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Good morning guys ... Firstly I hope this section is ok for this question...


I want to buy a new flask ... I'm not overly worried what it costs .. ( within reason of course ) and as I shoot in some hard to reach places a glass vile internally is not an option because it will get treated without kid gloves ... So I'm assuming metal flask only ...


Does any one have and advise as to which ones are best , most rugged and from experience how long they keep hot things hot !


Thanks chaps

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I have a ThermoCafe by Thermos, which is stainless steel and tough as old boots. Hot liquids are still drinkable after getting home from work in the evening.

I also have a Stanley. This is a replacement for a previous one which was hopeless. This one however works as it should and is also a tough flask.

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You could try 'that' Auction site for British Army surplus 1 Litre Stainless Steel Unbreakable Flask - they are used but only cost £8 delivered! Make sure you get one with the Twist & Pour Stopper, I find them better. I was recommended one and it works. Give one a try, nothing lost!!


Just in case I can sneakily get away with posting a link:




I've had most makes, including Stanley, they are all quite good, but adding milk cools the contents and regular open and closing wastes heat!! The army surplus one is good for a reasonable days use.

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I'm with Scully on a Thermocafe by Thermos....in fact we have 2. The volume of a 500ml flask is ideal for active day use if you have to carry it. It carries just enough hot drink to give you a regular morale boosting pick-me-up through the day without being too bulky or heavy. The Thermocafe is well made and has a simple but effective stopper and, provided you don't fill beyond the internal shoulder where the o-ring seals IT DOESN'T LEAK!!! Other flasks with fancy push-in-out stoppers usually leak.


Don't buy a LifeVenture...they have a taint to them that is very difficult to remove and if you forget about Ribena (or another acidic drink) in them it seems to corrode them. It's a shame because they are well made and robust.


Prime them with boiling water before empyting and adding your actual hot drink. Should stay hot 10 hours plus.


Don't put them in the dishwasher, some are sealed by rolling the metal together and water can get in and ruin their performance.

Edited by LeadWasp
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I've got a thermos and it's brilliant, we use it every night to warm up our little girls bottles in the middle of the night and the water is still hot the following evening. //<![CDATA[

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I have this one and 500ml version. Lasted years, and keeps stuff hot for ages. I make flasks in the evening for the next day with no ill effects.

Edited by Smokersmith
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I have a Stanley flask , cost a fair bit and I think it's very poor just does not keep stuff warm enough.


Mine was similar, even after pre-filling with boiling water.

Take it back and demand a new one. They have a lifetime guarantee; I didn't even need my receipt.

Quality lapsed for some time but I think things are as they should be now; my new one is fine.

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Leadwasp, liveventure have changed the thermal mugs they no longer have that Teflon looking coating, I just bought 2 and are now SS.

For flasks for a day out I use Stanley filled with boiling water for a while to heat up is a must befoe filling with hot drink.

interesting one Dougy - I had a pair.. and a ton of bicarb eventually cleaned them out...left something in them that seemed to corrode inside, bought another pair and no amount of bicarb could get rid of the taint in any drink. If they've shifted to an uncoated stainless then they'll probably be a great flask.

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To clean a flask after use, I pop a steradent tablet in and fill with very very hot water......leave for an hour or two then swill out...........always works for me!

As to selecting a flask, you 'pays your money and takes your choice' iv'e found some expensive ones don't cut it........some cheapo ones do! And vice-versa!...... Not much help for the OP but that's my experience!

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I've got a thermos and it's brilliant, we use it every night to warm up our little girls bottles in the middle of the night and the water is still hot the following evening.

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+1 on this,brilliant,had stanley its a no from me

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Mine was similar, even after pre-filling with boiling water.

Take it back and demand a new one. They have a lifetime guarantee; I didn't even need my receipt.

Quality lapsed for some time but I think things are as they should be now; my new one is fine.

I had a Stanley and to be honest it was next to useless , I use to take soup on a shooting day and by dinner it was cold and a job to get out of the flask . I wish I had known about a lifetimes guarantee at the time I chucked it in the river. :lol:


I have now got a Thermos , ( two in fact ) I use all the while and I sometimes finish my coffee off on the way home from a days shoot 10 hrs after it had been put in there. 10 / 10

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Hi chaps ... Just an update recieved my flask ( thermo cafe ) carried out a trial run ... Pre warmed the flask with boiling water ... Then filled with coffee and placed it in the garage to simulate cold conditions and 15 hours later still well warm enough to drink .... Great product thanks for the advise



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