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Nigel Farage


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Or how about the Lib Dem bloke Tim Farron? He'd sit there with a pencil up each nostril mumbling 'wibble'.




this has just made my morning a whole lot happier... I've literally spent the last 5 minutes giggling like a school girl after reading this. :lol:


with reference to the video, Farage seems to be the one MP that you can rely on to say what most people are thinking and not worry about what the opinion of him is afterwards.

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I suppose one really disturbing aspect is why our unbiased, report anything BBC has not included this in the news.


Why, they could even have reported it as the ramblings of the far right UKIP.


After all, they have bombarded us in the past few days with Dave's proposals for renegotiation that nobody seems to understand.

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Is he a fool? No


Is he good at what he does? Absolutely


Does he 'tell it as it is'? Only partially but with skill and flamboyance.


Is he a man if principal? Er, clearly no.


Is he an egotistical, odious political yahoo of the worst kind? Yes


I have some fundermental issues with the EU as it stands, but every time I see him ranting, grandstanding, showing off and generally saying look at me, I'm given the urge to support the EU.


If I vote to leave the EU it will be despite Farage and not because of him.


By the way just to correct a few notions some have, he's not an MP, and despite pledging your votes to him, unless you live in the South East you won't ever get the chance.

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Is he a fool? No


Is he good at what he does? Absolutely


Does he 'tell it as it is'? Only partially but with skill and flamboyance.


Is he a man if principal? Er, clearly no.


Is he an egotistical, odious political yahoo of the worst kind? Yes


I have some fundermental issues with the EU as it stands, but every time I see him ranting, grandstanding, showing off and generally saying look at me, I'm given the urge to support the EU.


If I vote to leave the EU it will be despite Farage and not because of him.


By the way just to correct a few notions some have, he's not an MP, and despite pledging your votes to him, unless you live in the South East you won't ever get the chance.

I can go along with most of that.


I think that Farage is exceptionally good at what he does and he does present himself very well as the voice of common sense, whether he or not is a different question.


Without a doubt he is passionate in his beliefs and that comes across, it makes it easy to buy into what he says if you happen to share his perspective.


Sometimes I find myself in full agreement and sometimes i'm very much not.


I admire his style as it is very effective, he is refreshingly non PC and he's not afraid about offending stupid sensitivities.


In a similar vein both Sturgeon and Salmond have similar attributes which is why they have been very effective also.


They are all charismatic and in a world of anodyne politicians they stand out.


He is a great champion for the voters who share his point of view and a good debator against those who don't.


From my perspective he is way too much a one issue politician, but in the context of the EU referendum I think he will be hugely valuable.


I may not vote with him on that front, not decided yet, but I do think having a charasmatic, passionate and high profile person challenging convention nd accepted wisdom on the EU will benefit us all. For the same reasons I hope the pro EU camp can find someone similar. I think that would make it a vibrant campaign and achieve a meaningful debate.


As an aside I have a sneaking suspicion that Dave and George are maybe not as pro EU as some would have us believe.

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As always Mr Clark you have said it in a much clearer and less abrasive way than my rambling post. I tend to get riled by the smug posts that put others down for not joing the NF fan club, and react slightly childishly.


I must admit I do have a grudging respect for his ability for rhetoric and his dynamism. The political world would certainly be poorer without him.


He's still not on my Christmas card list though.

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I still struggle to understand why so many people begrudge N.F. returning to his position after resigning.


As there was no one else to step up, his party's leadership asked him to reconsider and he did so, get over it and be happy that someone has the mettle to say what needs to be said!

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