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Gun Control Article


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I think its fair to say the some sort of control eg licensing and background checks etc will reduce gun crime but you get to a point that i believe the uk has gone passed that more restriction don't make a difference.

Once you know only people law abiding people have access to guns, how much difference can banning a certain type of gun make, if I'm not going to shoot someone with a shot gun or bolt action rifle why would I be more likely to shoot someone with a self loading rifle or a hand gun?

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I think its fair to say the some sort of control eg licensing and background checks etc will reduce gun crime but you get to a point that i believe the uk has gone passed that more restriction don't make a difference.

Once you know only people law abiding people have access to guns, how much difference can banning a certain type of gun make, if I'm not going to shoot someone with a shot gun or bolt action rifle why would I be more likely to shoot someone with a self loading rifle or a hand gun?

It doesn't matter if its banned or not though, if someone wants to aquire an illegal firearm they will. Its the same with anything banned or limited, take drink driving as an example. If your going to down 8 pints and drive it makes no difference if the law was zero tolerance or not. That person Still going to drink 8 and drive. So no matter what the magic number is they will always be over limit.

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But bans DO work...


The UK has no deaths from illegal drug use


Since murder was made illegal no such deaths have occurred

THE big question though is what can be made illegal to keep wayward expenses fiddling politicans in check?


Death penalty perhaps? Lol

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But bans DO work...


The UK has no deaths from illegal drug use


Since murder was made illegal no such deaths have occurred

THE big question though is what can be made illegal to keep wayward expenses fiddling politicans in check?

Nothing to be done about the fiddlers in power,they are protected by parliamentary privelidge?

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Seemed to be less gun crime when I bought my 10/- (50p) gun license from the Post Office with no checks what so ever.

Seemed to be less knife crime in the days when Scouts and Guides (and most other youngsters of my acquaintance) routinely carried sheath knives. Used mostly for sharpening pencils, whittling sticks, paunching rabbits or making catapults, not stabbing people. Perhaps it was different in urban areas.
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Always carried my shieth knife when I was a kid, as did most of my pals. Nobody took any notice back then. We managed to get by without feeling the need to stab anyone.

As did we when in the Scouts and cadets. It never occurred to us to use them to stab someone with. We also played outside with our toy guns. Both frowned upon now and totally unPC.

My son has had a fascination for knives since being a young lad, and owns several, and also played outside with his mates, running around shooting at each other with BB's; much more realistic examples than the tat we had back in my day. He even had a life-size Model 12 pump! He is 17 later this year and about as normal as they come, and though he still has his knives, is totally indifferent to them, and has no interest in shooting nowadays either, unfortunately.

My daughter as a pre-teenager was a better shot than her brother and two nephews, but she has no interest in shooting either. Where did I go wrong? :)

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It doesn't matter if its banned or not though, if someone wants to aquire an illegal firearm they will. Its the same with anything banned or limited, take drink driving as an example. If your going to down 8 pints and drive it makes no difference if the law was zero tolerance or not. That person Still going to drink 8 and drive. So no matter what the magic number is they will always be over limit.

Exactly, making more laws against people that take any notice of the laws that already exist isn't going to work

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I had a conversation with my dad about knife crime he completely shocked me by saying there's nothing new about knife crime it was just as bad if not worse when I was young (50s/60s) teddy boys mods and rockers used to stab each other all the time and as for guns there was a massive amount of guns on the streets post war

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I'm french, and I grew up with a knife in my pocket since I'm about 9 years old. Never stabbed anyone. I still remember my father telling me to be careful, but also tell me that I'd probably start to /really/ be careful once I cut myself at least once. He was right :-)


These 'controls' are just systematically made to impose restrictions on people who actually wouldn't need controls in the first place. The base of the problem is not the items/substances -- it's the /people/.


Same applies for kids -- some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents.

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I'm french, and I grew up with a knife in my pocket since I'm about 9 years old. Never stabbed anyone. I still remember my father telling me to be careful, but also tell me that I'd probably start to /really/ be careful once I cut myself at least once. He was right :-)


These 'controls' are just systematically made to impose restrictions on people who actually wouldn't need controls in the first place. The base of the problem is not the items/substances -- it's the /people/.


Same applies for kids -- some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents.

Bang on that

Oh dear Lord above I just agreed with a frenchman I must be going soft

Edited by jonny thomas
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Yet again another 'huge' (and likely costly) study done which shows that "gun crime fell following the implementation of a gun control measure" - made utterly worthless and pointless by not taking the simple measure of seeing whether the trend was that gun crime was falling BEFORE the gun 'control' already.... :rolleyes:


Either the people who do these studies are monumentally stupid and cannot follow basic scientific protocols, or, and I'm going out on a limb here, they're pushing an agenda dry.gif.pagespeed.ce.saF1IBu17q.gif

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