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canabis, am i missing something ?


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Having cannabis as an illegal substance suits the police very nicely because hundreds of pathetic losers make a living dealing the stuff. While they are doing that they are not doing anything worse that creates paperwork and ties up resources.


They will never legalise it because all those hundreds of little scrotes would turn to shoplifting or housebreaking and the police couldn't handle it.

They won't legalize it because it would be impossible for the government to tax despite the proven health benefits!! :/


Oh, hang on......they are selling cannabis based products as cures already, god help you if you try to help yourself.

Edited by 955i
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They won't legalize it because it would be impossible for the government to tax despite the proven health benefits!! :/


)Oh, hang on......they are selling cannabis based products as cures already, god help you if you try to help yourself.

They can tax tobacco. Why couldn't they tax weed?


My worry is that modern weed is a lot stronger than what was around when most of us were young.


Legalising like in the usa is also dubious as the nhs would be picking up the pieces. Then again, I've read that smokers pay more in tax than they cost the nhs, so the same may be possible with weed.

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They can tax tobacco. Why couldn't they tax weed?


My worry is that modern weed is a lot stronger than what was around when most of us were young.


Legalising like in the usa is also dubious as the nhs would be picking up the pieces. Then again, I've read that smokers pay more in tax than they cost the nhs, so the same may be possible with weed.

Because weed is far easier to grow and get a good, reliable, sustainable, usable crop than tobacco.


Someone could grow enough weed to be viable in a basement, you would need fields for tobacco.


EDIT: So as apparently you seem to be anti, would you not saying the NHS costs are not already covered for weed induced crime (none or negligible) as opposed to alcohol (massive death and trauma every year).


Which should be illegal?

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This is a good watch https://youtu.be/zPFIEiIKjsQ


Excellent video, thanks for posting. :good:



Legalising like in the usa is also dubious as the nhs would be picking up the pieces.


What pieces would those be?


The NHS bill for alcohol about 4 years ago was £2.9 billion. In the same period it`s bill for all class A drugs was £488 million. Addiction wise cannabis users accounted for 8% of those receiving treatment for addiction. It`s a drop in the ocean. Any costs would be massively outweighed by taxation.


Bear in mind too that we`re already one of the highest consumers of cannabis in europe, ranked at 6th overall. The Netherlands, where it`s decriminalised, come in at number 11 on the same chart.

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As someone who spent 8 years in the ambulance service picking up everything from unconscious drunks, assaults, falls, overdose and all manner of other drink related patients every weekend, I can honestly say in the same 8 years I never once had a patient that needed treatment because of cannabis.


On weekend nights you could easily have every one of your patients in a 12 hour shift due to alcohol in some way. If they weren't intoxicated they were the victims of someone who was.


The cost of ambulances and A&E time alone must run into millions every year. If they banned alcohol and legalised cannabis you could literally cut the ambulance service in half.

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Legalise and tax it just like booze.


Forget all moral and legal issues and just look at the "numbers".


Making it illegal doesn't appear to have stopped anyone and there's a small fortune changing hands every day - that money is going to criminality and the black economy pure and simple.


I think most people over 50 would be shocked at how widespread substance use / abuse is, mind that that is from the it's 6 p.m. administer 4 fingers of scotch Margo and Jerry Good Life generation :lol:


Edited by Mungler
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eerr, yep!


Legalise and tax it just like booze.


Forget all moral and legal issues and just look at the "numbers".


Making it illegal doesn't appear to have stopped anyone and there's a small fortune changing hands every day - that money is going to criminality and the black economy pure and simple.


I think most people over 50 would be shocked at how widespread substance use / abuse is, mind that that is from the it's 6 p.m. administer 4 fingers of scotch Margo and Jerry Good Life generation :lol:


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As someone who spent 8 years in the ambulance service picking up everything from unconscious drunks, assaults, falls, overdose and all manner of other drink related patients every weekend, I can honestly say in the same 8 years I never once had a patient that needed treatment because of cannabis.


On weekend nights you could easily have every one of your patients in a 12 hour shift due to alcohol in some way. If they weren't intoxicated they were the victims of someone who was.


The cost of ambulances and A&E time alone must run into millions every year. If they banned alcohol and legalised cannabis you could literally cut the ambulance service in half.


As a copper of over 16 years, I found it a lot easier to deal with people high on cannabis, than drunks and others on other types of drugs. In fact it was hugely easier to deal with a cannabis user!

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As someone who spent 8 years in the ambulance service picking up everything from unconscious drunks, assaults, falls, overdose and all manner of other drink related patients every weekend, I can honestly say in the same 8 years I never once had a patient that needed treatment because of cannabis.


On weekend nights you could easily have every one of your patients in a 12 hour shift due to alcohol in some way. If they weren't intoxicated they were the victims of someone who was.


The cost of ambulances and A&E time alone must run into millions every year. If they banned alcohol and legalised cannabis you could literally cut the ambulance service in half.

I don't disagree with anything said here, one thing I will add though is that I have seen a rise in mental health issues in heavy cannabis users. But, that could be put down to other factors such as lifestyle, or other substances.

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im very much in the minority on this one , i can see mungs point of view , and ive seen the medicinal benefits with my own eyes , but , and its a BIG BUT , ive seen the downside and the devastation that its caused , it really is heartbreaking and has shattered lives.


wherever i go , i see or smell people smoking weed , it almost seems as common as tobacco smoking in some places , fair play to the folks that think its ok , but my social conscience just says no.

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I have seen more damage done with booze.


Saying that, I think it is down to a "type". Be it booze or weed, it was always going to be them.


Growing up, a couple of people I knew to be heavy cannabis users ended up with mental health issues but I have to be honest they had "going to go nuts" stamped on their foreheads from primary school. It happens.

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my own personal dealings with it go like this at 17 at a party with a new girlfriend someone said do you smoke week no I said everyone I know does but I haven't tried it try this then he said so I did needless to say made a pig of myself went white threw up and fell asleep woke up later to find out one of my mates had shagged my new girlfriend :no::no::no: needless to say haven't seen him or her since and that was 42 years ago I have never tried it or any other unprescribed drug since most of my mates have been smoking it for years and I can see the mental problems that cannabis brings in them i don't know the right answer to it making it legal at least gets rid of illegal dealers

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There is no doubt that alcohol is a bigger problem than legal cannabis would be. But that isn't good enough reason to legalise it in my view. The only reason this is being discussed by the Government is a financial one and nothing to do with health, welfare or reducing crime. They can save costs in enforcement and rake in licence fees from the producers of legal cannabis. It won't stop the black market because there will always be a market for cheaper or stronger stuff. It won't stop the skunk heads from harassing shoppers or neighbours and it won't reduce crime.

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I have seen more damage done with booze.


Saying that, I think it is down to a "type". Be it booze or weed, it was always going to be them.


Growing up, a couple of people I knew to be heavy cannabis users ended up with mental health issues but I have to be honest they had "going to go nuts" stamped on their foreheads from primary school. It happens.

i can only agree with you on that score , and in many ways the sensible part of my brain says make it legal , its my conscience that says no .

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