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Pigeons in your area Feb 2015


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Aint been out for a while to recce the fields, had a farmer text me to say there were hundreds of pigeons daily hitting one of his fields near Tenbury, Worcs.


Managed to pop over with the binos this morning and the farmer wasnt telling porkies, the field was grey with the blighters. More than 500+, not including their mates sat in the trees.


How are pigeon numbers building up in your area, or is this just a rare gathering this time of year ?



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Aint been out for a while to recce the fields, had a farmer text me to say there were hundreds of pigeons daily hitting one of his fields near Tenbury, Worcs.


Managed to pop over with the binos this morning and the farmer wasnt telling porkies, the field was grey with the blighters. More than 500+, not including their mates sat in the trees.


How are pigeon numbers building up in your area, or is this just a rare gathering this time of year ?



I would say that it is far from rare to see a flock of pigeons that size at this time of year.

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We may have some of yours Gandalf. There have been very few pigeons in mid N Norfolk ( away from the coast ) all winter , its been so poor that I have not even had the decoys out until yesterday. I only had 4 , but thats without a magnet ( got to buy a new one as the old one has died ) . This week quite a few more seem to be showing up. Nothing special, but I found several lots up to 200 on rape over the past two days. Tonight will be the time to see whats realy about with the first roost shooting evening stiring everything up.

Edited by anser2
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Very poor roost shooting tonight . In a wood i would expect to shoot 20-40 birds , tonight just 6 shots for 2 pigeons and a crow and hardly saw 30 birds.

Sounds like we were in the same wood " anser2 " , without doubt the worse first afternoon roost shooting for a few years , dull , fairly cold and no amount of pigeons came in , did shoot 4 but they have moved out over the past two weeks of cold weather ..,... never mind at least we had a go .

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Was out today on a recce around Kent /Sussex border , more on the Kent side to be fair there was thousands on the last of the cut maize ..shooting tomorrow (sat).should be interesting ..


Was interesting !! But not very productive , Their was plenty about but they just wouldn't settle , first shot they were gone .We could see them flying up & down the valley in big bunches but not feeding anywhere .We had a few of the lads on various bits of the cut maize but no one bagged up ..Think the total was about 160 ..this could have been at least twenty more but I shot like a turnip ..!

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Some big flocks (300-1000 birds) round me in Shropshire but they are coming and going as big flocks. Tend to gather in large numbers in neighbouring woods before comitting to the rape. Seeing lots on the ivy and many I shot on the roost shoot last Saturday had crops full of ivy. Some farmers have gas guns out and not a pigeon in sight. Others have not bothered as rape is well advanced and pigeons not doing crop any harm yet. One farmer has offered to put bangers on all but one field which could help. Unfortunately they will probably just head off to a neighbors field when I try to shoot it. Plan to wait for a windy day, let them feed for an hour and then move them off....and hope they return.

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Spent four hours on my perm yesterday afternoon in a tried and tested spot under some trees known to be "sitting" trees, between two rape fields.


Spooky day . . . . . didn't even see a single pigeon in the air all day, let alone have a shot at one. Literally didn't fire a single shot all day. Sent off a skyrocket towards some small wooded area where they have been known to lurk in, but nothing even came up from that.


After packing up and getting ready to drive off, saw a flock of 1000+ flying over. Too far from where I had been set up anyway, but additionally, miles high too. Carried on watching to see where they were headed, but they never got any lower while in my view. About ten minutes later another flock of approx 800 followed, but on a slightly different line.


So they are about, but just not anywhere near where I was.


I was at least heartened to see there were still some remotely in the area, as I was starting to think they had all gone to the South Birmingham area, never to return !!! :P

Edited by Guerini Guy
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Spent Monday morning looking around all the local hot spots but almost nothing, went back to a small perm I have right on the coast, was pleased to see about 200 drifting around but not really feeding, had a few come in to the decoys, managed 5 before the light went and I almost froze solid.I have no rape to shoot over , mainly either young wheat / barley or just rough plough, out again Friday, got to keep trying, they have to settle somewhere, :yahoo::yahoo:

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