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Really Rewulf, you need to rethink this?

Do you really think the extremists want bank accounts and mortgages?

They already have sufficient funds for their own objectives?


I'm not not talking about normal everyday mainstream people but exactly the whackos and nut jobs you describe?

So anonymity is king?


Totally agree with bostonmick, enjoy your freedoms while you can because at the first real problem in this country the powers that be will be given all of the support by the blindly ignorant and stupid to further remove more of our freedom in the guise of making us safe?

More CCTV,etc


But hey that's just c'est la vie?

Edited by old man
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Im afraid the reason UKIP didnt get more MPs was more down to the voting system.

Nearly 4 million voted UKIP ,out of (I think )18 million voters ,thats not a bad showing.

And ,more than the Lib Dems and the SNP combined.

I do not feel that 18 million out of over 50 million eligible voters is very good when you consider what our country is going through. Your point about getting more votes than lib dems and snp is not really valid as the snp got seats to go with those votes and are already influencing our countries policies and not in a good way.Maybe if we had an apathy party all the armchair critics might drag themselves out once every five years to register their views. Edited by bostonmick
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I do not feel that 18 million out of over 50 million eligible voters is very good when you consider what our country is going through. Your point about getting more votes than lib dems and snp is not really valid as the snp got seats to go with those votes and are already influencing our countries policies and not in a good way.Maybe if we had an apathy party all the armchair critics might drag themselves out once every five years to register their views.


Actually my figures were wrong ,voter turn out was nearer 30 million ,66% of the electorate.


My only point was how the actual number of voters means very little with our current voting system.

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Really Rewulf, you need to rethink this?

Do you really think the extremists want bank accounts and mortgages?

They already have sufficient funds for their own objectives?


I'm not not talking about normal everyday mainstream people but exactly the whackos and nut jobs you describe?

So anonymity is king?




Anonymity for such people is essential

And like I said ,if they wont comply with some sort of screening at point of entry,why would you let them in?


You didnt say its only the extremists and criminals who refuse to be screened,you made it sound like they all refused ?


On the subject of being 'tagged' I think you will find it increasingly difficult to live any kind of normal life,unless you are in the 'system'

Trust me ,I tried.

In the not too distant future ,cash money will gradually cease to exist,meaning all transactions will be logged and scrutinised.

Tax avoidance will be negligable,and physical theft will be virtually pointless.

Get used to it,its happening.

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It won't happen here - it's on the Internet so it must be true though. yeah ok. For all the calls of how it's just young men - was the toddler washed up on the beach fake ? would you wish that on your child or grandchild ? would you ?? again, I'm not condoning mass influx but by god the knee jerk "we are all doomed, it's Islam " is becoming tiresome. We saw off the Nazis and rose above. We suffered the IRA and are still here. We are an island nation with borders we can control .

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It won't happen here - it's on the Internet so it must be true though. yeah ok. For all the calls of how it's just young men - was the toddler washed up on the beach fake ? would you wish that on your child or grandchild ? would you ?? again, I'm not condoning mass influx but by god the knee jerk "we are all doomed, it's Islam " is becoming tiresome. We saw off the Nazis and rose above. We suffered the IRA and are still here. We are an island nation with borders we can control .


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There is a lot of talk about these people being cowards and they should stay and fight to keep there country, well perhaps we are the cowards for not fighting to keep them out of ours.


Your ancestors gave up your right to defend your country unless you wear a uniform, today we are a nation of people afraid to even see our own military carrying weapons.


We cannot actively defend our homes without significant legal challenge, and the 'have a go hero' is frowned upon. In short it is the British publics own fault for the fact crime has taken over our streets.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke


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Your ancestors gave up your right to defend your country unless you wear a uniform, today we are a nation of people afraid to even see our own military carrying weapons.


We cannot actively defend our homes without significant legal challenge, and the 'have a go hero' is frowned upon. In short it is the British publics own fault for the fact crime has taken over our streets.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke



Never truer words said.


As Ive already said we have become weak.

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In WW2 one of my Grandmother`s worked in a Munition`s factory in Birmingham whilst my Grandfather was out dodging bombs as a Fireman, my other Grandfather (a one eyed Welshman who looked a bit like Popeye) was a survivor from the North Atlantic run despite the best attempts by the U boats. They fought to protect this country of ours but look what has happened to England in the last 40 years or so, it certainly isn`t what they fought for. It already takes two weeks for a Doctors appointment and people are dying while waiting for an operation. We don`t have enough Schools, Hospitals, Police Fire crew etc etc where will the water come from ? where will the sewage go? where will they live? where will they work? will they even work or live on handouts?


I think most of these "Refugees" should be sent back with a couple of guns and a few hundred rounds to fight with, as has already been said even there own neighbours don`t want to help them perhaps they know them better that we do.

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It seems you are confused , there is a difference between racism and protecting your borders .



Are you defending them?


Protecting your borders ! Don't make me laugh I pay good taxes for that or do you think I have to do it my self

Racism is a bad word perhaps,but to many do Golders that have no real ideas only pie in the sky ones

I for one would turn the COWARDS BACK and tell them to FIGHT OR DIE TRYING

To many soft in the head,parcel aid making,giving a dam,gullible **** around

It will end up like people like ourselves will end up defending the DO GOODERS against the invasion of COWARDLY,FREELOADING,FIT TO FIGHT young men



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