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eley .22 subs, any issues?

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went out a couple of nights ago with a friend and he was using eley subs in his cz452.


very impressed by how quiet they were, but not so impressed by the knock down ability of them if im honest.

i know for definate that i had at least 1 runner that needed another shot to finish the job. and before the question gets asked, im a good shot and the distance was out to no more than 60 yards so the shot placement was bob on.


anyone else had any issues with them?

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point taken, but 60 was the furthest. most were around the 30-40 yard mark.


just seemed to have a few more runners than when using cci and winchester etc.

as i said, i only had the 1 runner, but the chap i was out with had a few where he usually doesnt.


hell of a thump when they hit home though. certainly sounded the business.

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Where was the shot placement as I think its pretty critical with a .22 for a clean kill. Winchesters have a gaping hollow in them. I've recovered one before and it was pretty misshapen. The Eleys have much more of a pointed head and less of a hollow, so I think there is the possibility of less trauma damage than another round. If head shot, either will kill cleanly at 60 yards, but a chest shot might possibly not be an instant stopper. I chest shot a pigeon a couple of weeks ago, with a 21 grain pellet and 36ftlbs of FAC Air grunt behind it. The pellet went through the chest, cut the side off the heart and out of the back. Obviously it was terminal, but it did fly for 100 yards or so before dropping. My point is, whilst a heart/lung shot will drop quarry, these slow lumps of lead, not being frangible, are better directed towards the brain most of the time.


Absolutely not having a go Brett. I've been there too. It is strange how you can drop a bunny stone dead with a sub 12ft/lb . 8.4 grain 177 pellet at 40 od yards with a head shot. but send a 40 grain lump of lead at 85ft/lbs more and it still ideally has to be a head shot.

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Absolutely not having a go Brett. I've been there too. It is strange how you can drop a bunny stone dead with a sub 12ft/lb . 8.4 grain 177 pellet at 40 od yards with a head shot. but send a 40 grain lump of lead at 85ft/lbs more and it still ideally has to be a head shot.


My runner was head shot first, entered a little low but i still would have put money on it being stone dead on impact. finished it off with chest shot.

your right about the air rifle statement though, strange old world eh?


i'll give it another go the next time im out and see what happens...

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Guest stevo

Brett I would put money on you just having an off night mate. If memory serves eley subs are about as punchy as it gets. About 98 ftlbs. Have another trip out and I'm sure your be back on track. Keep us updated to your findings though.


Atb stevo

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I've never had any problems with their knockdown power but I do find them very dirty to use. Still my round of choice though.


+1. seems to be a lot of wax on them, in fact so much i wont use them at all as 1 in 3 or 4 misfire and then wont extract from my ruger M77/22- and yes ive stripped the bolt, cleaned everything including the ejectors! :D

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RWS Hp's for quarry, Geko for paper punching, had a couple of misfires with Eley, very waxy too last time I tried them?

Of all rounds tried Eley were the most accurate in my Anschutz. Then they started to be covered in excessive wax to a degree where live rounds would not extract - iffy in the dark. I also checked the size and they were coming in at 0.225/6". Knocked them on the head and discovered SKs which turned out to be even more accurate with a SD which is negligible and with the MV as stated which is a very rare occurrence in my experience for that calibre. Never looked back.

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Eley redesigned the Sub-Sonic .22 some years ago. One batch was so good target shooter where buying them over 10X. They redesigned the bullet with a big hollow point hole and up the velocity. I personal faver eley sub-sonic extra. BUT you must test your rifle with different ammo and see what shoots best.

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They are around 100 foot pounds or there abouts, 3 or 4 ft/lb will kill a rabbit in a vital organ. I honestly think talk about one type of sub having more knockdown power than another is subjective hog wash. To use a military term, any .22 LR massively overmatches a bunnies armour and force protection measures if properly placed. The only issue that matters with .22 ammo is how accurate it is in your rifle. If it groups well, it will kill rabbits all day long if you can deliver 100 (ish) foot pounds into their chest cavity or brain.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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They are around 100 foot pounds or there abouts, 3 or 4 ft/lb will kill a rabbit in a vital organ. I honestly think talk about one type of sub having more knockdown power than another is subjective hog wash. To use a military term, any .22 LR massively overmatches a bunnies armour and force protection measures if properly placed. The only issue that matters with .22 ammo is how accurate it is in your rifle. If it groups well, it will kill rabbits all day long if you can deliver 100 (ish) foot pounds into their chest cavity or brain.

. Totally agree with Blunderbuss. Dipper.
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went out a couple of nights ago with a friend and he was using eley subs in his cz452.


very impressed by how quiet they were, but not so impressed by the knock down ability of them if im honest.



anyone else had any issues with them?




My runner was head shot first, entered a little low but i still would have put money on it being stone dead on impact.


I know what you're saying - I've been pretty underwhelmed by eley SSHP performance a few times but in fairness I've used ten times as many eleys than any other sub. Subs are a compromise - they don't cause much trauma and if they weren't a lot quieter than HV's, I wouldn't use them. Heck, I'd use an HMR if it was quiet and cheap but sadly it isn't. Winchester and CCI subs do seem to cause more damage than eley but CCI are very loud in comparison (last batch also had a lot go supersonic) and Winchesters just don't shoot in my rifle.


I have had rabbits run when shot low in the head with subs too but if you look at a rabbit's anatomy, it really isn't surprising - there's a fine line between a brain shot and a jaw shot:



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