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What does everyone do for a living?


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My own sideline business is manufacturing e cig liquid and sell to retail outlets. Its the future its tax free its cash and the mark up profit is ridiculous its verging on rudism lol Professor Von Vape !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:



why ?


Perhaps because there is no such thing as tax free cash/earnings and Mr HMRC may be watching you !!

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Soldier at 15 - Army Apprentices at Harrogate 1954. Royal Signals radio operator. Army Air Corps pilot (Sergeant).

Flying instructor. Company pilot for various. Airline pilot for various. TRE/IRE Fleet Senior Training Captain.

Divorced and remarried.

Retired 2004.

Game keeper - Promoted to Shoot Captain!

Now full time carer to The Memsahib.


(Six redundancies on the trip). Wildfowling is my passion. Royal British Legion takes a lot of any spare time.


Not a lot going to be added to this I'm afraid. I've enjoyed the ride though.

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I'm a burner in a heavy foundry, I'm coming off the production burning of large castings as my knees are shot!! I'm sizing scrap now, The floors are in much better condition than in the booth! (I've gone bum over tit six times since I got back to work after a knee replacement!!)
I'll still be going in the booth occasionally when there's a large cut that needs all the burners in but then back to the cushy job!!

This is what I used to do!!











John :good:

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I'm a burner in a heavy foundry, I'm coming off the production burning of large castings as my knees are shot!! I'm sizing scrap now, The floors are in much better condition than in the booth! (I've gone bum over tit six times since I got back to work after a knee replacement!!)

I'll still be going in the booth occasionally when there's a large cut that needs all the burners in but then back to the cushy job!!



This is what I used to do!!


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John :good:

I used to do something like that but on a much smaller scale, our iron furnace only held a quarter tonne. :lol: we used to over heat the brass on occaision to make zinc snow :whistling:

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