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205 on cattle feed


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I had a desperate phone call from one of my farmers saying there were thousands of blackies hitting his cattle feed store. He said they were scattering the feed all over the yard and barns.


Considering I have just had a knee replacement and in severe agony, i coudn't let him down. I called my mate and asked him would he fancy picking me up and be my "lackey" for the day. I explained that as I am on crutches he would have to do all the fetching and carrying and setting up. He agreed and we got to the farm about 10.00am.







We drove round to the barns and I have never seen so many birds on that farm in 15 years. There must have been 2,000-2,500 birds took flight. We setup knowing that it might be a case of 2 bangs and gone or they were that hungry we might get a good day.




We were shooting 40 an hour for the fIrst 4 hours continuously. and then steady until we had reached 197. My friend said he had to go but I said no way till we had hit the magical 200. The last 8 took us over an hour. What a day; and the farmer had come out 3 times to see how we were doing and said he would clear all the birds off the barn roofs. No problem!!!!!!!


We had some fantastic shots and only missed about 20+ all day between us.


I was now in severe pain but the" buzz" was having a good go at trying to relieve it.


I must say a big thanks to Paul for picking up and packing up all our gear.


I have just had another call this morning saying they were back and promised I would be back tomorrow morning with 2 slabs at the ready.


Dave K

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