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May announes Foreign Aid will stay the same or rise


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As always, foreign aid greases the palms of trade 😂


May has however stated the end of free movement, the end of EU judges meddling with U.K. Affairs and no more single market!


Labour are decimated, she could probably say anything and still win.

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As always, foreign aid greases the palms of trade


May has however stated the end of free movement, the end of EU judges meddling with U.K. Affairs and no more single market!


Labour are decimated, she could probably say anything and still win.


this is an urban myth that constantly does the rounds, give me some evidence is all I ask, you wont be able to, as there is none.

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this is an urban myth that constantly does the rounds, give me some evidence is all I ask, you wont be able to, as there is none.

Isn't the point of back hand deals and greasing parms that there is no evidence?


You think any random bloke could look into the back room dealings of the government and huge international organisations with a google search? Lol

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So if there is no evidence, then it cant be true, surely by now billions of pounds in inducements over so many years, would have been exposed, i have never believed the line, its just a cover for throwing our money away.


Its just what you think, not what you know, it could be true, but i don't think so.



Its a boring one and has been covered one thousand times, the point is, she is as silly as the twit she replaced, i am not a fan of her, i wont be voting anymore as the whole thing gets on my wick.


There are homeless people in my town begging down by the cinema, they were not there ten years ago, things are getting worse for young people, i aint interested in the third world, its never enough, we have millions coming here, and we underwrite billions more to their countries, i don't know why these people are begging, they are young, they have possibly been very foolish, but i think in this day and age when we shovel 13 billion off to these ungrateful nations and cant even sort out a few shelters for these people here, its a bloody disgrace and worse than criminal.

Edited by wandringstar
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So if there is no evidence, then it cant be true, surely by now billions of pounds in inducements over so many years, would have been exposed, i have never believed the line, its just a cover for throwing our money away.


Its just what you think, not what you know, it could be true, but i don't think so.



Its a boring one and has been covered one thousand times, the point is, she is as silly as the twit she replaced, i am not a fan of her, i wont be voting anymore as he whole thing gets on my wick.


There are homeless people in my town begging down by the cinema, they were not there ten years ago, things are getting worse for young people, i aint interested in the third world, its never enough, we have millions coming here, and we underwrite billions more to their countries, i don't know why these people are begging, they are young, they have possibly been very foolish, but i think in this day and age when we shovel 13 billion off to these ungrateful nations and cant even sort out a few shelters for these people here, its a bloody disgrace and worse than criminal.

We can look forward to hearing no more chat on politics then from yourself or anyone else that decides not to vote,


My opinion is that if you don't vote then you forgo you right to argue the toss about what happens in the political world,


Where I live Labour could put a donkey up for election and it would win every time but I still exercise my right to vote and can with a clear conscience argue about the result


With apathy there is no winners or losers,



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i am talking in the heat of the moment, i have excercised every vote since my first for thatcher in '87, i have done all of the council elections, the bloody police commissioner, the AV nonsense, the referendum and x factor, i probably will vote, to say that someone who doesn't vote cant contribute is, well i wont say.

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i am talking in the heat of the moment, i have excercised every vote since my first for thatcher in '87, i have done all of the council elections, the bloody police commissioner, the AV nonsense, the referendum and x factor, i probably will vote, to say that someone who doesn't vote cant contribute is, well i wont say.

I don't think that you are the only sensible person who is enormously disenfranchised ..

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But if the disenfranchised don't vote then that leaves the door open to a wrong result,


Again, and only my opinion is that voting should be compulsory......



UKIP it will be a wasted vote but I am not voting for a party with polices that I totally disagree with.

In which case vote for an independent......they rarely win but some of them actually stand for a local concern,



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It'll turn out to be a political master class where she appears to be a caring type influenced by external pressure and thus gaining kudos, but then lays down a qualifying criteria for foreign aid recipients which they cant meet so we keep the money - win win


I hope you are correct!

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UKIP it will be a wasted vote but I am not voting for a party with polices that I totally disagree with.

Some foreign aid is wasted on pointless vanity projects, but then again the NHS military and dwp also waste millions on pointless projects does this mean you also oppose parties who back money going into these departments. Or is it that the money is going to foreigners.

some of it is spent on programmes to help prevent children being abused, now I dare you to come on here and tell me that's a waste of money.

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Some foreign aid is wasted on pointless vanity projects, but then again the NHS military and dwp also waste millions on pointless projects does this mean you also oppose parties who back money going into these departments. Or is it that the money is going to foreigners.

some of it is spent on programmes to help prevent children being abused, now I dare you to come on here and tell me that's a waste of money.

I take it you won't whinge,

if your taxes go up to help pay for it then.

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Depending how you want to look at it I'm lucky enough to pay a lot in taxes. The way I view it is that although there are a lot of worthy projects we contribute to via foreign aid many are not and I often ask myself could that money be used for an equally, or even better cause within the U.K. and do we even get value for money? How much is lost through administration etc etc. Normal charity is often the same with the target ending up with what left after all the skimming! Doesn't stop me contributing to those I choose to though

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