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Legislation passed


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so it is done, and bit by bit the SNP seeks to create a state within a state by passing laws at odds with the rest of the UK. No remit to seek independence, and half of all Scots didn't vote for them................(they don't have a majority). Note that Labour backed this!!


Can we do anything to help our fellow sportsmen north of the border?

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Ah yes - how the SNP plans to arm the defence force of an independent Scotland - with their economic 'idea's it'll be back to the stone age for a great people.


Maybe McCaskill formed his view of air rifles from watching Trainspotting.............. and views on land ownership from back to back Monarch of the Glen followed by Local Hero.


On a more serious note is there anything we can do to help our fellow sportsmen and women in Scotland?

Edited by LeadWasp
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On a more serious note is there anything we can do to help our fellow sportsmen and women in Scotland?

Vote SNP in the next general election who knows king salmon might be your bleeder one day :lol:


But on a serious note I contacted a number of MSP`s including Nicola the red with the below email. As yet I have had 1 reasonable reply and 1 saying he will send me the details. There is not going to be much that anyone else can do that will affect the decision except that if it does not get the Royal Assent. I am sure that after the dust has settled we wont be in any a better position than we are at the moment The SNP are hell bent in changing a lot of legalisation including the firearm licencing and of course the land reform, and that will cause a lot of issues. They seem to come up with these fanciful ideas but no one has thought them through enough. but that's politics though


"Good morning Mike.

So now that yourself and other MSPs have passed legislation requiring all airgun owners in Scotland to hold a licence, I have a couple of very serious question.

We all know from various press reports that Police Scotland were not fully in agreement with the bill and some have said that it will be near impossible to administer with the current staffing levels both of Police officers and the civilian staff working in the various firearms departments around the country.

My first question is, when will this bill in fact become law? and be a requirement to have a licence.

2nd question is, being a current owner of an air gun how do I go about getting a licence for it?"



His reply

"The Bill will have to receive Royal Assent before it passes into law. There will then almost certainly be subordinate legislation required to set out the details you are requesting. I am quite sure the information you seek will be widely publicised well before you have to apply for a licence."
So we will just have to wait and see the outcome. Its not going to happen quickly.



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Vote SNP in the next general election who knows king salmon might be your bleeder one day :lol:


But on a serious note I contacted a number of MSP`s including Nicola the red with the below email. As yet I have had 1 reasonable reply and 1 saying he will send me the details. There is not going to be much that anyone else can do that will affect the decision except that if it does not get the Royal Assent. I am sure that after the dust has settled we wont be in any a better position than we are at the moment The SNP are hell bent in changing a lot of legalisation including the firearm licencing and of course the land reform, and that will cause a lot of issues. They seem to come up with these fanciful ideas but no one has thought them through enough. but that's politics though


"Good morning Mike.

So now that yourself and other MSPs have passed legislation requiring all airgun owners in Scotland to hold a licence, I have a couple of very serious question.

We all know from various press reports that Police Scotland were not fully in agreement with the bill and some have said that it will be near impossible to administer with the current staffing levels both of Police officers and the civilian staff working in the various firearms departments around the country.

My first question is, when will this bill in fact become law? and be a requirement to have a licence.

2nd question is, being a current owner of an air gun how do I go about getting a licence for it?"



His reply

"The Bill will have to receive Royal Assent before it passes into law. There will then almost certainly be subordinate legislation required to set out the details you are requesting. I am quite sure the information you seek will be widely publicised well before you have to apply for a licence."
So we will just have to wait and see the outcome. Its not going to happen quickly.




Good for you.

If you're going to send it to any other ministers, perhaps you could also ask them how they intend to cater for those people who have no intention of licensing their (up until now) perfectly legally owned air rifles, given that the whereabouts of either the owners or the rifles, is unknown.

I did do it myself over a year ago when I first lobbied against this legislation but never received a reply. Maybe they would feel more obliged to reply to a Scot. I'd be very interested to know the answer.

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Vote SNP in the next general election who knows king salmon might be your bleeder one day :lol:


But on a serious note I contacted a number of MSP`s including Nicola the red with the below email. As yet I have had 1 reasonable reply and 1 saying he will send me the details. There is not going to be much that anyone else can do that will affect the decision except that if it does not get the Royal Assent. I am sure that after the dust has settled we wont be in any a better position than we are at the moment The SNP are hell bent in changing a lot of legalisation including the firearm licencing and of course the land reform, and that will cause a lot of issues. They seem to come up with these fanciful ideas but no one has thought them through enough. but that's politics though


"Good morning Mike.

So now that yourself and other MSPs have passed legislation requiring all airgun owners in Scotland to hold a licence, I have a couple of very serious question.

We all know from various press reports that Police Scotland were not fully in agreement with the bill and some have said that it will be near impossible to administer with the current staffing levels both of Police officers and the civilian staff working in the various firearms departments around the country.

My first question is, when will this bill in fact become law? and be a requirement to have a licence.

2nd question is, being a current owner of an air gun how do I go about getting a licence for it?"



His reply

"The Bill will have to receive Royal Assent before it passes into law. There will then almost certainly be subordinate legislation required to set out the details you are requesting. I am quite sure the information you seek will be widely publicised well before you have to apply for a licence."
So we will just have to wait and see the outcome. Its not going to happen quickly.




But it IS going to happen

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I think I am correct in saying that the Scottish Parliament is going to take over what was once Crown Estates. My Angling Association rents salmon fishing rights from Crown Estates at a reasonable commercial rental. What will happen when comrade Sturgeon and her ilk get control . Shall these rights go to the highest bidder, shall they be reserved for her politburo. Whatever the result in the wild fisheries review and land reform proposals it is going to be the rank and file of ordinary Scots and visiting sportsmen who shall bear the brunt and perhaps be financially debarred from shooting and fishing. The wealthy who Sturgeon seems to hate will perhaps merely shrug and dig a bit deeper, and continue as before. I am within 10 miles of The Border, emigration to Northumbria seems ever more attractive.



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The awful thing is that, however these reforms are worked, you can bet your boots that the state will end up with the authority and the landowner/rights owner all the responsibility. Things like the right to interfere with deer management at the landowners expense is one example (yet making deer management more complex at the same time - uptake of DMQ's), and then of course forced sale of land if you disagree with their development perspectives.


Surely the key to good government is to make the country function but to leave the people alone.


I'm truly sad and sorry that this has been visited on you all. It's a bit like being told you can't ride a bike, an air rifle is almost a right of passage for a lot of teenagers.

Edited by LeadWasp
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Do they think for a nano second that all air rifle owners will declare never mind licence their airguns following this? The ones who don't intend ever to use them as weapons will comply; the ones who have and will continue to use airguns, catapults or whatever dangerously will completely ignore it.


There was never any need for this, except as the first thin end of the wedge towards an outright ban on private ownership in Scotland (unless a farmer or pest controller). Existing legislation was more than adequate for dealing with the delinquents that commit criminal acts. You cannot legislate against scumbags, thugs and the criminal minded. What you can do is exercise more control over the population as a whole in an attempt to remove yet one more little piece of freedom, and that's what this Bill has done. If it happens here in the UK, I would bet on many people simply ignoring it.


The SNP may find, with their Stalinistic tendencies pervading through Scotland, that a backlash will come sooner or later. What next, Highland clearances by the SNP?

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In an earlier post I mentioned an article from the Times (pre-Election I think so may be distorted) where SNP's plans for gun control were ultimately to restrict ownership to use for employment/essential purposes only ie no sporting use although pest/deer control would still be permitted. There will be a mass exodus south and our land prices will rocket but not a good situation for those north of the border.

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I can't see the problem ...it may even mean cheaper guns for us in England as the guns from north of the border flood the sales market. The way I see it we have a democrat society and our friends over the border voted the SNP in knowing that they would have dozens of SNP MPs in parliament and that this law would be passed its all quite fair


We don't have licence's for our air rifles but have to pay for prescription s

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And how many people will have guns for plinking and never ever go on the net to look up the latest laws, will they be locked up for having a firearm?? how many brococks turned up after the ban? how many still use them on the sly?


The only way I see this winning for the shooter is by "complying" by bombarding the all ready overstretched system to the point where it fails and something will have to give and hopefully it will be there stupid law, I am sure that if everyone phoned and emailed every day to see where the air gun cert was it would soon fall down.


If all else fails everyone should refuse to shoot the deer and let them take over!

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so it is done, and bit by bit the SNP seeks to create a state within a state by passing laws at odds with the rest of the UK. No remit to seek independence, and half of all Scots didn't vote for them................(they don't have a majority). Note that Labour backed this!!


Can we do anything to help our fellow sportsmen north of the border?


Yes we could . All gun owners in the UK should apply for a air gun licence from police Scotland in case we need to use one in Scotland .


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