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Pooh weather on the way. Coat choice


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I am not a miser, neither do I go for the 'top end' of the market or any item of clothing that is branded. Today I bought a new waxproof jacket, size xxl (which I am not) for £20 from the Yorkshire Trading Company in Louth. Even if it last me one season I will be happy with it.

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I am not a miser, neither do I go for the 'top end' of the market or any item of clothing that is branded. Today I bought a new waxproof jacket, size xxl (which I am not) for £20 from the Yorkshire Trading Company in Louth. Even if it last me one season I will be happy with it.

I also favour the wax jacket. Warm, resistant and with plenty of pockets.

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I am not a miser, neither do I go for the 'top end' of the market or any item of clothing that is branded. Today I bought a new waxproof jacket, size xxl (which I am not) for £20 from the Yorkshire Trading Company in Louth. Even if it last me one season I will be happy with it.

Looking at you balanced on the Norfolk fence post on one leg the other day ( one of your senior moments ) , I would say you were a Med to Large , I know you want a bit of freedom to swing a gun , but with that size you could get your wife in the coat at the same time , come to think of it , I have hit the nail on the head :lol:

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Looking at you balanced on the Norfolk fence post on one leg the other day ( one of your senior moments ) , I would say you were a Med to Large , I know you want a bit of freedom to swing a gun , but with that size you could get your wife in the coat at the same time , come to think of it , I have hit the nail on the head :lol:

She prefers to be in my trousers not my coat.

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What are you intending to use it for?


Flexothane (light, non-insulated, cheap waterproof non-breathable, green), goretex army issue (cheap,light, camo, can get insulated under jacket to go with), good wax proof (double waxed, heavy, insulated), etc


I on Ridgeline gear, Pintail smock (2 years old atm) and torrent jacket (4 years old atm) and no complaints but both this side of £100 and should last years more.

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I think if you want good reliable quality then you've got to stump up for it, unless you're happy with DPM Gore-tex.

Saying that, even waterproof membranes don't last long when you're beating through thick gorse, brambles, raspberry canes etc. It doesn't take long for the membrane to get punctured as my mate found out with his expensive Harkila suit.

Some sort of hard wearing canvas type material as an outer garment is what you need in those situations. Apparently ex-firefighter garments are very popular for heavy duty, waterproof use.

As has been said, it depends what you want it for really.

Edited by Scully
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This is the only truly waterproof coat I have ever owned. It is like gabardine/canvas and I have had it for thirty years and never once, even in atrocious storms has it let water through. Mind you I have suffered at the hands of some of my friends who have told me that I look like a plonker in it. A dry plonker at that whilst they were wet ones.



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Thanks for the info lads. Want it for in the hide pigeonbashing

Cheers Chris...

In that case, you can get a Country Covers smock for about 120 quid, and I've heard Ridgeline are quite good also. If you're moving about the CC smock is terrific, but sitting still you may need another layer underneath.

The warmest, driest jacket I've ever owned is a Laksen. I've had it for around ten years now possibly, and it's been out in some horrendous weather including horizontal sleet and it's never let me down. Not cheap though. Look to the Scandinavian countries for seriously cold/wet weather gear.

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This is the only truly waterproof coat I have ever owned. It is like gabardine/canvas and I have had it for thirty years and never once, even in atrocious storms has it let water through. Mind you I have suffered at the hands of some of my friends who have told me that I look like a plonker in it. A dry plonker at that whilst they were wet ones.


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Looks very similar to a Harry Hall riding coat of the same era although different in cut. My father had one and was probably the most weatherproof coat I've ever seen. I can't believe it ended up as dog bedding.................

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