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No Pressure This Weekend

pigeon controller

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Following the Sweepstake being run on my returns we had to perform. So Friday saw us looking for a good number after approx forty miles we returned to the first field we had looked at . I had shot this Farm on Tuesday and we were a bit nervous about shooting it two days later , we watched the field and it had two flightlines feeding it and a very strong wind running its length. We drove to the farm to get the key to the gate , nobody at the farm ,rang the farmer, he was ten miles away he told us to find his son on another farm . The time was getting on and I was concerned about the time . We obtained the key as we were driving back to the field a white van was following us up the road and when I slowed it slowed . We stopped at the gate and DB opened the lock and I drove into the stubble field. The guy who had been following us got out in a dayglow vest and approached us . Are you Pigeon Controller he asked and I said yes , I recognised the Disco and the Mustache. He was a PW Member . I was I bit short with him as I wanted to get shooting ,which I apologise for . As I think the time was 13.00. Due to the two flightlines we agreed to split and which ever was the stronger we would shoot together , so we had six decoys each and started shooting , DB was down wind of me and my position took all the birds so he moved up with me . Somebody asked me to put a picture of my layout and I only remembered when I had approx fifty birds down all on spikes, see picture. We shot til. 17.30 and picked up two hundred and seven pigeon and two magpies.


Saturday was forcast to be wet then clearing from the west so I waited until I received a call from DB as he is west from me and I knew it would be dry , this happened at 12.00 and we set out looking. We had seen some birds heading for some seed fields while we were shooting on Friday so we went to see but pigeons do not like to get mud on the claws and the fields only had crows on them. We found a field of cut maize but this had been done the day before and it only had crows on it. We drove on and the time was getting late when we came upon a small barley stubble field , it had about fifty birds down and others joining from three directions, a phone call and we were away . We set up with twelve birds on spikes as the day before and started shooting . It was now 15.00 and we shot till 17.30 and picked up one hundred and sixty one pigeons , six crows and one magpie . Brilliant weekend , with the game dealer coming tomorrow morning.












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I said on a earlier post that if they got a good bag this week they would be in a league of there own and with this last bag we cannot argue with that . The only duo who can beat them for preparing the bag for a photo is motty and Fenboy whose skill at laying the birds neatly on top of each other and getting the dog to pose for the camera must have A Levels in camera work , where with P Cs photos the only level hes got is a Sprit Level :lol:

Once again a brilliant performance , I think you two could keep your game dealer in business by yourselves.

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