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Out In The Wet Today

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Out on Friday as normal and headed to some local Rape stubble , the first two farms had been disced and no birds about. Continued and looked at some Barley stubble ploughed in., kept looking for another two hours till we came on a flight line to some Rape stubble. Watched it for ten minutes and birds were down and others joining, so went to see the farmer and got the go ahead but he said we would need to speak to the land owner on the next field as she was against shooting and may call the Police. We drove into her yard and she was looking after a horse so I went to speak to her and explain the situation , after a half hour chat in which I explained that we would be shooting from a hide away from her farm and we would not be walking around the land. She was OK with the situation. While I was talking to her DB had heard some shots in the distance . It was then we realised our schoolboy error the birds we had seen flighting were being spooked by the other shooter and were not on a natural flight line. It was now 14.00 so we decided to give it a go , we set up with the standard set up twelve thawed birds two on the magnet ,two angels and eight on spikes. We shot well and downed nearly every bird that came to the pattern and ended the day at 17.00 as DB was going out for a meal. We picked up sixtyfive pigeons and fourteen crows and jackdaws that came with in range.


Today on our way home on Friday we looked at a barley stubble field it had about two hundred birds on it so we went to the farm and said that we would be back on Saturday. Saturday morning Light rain and a strong wind so we set out in our wet gear and drove to the Barley stubble field. First job was to get the brolly set up above the hide and then build the hide around the base, we had birds coming to the tree we had set up under while we were setting up. Decoy set up as the previous day and started shooting at 11.15. We kept adding to the pattern until we had approx thirty decoys out , with the strong wind off our backs the birds slowed as thay approached the pattern allowing us the shoot the adult birds ,not the case on the second shot. We were shooting steady all day and discussed what time we would pack up and as we both carried 150 shells with us we said when we had shot 300 we would pack in. I think this put us both in our best kill mode . At approx 15.00 the rain cleared the sun came out and the birds just did not stop comming. We shot our 300 cartridges and picked up two hundred and fiftytwo birds. so that must go down as one of our best days and the dog was Knackered.









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