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Guy Martin

alan barrett

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I think that Guy has a very switched on Agent working for him !

Just a point in case , you can buy a Snap On roll cab and tool chest , marketed as 'The Guy Martin' for £7,000 without any spanners or sockets in it? ?????

Go figure , what is Guys % out of that little deal?

I think in biking he will be remembered as 'The Nearly Man' .

So many good opportunities , and nearly won , but actually hardly ever did !

does it really matter what % guy is on I don't think many people will buy snap on tools because he has his own name on a set to sell its just good pr for snap on to have him aboard as advertising

and as for the nearly man I can see what you mean as he has not won the isle of man but what he will be remembered for when he retires is an ordinary bike loving racer that tried his best for many years he shunned the big teams because he didn't want to be a corporate prostitute selling hiself to the advertising world and preferred driving himself in a transit doing his own spannering etc but like anyone that wants to win you have to go the corporate way to get access to the best bikes

he is like marmite you either love him or loathe him

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I was miffed he didn't buy my autobiography.

But i did and people in glass houses . :lol: :lol:

Whats wrong with you man, he is what he is, and this world is a lot better with him than without him, when you look at all the cra* celeb TV garbage we are spoon fed, Guy Martins shows are a breath of fresh air as far as i am concerned, proper entertainment by a reral person. Top bloke is GUY . :good:

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Anyone that takes away air time from this muppet is cool in my book. Guy should be on nightly.


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You do realise that they are on different channels?

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But i did and people in glass houses . :lol: :lol:

Whats wrong with you man, he is what he is, and this world is a lot better with him than without him, when you look at all the cra* celeb TV garbage we are spoon fed, Guy Martins shows are a breath of fresh air as far as i am concerned, proper entertainment by a reral person. Top bloke is GUY . :good:

It seems that we have the British dizzies going on here I am with you on this why cannot people just enjoy his programs and leave it at that I tend to think that if god himself came on tv these people would find bad things to say about him.

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I'm not into bikes but enjoyed the program none the less and though both Guy and DC did an alright job. I've never seen a Guy Martin program before so I'm not best placed to judge, but he didn't seem full of attitude to me, in fact he seemed quite meek and easy going. I googled him after they said he was a truck mechanic as I wasn't sure if that was a joke or not - and it appears that he has Asperger's syndrome, which may account for him rubbing some people up the wrong way.

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There was a clip of Guy doing the rounds on Facebook of him being interviewed in New Zealand and he was asked about the tea over there. I can't remember it word for word but went something like this, "so guy I hear you like your tea mate, what do you think of ours?" "It's **** mate, it may be just the way I have mine and you may like it your way but it's ****. Nice country **** tea." Bromance or not I thought it was rather funny!

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But i did and people in glass houses . :lol: :lol:

Whats wrong with you man, he is what he is, and this world is a lot better with him than without him, when you look at all the cra* celeb TV garbage we are spoon fed, Guy Martins shows are a breath of fresh air as far as i am concerned, proper entertainment by a reral person. Top bloke is GUY . :good:


Don't get me wrong I like his programmes it was just after reading his book I got the feeling he was an angry man who doesn't get on with a lot of people looking to pick arguments. If he has Aspergers's then that would explain it. I know a few people with it. Funny enough a lot of Hedge Fund Managers have it and they are irritating *****.

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Don't get me wrong I like his programmes it was just after reading his book I got the feeling he was an angry man who doesn't get on with a lot of people looking to pick arguments. If he has Aspergers's then that would explain it. I know a few people with it. Funny enough a lot of Hedge Fund Managers have it and they are irritating *****.

Just pulling your leg about your bio,, :lol: i have not read his bio and to be truthfull i cant be bothered. What you say about his bio is interesting and it kind of has me respecting him even more, i wonder how many other in the spotlight people are as up front about what they do and who they do it to as it sounds he has been in his own biography?.

Sounds pretty genuine to me. :)

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ok should Guy of used a yamaha M1 moto GP bike or is the BMW just as quick? i noticed the BMW had a price tag of £250K i bet an M1 is far more than that and probably a bit quicker all round, just a thought, although the car was a 2012/3 did they say?

Thing is, Guy is contracted to BMW not Yamaha,


What did suprise me was the braking test, the bike started to stop quite quickly and then it was if he got brake fade, it just didn't stop.


Oh and for all the knockers.....don't watch it if you don't like him, there are loads of people I don't like so I don't watch them....



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Hi. I don't think the tests were fair,in the drag race the car had full wets on a dry track so not getting much traction there,had the car had slicks at the optimum temperature it would have left the bike for dead.

In the brake test DC just stood on the brake and locked the wheels up which is not the quickest method of stopping a car.

So it was set up to even out the playing field, not good TV in my opinion.

Cheers. Vulture

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