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SNP Conference


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I always look out for blatant hypocrisy from politicians and today's proclamation from Wee Jimmie Krankie Sturgeon raised a laugh.


To recap, the SNP ran a particularly nasty, anti-English devolution campaign - and lost. Whilst many in England wished they would leave, Scotland voted to remain in the Union. Case closed, no more votes for a generation, etc.


Today, Sturgeon will accuse the UK Government of xenophobia. I suppose that she should know what to look for based on her party's recent performance.


She is to tell delegates: "Make no mistake - the right wing of the Tory party is now in the ascendancy and it is seeking to hijack the referendum result. Brexit has become Tory Brexit.


"They are using it as licence for the xenophobia that has long lain under the surface - but which is now in full view.


"They are holding it up as cover for a hard Brexit that they have no mandate for - but which they are determined to impose, regardless of the ruinous consequences.


Nice to see that shameless insincerity and bare-faced double-standards are alive and well north of the border. Lucky the SNP have the oil price to fall back on when they decide to go it alone again...

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News Flash:


Nicola Sturgeon has insisted that Scotland will not leave the single market and demanded Theresa May argues for a separate Scottish deal.

She has threatened to call a second Independence Referendum if the Priem Minister does not secure this guarantee.


Queen Krankie has spoken...

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News Flash:


Nicola Sturgeon has insisted that Scotland will not leave the single market and demanded Theresa May argues for a separate Scottish deal.

She has threatened to call a second Independence Referendum if the Priem Minister does not secure this guarantee.


Queen Krankie has spoken...


I think Theresa may have gotten under her skin with this comment taken from the PM`s Conservative conference speech.


"But the job of negotiating our new relationship is the job of the Government. Because we voted in the referendum as one United Kingdom, we will negotiate as one United Kingdom, and we will leave the European Union as one United Kingdom. There is no opt-out from Brexit. And I will never allow divisive nationalists to undermine the precious Union between the four nations of our United Kingdom."


Well, if the cap fits . . .

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To be in the EU the first prerequisite is to be a sovereign country! As far as I'm aware Scotland is currently a region of the sovreign country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!........not a sovereign country in its own right!


Presently Scotland is a region of this country governed by Westminster, as such would (I imagine?) need Westminsters agreement to hold another independence referendum, if they decided to hold one without the agreement of the democratically elected government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, should they get an "yes" vote?.......I can't see it being valid?


So good luck to the SNP with that then!

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I always look out for blatant hypocrisy from politicians and today's proclamation from Wee Jimmie Krankie Sturgeon raised a laugh.





On the subject of hypocrisy . . .


I see she`s spouting about how Westminster can`t ignore the democratic will of the 62% of the Scottish voters who wanted to remain. Whilst happily ignoring the 52% overall mandate given by the UK.


I`m torn between hoping the PM allows a second Scottish referendum and the SNP loses it again. Or that Theresa just turns round and says "No, you`re not having another".

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I always look out for blatant hypocrisy from politicians and today's proclamation from Wee Jimmie Krankie Sturgeon raised a laugh.


To recap, the SNP ran a particularly nasty, anti-English devolution campaign - and lost. Whilst many in England wished they would leave, Scotland voted to remain in the Union. Case closed, no more votes for a generation, etc.


Today, Sturgeon will accuse the UK Government of xenophobia. I suppose that she should know what to look for based on her party's recent performance.


She is to tell delegates: "Make no mistake - the right wing of the Tory party is now in the ascendancy and it is seeking to hijack the referendum result. Brexit has become Tory Brexit.


"They are using it as licence for the xenophobia that has long lain under the surface - but which is now in full view.


"They are holding it up as cover for a hard Brexit that they have no mandate for - but which they are determined to impose, regardless of the ruinous consequences.


Nice to see that shameless insincerity and bare-faced double-standards are alive and well north of the border. Lucky the SNP have the oil price to fall back on when they decide to go it alone again...


Yes, I saw this on the lunchtime news and thought the very same thing. Pot and kettle sprang to mind.

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After 10 years and still the same drivel being spouted, I am fed up with them to my back teeth. They are like a spoiled brat never got what they wanted and keep nagging for it until they get what they want. I have asked them about the Beatrice offshore wind farm project, £2.1b and what does they UK fabrication yards get out of it? Very little Poland and Spain 90% of the fabrication work, we have yards lying empty, skilled people on the dole and the SNP bow to the financial backers to get the project built at the lowest cost optimum price to get the best returns for the overseas investment corporation in the shortest possible time and we the UK public will be paying the premium price for the power for the next 20 years, could go on and on about it. I be voting no again, oh yes and I think that a lot more will be heading the same way, split the UK and stay in Europe aye that will be right!



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I just wish that they would have another vote and decide for once and for all if they want to be in the UK or not we should do a Trump wants to do with Mexico and tell them to get stuffed I have nothing against the Scots but if they want out let them have out we do not need them.


yes you need us, where would you go salmon fishing, deer stalking, skiing, etc.

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There's another thread about what you'd do with a £150M lottery win.


Well, I'd invest a considerable amount in setting up a "hit squad" of ex SAS, Foreign Legion and other mercenary hard men to "remove" certain undesirables from society.



And Ms Sturgeon would be right up there in the Top 10!

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Well, if people in Scotland continue to vote for the SNP will there be any fishing and stalking left?



Aye so true they will make the whole of Scotland a national park and we would end up with shooting & game laws more stringent than Holland, a certificate for air rifles, come on a complete joke, they should stop listen and think for at least for a year before they act. So bring on the next vote and we boot out that Lonnie party and get back to being a United Kingdom, after all the UK is a small nation and long may it remain that way.



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Well, if people in Scotland continue to vote for the SNP will there be any fishing and stalking left?



Scotland is roughly on the same latitude as Alaska, the weather is not good enough to grow a lot of crops reliably, the ground is too hilly anyway for commercial agriculture. There is no money in sheep. So why destroy the only use of the land that earns a few bob?


I'll tell you why, because they really are that stupid

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yes you need us, where would you go salmon fishing, deer stalking, skiing, etc.

That does not stop people from all over the world from going there just flash a few pound notes and they will let you do anything does not intrest me as I cannot afford to do it anyway.


Lets be honest about it if they dislike the English so much that they want to go it alone then let them do it I tend to think we would be better off without them then perhaps we can employ English people to build our ships bring the nuc subs back and we can repair them its a win win situation.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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Despite the SNP, I would rather Scotland stayed. I have worked with many Scots - spending a fair amount of time in Glasgow - and have a fair number of friends from those parts.


My wife and I spent a few days just outside Edinburgh last week and have to say that the people were very, very hospitable.

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