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Failing to emulate PC


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Today was not meant to be a shooting day but the two chaps shooting the maize strip outside my garden drove me away. They must have had 200 shots up to 10:30.


My thoughts turned to a spot of decoying myself and what better time to copy the methods of PC? I had surreptitiously purchased a cammo cap at the Shooting Show and I looked out my fake moustache, made a 3 litre flask of coffee and away I went. Eschewing the first field of 300 birds, and the second of five hundred birds I drove on and decided instead to set up in a field where there were twenty birds feeding and the odd one joining.


I set up with ten stand ups, four home made angels (I still don't get how they work when facing the wrong way to the wind), and the rotary 15m in front of the hide. Birds came from the off directly at the rotary and made easy shooting and for just over an hour the shooting was hectic. I don't mind admitting that I felt uncomfortable without my usual cap and the fake tash kept falling off every time I took a shot. I was out for three and a half hours.


As an experiment I am afraid I have to report an abject failure as I was expecting to shoot into three figures but I only picked 76. However I must say that the pigeons decoyed today as well as I have seen them decoy in a long time.


There are three pictures of my hide and decoy set up. The one of the house I included as it belonged to John Entwhistle the guitarist who ruined a very fine façade by taking out mullion windows and inserting 'picture' windows instead.

















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Good report Jdog! I think we are finally getting somewhere with the "how does he do it" Quite obviously a combination of 'Tash 'n hat" However, I have a sneaky suspicion there's a little more to it and will hopefully put my cunning plan into bat on Saturday ( As the weather is set to be rubbish thurs and fri) :yes:


Always makes me wince when seeing a pigeon with a floater up its Auspuff!


Will report back M'lud

Edited by turbo33
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A very good bag JDog , with regard to the angels facing the wrong way , if you mean the one like in the first pic ( I call them floaters ) the normal thing is to put them well back from the pattern 30 yards or more so they look like they are heading into your decoy pattern , thus helping channel newcomers in the killing zone , so if your decoys are facing the wind , then so should the floater be.


On this occasion it clearly did not affect the outcome though !

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No Fenboy, the angels (which are at ground level) face all directions not necessarily into the wind which is why I cannot fathom out why they work. I would have thought that they would have made incomers slightly wary but this does not seem to be the case.

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No Fenboy, the angels (which are at ground level) face all directions not necessarily into the wind which is why I cannot fathom out why they work. I would have thought that they would have made incomers slightly wary but this does not seem to be the case.


Ok , I wondered if you were getting your angels and floaters muddled , clearly not .


On the rare occasions I use angels I always face them roughly into the wind as mine are on glass fibre rods which gives them a bit of movement., but it seems I may be telling you how to suck eggs !

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No Fenboy, the angels (which are at ground level) face all directions not necessarily into the wind which is why I cannot fathom out why they work. I would have thought that they would have made incomers slightly wary but this does not seem to be the case.

I always face angels into wind, as they're meant to represent a bird about to land. :)
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Emulation is the finest form of praise, what with crows flying backwards and angels the wrong way to wind . I give you all my my secrets after two pints I of cider and you still only achieve 76 . Did the set up present you with a 100 plus birds to the gun but you felt uneasy with the shot? It was a great result and you will get better with practice with the new set up . Do you need any letters and numbers for your future ventures?


Well done JDog great result and well deserved.

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Good effort JDog do you know how they got on with the maize cover at the back of your house?


No I don't sorry. What I do know is that the maize cover was ploughed in by the time I got back this afternoon.

Emulation is the finest form of praise, what with crows flying backwards and angels the wrong way to wind . I give you all my my secrets after two pints I of cider and you still only achieve 76 . Did the set up present you with a 100 plus birds to the gun but you felt uneasy with the shot? It was a great result and you will get better with practice with the new set up . Do you need any letters and numbers for your future ventures?


Well done JDog great result and well deserved.


I didn't quite shoot at 100 birds.

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I bet they filled there boots by going off what jdog said in the post approx. 200 shots by 10.30 what did they shoot by 4 pm if they wasn,t stopped by the plough that is


I have been out with people who would struggle to get 25 birds with 200 shots , so it does not automatically mean it was a big bag.

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