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Sadly Trevor Ablett died last October.


There are several cutlers still hand making knives etc within Sheffield


This is one



Sad news about Trevor Ablett - I hadn't heard :( The Management has one of his hand-made folders, and a lovely thing it is.


Here is another maker still going in Sheffield:

Stuart Mitchell

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Sad news about Trevor Ablett - I hadn't heard :( The Management has one of his hand-made folders, and a lovely thing it is.


Here is another maker still going in Sheffield:

Stuart Mitchell

I have a Stuart Mtchell knife forgot about that one, someone on here made me a sheath for it years ago. I would love one of his carving sets. Edited by rimfire4969
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Some say I have a problem... :)


All the fixed blades have been handled by myself..


All used in some form or another.... always have a blade of sorts on me (usually a SAK)




Although since looking at the makers in Sheffield I have had to buy myself a nice hand made pocket knife below






Edited by jeffjjack
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Can't see it, personally...

Some more of mine - as before, all my own work, except for the two type 18 swords.//<![CDATA[

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Fair doos, I feels better now knowing I'm normal... although now you've got me thinking about swords!!!


I have a strange feeling like I NEED a sword!


Obviously I do!!

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Bones61 does make a lovely knife :D


Zorro? Perhaps...




Maybe a bit early for Zorro - actually made for a production of Romeo and Juliet a few years back, so late Elizabethan period. Swept-hilt rapiers, based around a pair of repro Schlager blades, hilts and scabbards by your humble servant again.

Properly weighted for a rapier - makes you use proper rapier style, not just swish it around, plus they sound great on stage 😎

Edited by CaptainBeaky
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Nice tanto Capt. Beaky. :good:

Thank you, kind sir :)


The blade took 7 attempts to get right - edge-quenching is a real pig! One of the early tries cracked so many times between coming out of the quench and getting into the tempering oven that it resembles a comb!

Worth it though, when it comes it of the etch with a lovely hamon showing :D

The saya was also good practice before making the one for the daito above. Couldn't get magnolia wood for a sane price, but tulipwood (Yellow Poplar) is a very close relative, and very similar in use.

Edited by CaptainBeaky
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