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countryfile last night


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Not something i usually watch but caught a report by Adam Henson who was on a farm in New Zealand.

They have problems with TB in cattle and have drastically reduced the incidents of reacters by controlling the local wildlife such as possum, deer, and wild pigs. All are non native species in NZ but it did imply a point that wildlife carriers are the main source of TB. A mention was made of the badger cull in the UK.

I wonder if brian may was watching?

I cant post a link but it is on iplayer at about 40mins in.

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Must admit NZ is an amazing place, in some ways i really like the way they look after there native species but they are very sevre on the non natives which would be a good thing if it didn't involve droppig hundreds of tones of 1080 posion from helicopters.

But in fairness to nZ many of the places they drop it are so remote or massive areas u couldn't control anything otherwise.


Being PC hasn't really caught on over there yet either. Good for Adam to finally speak up about it, i heard the beeb have tied his hands/twitter account about speaking out about the badger cull (unlike a certain other beeb presenter who hs opinions oneverything)


Not really sure wot ur getting at 4wd, as far as i know birds can't carry bTB so kiling them won't make any difference.

But badgers and deer do carry it so i don't really see the big deal in culling a few/ or a lot.

Badger numbers need conrolling anyway for the sake of a lot of other wildlfie esp Hedgehogs, bumbl bees and ground nesting birds



As an aside has anyone ever seen the NZ tv adverts for Hilux, some of the funniest tv ad's ive seen, last 1 as a song about hunters as they often drive home with the deer draped over the bonnet, the new one jokes abiut calling a couple of tups/rams sheep sh*ggers, bloody brilliant

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So what you are saying is if we was to put down loads of poison and kill off all of the birds and other wild animals we could have TB free Cattle I think that I would rather stop eating Beef problem solved.

Dont think i said that at all.

Edited by del.gue
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I've just come back from a 4 week tour of New Zealand. We left on Boxing Day and have just got over the jet lag.


I had several conversations with local Kiwi landowners about wildlife, shooting, non-indigenous species, and general farming welfare.


Meat farming is on a huge scale. I met one guy who have 14K sheep in one field, another who slaughtered 5K deer and 6K beef annually.


The kiwi will do all it takes to protect their farms. Possom for example carry TB and shooters get $150NZ a pelt. The pelt is then used for the finest woollen products known to man.

The possom is on the increase.


They are trying to trap rat, norweigian rat, stoat to extinction. It was introduced to NZ by europeans. One guy was looking after 230 traps a day.


One other thing. The Kiwi's don't do Health and Safety. More " You are responsible for your own H&S" Music to my ears.

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I've just come back from a 4 week tour of New Zealand. We left on Boxing Day and have just got over the jet lag.


I had several conversations with local Kiwi landowners about wildlife, shooting, non-indigenous species, and general farming welfare.


Meat farming is on a huge scale. I met one guy who have 14K sheep in one field, another who slaughtered 5K deer and 6K beef annually.


The kiwi will do all it takes to protect their farms. Possom for example carry TB and shooters get $150NZ a pelt. The pelt is then used for the finest woollen products known to man.

The possom is on the increase.


They are trying to trap rat, norweigian rat, stoat to extinction. It was introduced to NZ by europeans. One guy was looking after 230 traps a day.


One other thing. The Kiwi's don't do Health and Safety. More " You are responsible for your own H&S" Music to my ears.


NZ is an amazing place, almost all the mammals have been introduced to it, so none of the birds have evolved to deal with nest predation, stoats and rats are absolutley wiping many species out, as many are either ground/low nesting or flightless. Easy pickings for stoats and rats.


U must of meet some pretty big scale farmers when u were out, there is not quite as much stock out there as they used to be, alot have come out of sheep to move into dairy, not all the farms are that scale quite a lot are just slightly bigger than big uk farms.


But both the NZ and OZ governments really protect their farmers and fruit growers,very strict bio security to stop diseases coming in. And also don't mess about when it comes to the non natives, they do take quite some stick fo there 1080 drops yet still carry on with it, think 1 of the few countries in world not to have banned it as so bad.


With the trap lines there not looked every day like here, depending on the area but sometimes once a week/month ior even longer on more remote places. Thats why they've developed traps that can reset themselves (seen 1 linke don here that uses compressed air to fire a pin out to kill stoats/rats attracted into a chamber)

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Not something i usually watch but caught a report by Adam Henson who was on a farm in New Zealand.

They have problems with TB in cattle and have drastically reduced the incidents of reacters by controlling the local wildlife such as possum, deer, and wild pigs. All are non native species in NZ but it did imply a point that wildlife carriers are the main source of TB. A mention was made of the badger cull in the UK.

I wonder if brian may was watching?

I cant post a link but it is on iplayer at about 40mins in.


I wouldn't be too concerned about Brian May he's just another stupid 'celebrity' who thinks they can put the world right, ask him when he next plans to have the deer culled in his garden :rolleyes:

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Like said above u'll probably find a large % of UK slaughtered animals are now halal, makes it easier for the big companies to sell/deliver it if its all halal.


I've got a few mates work in a slaughter house and they say makes very little difference, its a decent slaughter house and has high standards/produces high quality meats but it should be the same all over really

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the only problem with New Zealand meat is that most of it is Halal :unhappy:

Halal can be pre-stunned, and is still acceptable to the Muslim community.


80% of all UK sheep are killed Halal. Less as 5% of that total are un-stunned, which rightly should be illegal. It's the finding where it's happening is the bigger issue.


Kosher meat CAN NOT be pre-stunned. If it is, it will not be accepted as Kosher by the Jewish community. They only eat the fore-quarters of the animal, so the back half is slipped into mainstream meat outlets - unknowingly to the consumer. Allowing Kosher killings needs to be stopped.


Interestingly the Muslim community are happy to have "Method of Kill" labeling on all meats - but the public need educating on the matter. The Jewish community object very strongly to the idea.

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