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The Wife. (Yet another 'Gem')


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Last night I went to KFC with my missus. We always have a 2 piece meal not particularly through lack of a sense of adventure but because my missus would never be able to choose something different.

Anyway, last night while in the queue she asked if I wanted a 3 piece instead. Not for me thanks, I find them a bit too much.

"What do you get in a 3 piece meal then?" she asked.

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Last night I went to KFC with my missus. We always have a 2 piece meal not particularly through lack of a sense of adventure but because my missus would never be able to choose something different.

Anyway, last night while in the queue she asked if I wanted a 3 piece instead. Not for me thanks, I find them a bit too much.

"What do you get in a 3 piece meal then?" she asked.


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Whilst walking along the beach this afternoon, the subject of 'wonders of the world' (for some reason) came up. I mentioned about the seven wonders, including 'The Hanging Gardens of Babylon'. 'She' in her wisdom, said, 'What do you mean gardens? I thought they were baskets!' :|

one day shell find out that youve put her bloopers on pigeon watch , then everybody will be saying , can you remember what steve was like before his mrs removed his nuts with the bread knife :yes::lol:


Last night I went to KFC with my missus. We always have a 2 piece meal not particularly through lack of a sense of adventure but because my missus would never be able to choose something different.

Anyway, last night while in the queue she asked if I wanted a 3 piece instead. Not for me thanks, I find them a bit too much.

"What do you get in a 3 piece meal then?" she asked.

you should have told her that you got the third leg from the special kfc chickens , if you could keep a straight face for long enough you could eventually convince her that kfc have been breeding chickens this way for years :yes: .

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Last night I went to KFC with my missus. We always have a 2 piece meal not particularly through lack of a sense of adventure but because my missus would never be able to choose something different.

Anyway, last night while in the queue she asked if I wanted a 3 piece instead. Not for me thanks, I find them a bit too much.

"What do you get in a 3 piece meal then?" she asked.


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We have just knocked through between the separate toilet and bathroom to make one room. The toilet has a small window above it and the bathroom has a larger window above the bath. They both have an electric light. Little Wife suggested that we upgrade the lighting as the newly enlarged room would be darker :hmm:

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just think how bad she would be if it wasn't for the degree!



A good friend winds his girlfriend up something rotten. Hendersons Pigeon on here.


Well, one day he applied for a new job changing the batteries in the cats eye, she was a bit miffed as it meant night shifts so you could see which ones needed the batteries changing. this went on for a long time, she even told her friends that he was going for a new job.


this was one of the many that he comes out with and she says its because she loves him and believes everything he says.

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I walked into the garage and noticed that the bucket under cold water tap was about half full . Assumed that the tap was leaking and decided to put a new washer on the tap . As I was putting it back together Mrs Harnser came home and said what are you doing dear . I said that the tap was leaking and I was putting a new washer on . Oh she said ,the taps not leaking I have been tipping the water out of the dryer in the bucket as it is to cold to go outside .



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