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How many people shoot cf without a mod

steve d

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As above really, ive got a heavy barrelled Howa 243 stainless with a Wildcat Predator 8 mod on it, I thought it weighed a ton, but after weighing it with my Reuben Heatons its only 2lb heavier than my Sako P94.

This leads me to the conclusion that its the nose heavy balance that makes it a chore to carry and i cant be bothered with a variation to change mod or rifle, so thought about using it without the mod.

I know its sweeter to shoot with the mod but i only use it for roe,muntjac and fox. Its not as if im putting hundreds of rounds through it at a range?

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iv fired my howa (heavy barrel, .308) a few times without mod whilst playing around with different ammo/scopes, and was honestly surprised how much of a calming effect a mod has

for the odd shot i spose it'd be ok but as (with my rifle anyway) zero changes a tad with/without mod it isnt worth the hassle leaving it off to me :)

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I can also remember that too, it certainly tames quite a few calibres. I have a mod on all my riffles and wouldn't be without them nowadays.

If u have a play without a mod, just remember to check the zero, usually different mod on/off


Mibee try getting a better sling? Moray Outfitting (a great company to deal with) sell a Z aim? sling that is absolutely brilliant, has a sort off chest strap so rifle stays where its meant to be even when ur clambering over/throu windblow. I have it on my 308 which also feels quite a heavy gun and i tended to leave it in the cabinet a lot and would not buy another sling type now.

Think it was only 30 quid and some of the best money i've spent.

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Bit like an ex smoker, I hated the thought of them on a centre fire, but now can't imagine shooting without one.

Apart from shooting pigs, where a) the aren't allowed and b) all shots are offhand c) wearing electronic muffs is an advantage

I don't use heavy mods and have my barrels chopped to accommodate so balance isn't really and issue, it is now a pleasure to shoot without the need for any hearing protection and reduced muzzle flip.

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I shot the 243 without a mod until I got it screw cut. Why oh why I never got it threaded 18 months prior I don't know. Muzzle flip, muzzle flash gone. Plus you can hear yourself think after a few shots. Also shooting off the roof of the truck doesn't burst the occupants ear drums with the deafening boom with a mod. I woke up he neighbours about 2am one day shooting a fox without the moderator on it. Wouldn't be without out one on any rifle.

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I have one on my 222! However if I bought a rifle purely for stalking or hunting in Africa I wouldn't consider putting a moderator on. For the main reason you spend so long carry compared to shooting!!


However i also said I would never have a moderator on my 222 or 17 hmr and now I never shoot either without!

Edited by zipdog
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