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A Kill In The Garden


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I put a lot of time and effort into preserving the last of the grey partridge on my shoot, they have been hanging on for about 15 years with on average 2 coveys on the 400 acres most years. It is absolutely galling to then see them killed by sparrowhawks, usually just before they should be nesting so it is not the "doomed surplus" being predated but potentially an entire covey removed from the autumn stubbles.


And to cap it all they then eat them alive. Lovely birds they are not, I have no time for them whatsoever.

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I put a lot of time and effort into preserving the last of the grey partridge on my shoot, they have been hanging on for about 15 years with on average 2 coveys on the 400 acres most years. It is absolutely galling to then see them killed by sparrowhawks, usually just before they should be nesting so it is not the "doomed surplus" being predated but potentially an entire covey removed from the autumn stubbles.


And to cap it all they then eat them alive. Lovely birds they are not, I have no time for them whatsoever.


"I put a lot of time and effort into preserving the last of the grey partridge on my shoot"
I take it you don't shoot the Partridge on your shoot.
About 30 yrs ago the local Police Officer gave me some advice after a little altercation I got myself into.. I still utilise it today "The Batari Box"
GG :good:
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Sparrow hawks in grey partridge country are the equivalent of Hen harriers on grouse moors. Their actions are just about acceptable in a good breeding year but totally unacceptable in a year when breeding stock is low.


How will the Hen harriers be aware that its been a poor year for breeding grouse..


It's called nature..


GG :good:

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Hate them, winged vermin. Like to find them dead when they have flown into windows or green houses, makes me smile.


Not much gives me that attitude, even got time for foxes, mink, stoats, etc, but absolutely despise spars.

Should be put on the same list as Magpies, Rooks and Crows.

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How will the Hen harriers be aware that its been a poor year for breeding grouse..


It's called nature..


GG :good:

Ignorance would be a more accurate description. Don't you see that if birds of prey eat out their food source they too will die out? Correct management would ensure that both birds of prey and their victims will survive.

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