's face it, many species are redundant, evolutionary failures, and everything we don't take with us to another planet will be extinct one day anyway.


Why do we spend so much time and money saving a species that will ( soon, in a universal timescale ) be wiped out when the Sun goes super.

Lol......because we're human.

Evolution will be dependent on the environment and the creatures that can adapt to this will thrive. If we don't protect what we have now how can this opportunity happen.

You lost me on the super sun.....I'd rather concentrate on the coming weeks not millenniums.

P.s I take great pleasure in reducing these nest robbers. One nil to the songbirds !

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