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My nephew will have his first voting experience in this upcoming General Election.


"Going to vote Lib Dem"




"Free tuition fees and legalised cannabis. What's not to like"?


I failed to find the correct answer....




The correct answer would be that the Lib Dems are NOT abolishing tuition fees, and that if his sole reason for voting is the legalisation of cannabis then the Green Party would be his best choice. They also want to de-regulate and eventually legalise weed.


Just be sure to remind him that a vote for either of the above would render him a laughing stock amongst normal. hard working people!! :rolleyes:

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That isn't true, it was Tony Blair that banned handguns.

It was the conservative party that brought forward the ban as far as i am aware.





The ban on the private possession of handguns in Great Britain came into effect in two stages. A Conservative Government banned all large-calibre handguns from July 1, 1997, with a period up to the end of September, in which all such guns had to be handed to the police. Following a general election in May 1997, the Labour Government extended the ban to all small-calibre (.22 rimfire) handguns.
Edited by ordnance
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That worked when 5% went to uni and most of them got well paying jobs.


When 50% go to uni but only 5% get well paying jobs it falls apart.

This is another problem do we need 50% of people going to uni as from what I see of it half of them only end up in dead end jobs I say give them a free education but only to learn to do work that we need people to do Doctors Engineers electronics computers courses that lead them on to good jobs instead of bringing in these skilled people from other countries.

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It was the conservative party that brought forward the ban as far as i am aware.

At first John Major said he wasn't going to jump to conclusions and would wait for the outcome of the enquiry.


Before that could happen, the Conservatives were rather reluctantly forced to propose a ban on centre fire handguns to be enacted after the election because Tony Blair had made it a big election issue. They didn't stay in office long enough to do it.


The ban was always very much Tony Blair's project, he campaigned for it, and it was he who pushed through a total ban after he got elected

Edited by Vince Green
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but the labour party were in power for 13 years and dident touch guns, john major, a tory, banned handguns.


Labour actually extended the handgun ban with its amendment no 2 ,to include .22lr pistols, as soon as it came to power in 97.


Oops didnt see the second page :no::rolleyes:

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To my way of thinking all education should be free it was when I was young I am afraid I just do not get it when people finish with a degree for the most part they go on to get a good well paid job and thus pay more income tax so we get the money back.


As for the greens letter it was what it says on the box if you want to to be free to kill stuff for fun you just vote conservative all that they care about is getting as much money as they can yet again what it says on the box.

Someone has to pay for it, there is no such thing as free!

Exactly, how can anybody think education is 'FREE', someone has to pay for it and I for one don't see why that shouldn't be the person who's being educated.

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So everybody must be close to the realisation that the terrorists that commit these atrocities all over the globe are mostly uneducated and disadvantaged and hate the western society which is why they are easy to groom into what they do yet people still want to vote for a party who must hold the record for making people poor and decent education virtually impossible unless you are privileged, the poverty line has more people below it than ever since our current government were elected and a decent education is more expensive than its ever been, foodbank use is now through the roof, next time there is a bombing somewhere in the world remember it was a poor uneducated person that comitted it and ask yourself what you have done or could have done to help redress the poverty and education imbalance

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So everybody must be close to the realisation that the terrorists that commit these atrocities all over the globe are mostly uneducated and disadvantaged and hate the western society which is why they are easy to groom into what they do yet people still want to vote for a party who must hold the record for making people poor and decent education virtually impossible unless you are privileged, the poverty line has more people below it than ever since our current government were elected and a decent education is more expensive than its ever been, foodbank use is now through the roof, next time there is a bombing somewhere in the world remember it was a poor uneducated person that comitted it and ask yourself what you have done or could have done to help redress the poverty and education imbalance


Is that a bad joke?

Its our fault for not educating them?

The Manchester scum bag terrorist got a decent lifestyle, the option to go to uni (which he dropped out of) and all the trappings of western life.

In return, he kills children.

Whilst his father and brothers are back in Libya (the place where they claimed asylum from) promoting IS and al quaeda,and receiving weapons training.

You want to have a think about what youre saying.



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So everybody must be close to the realisation that the terrorists that commit these atrocities all over the globe are mostly uneducated and disadvantaged and hate the western society which is why they are easy to groom into what they do yet people still want to vote for a party who must hold the record for making people poor and decent education virtually impossible unless you are privileged, the poverty line has more people below it than ever since our current government were elected and a decent education is more expensive than its ever been, foodbank use is now through the roof, next time there is a bombing somewhere in the world remember it was a poor uneducated person that comitted it and ask yourself what you have done or could have done to help redress the poverty and education imbalance

What a bizarre post. I don't know what the hell you are going on about! Poor people = terrorists?

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So everybody must be close to the realisation that the terrorists that commit these atrocities all over the globe are mostly uneducated and disadvantaged and hate the western society which is why they are easy to groom into what they do yet people still want to vote for a party who must hold the record for making people poor and decent education virtually impossible unless you are privileged, the poverty line has more people below it than ever since our current government were elected and a decent education is more expensive than its ever been, foodbank use is now through the roof, next time there is a bombing somewhere in the world remember it was a poor uneducated person that comitted it and ask yourself what you have done or could have done to help redress the poverty and education imbalance




this is a diabolical post.

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So everybody must be close to the realisation that the terrorists that commit these atrocities all over the globe are mostly uneducated and disadvantaged and hate the western society which is why they are easy to groom into what they do yet people still want to vote for a party who must hold the record for making people poor and decent education virtually impossible unless you are privileged, the poverty line has more people below it than ever since our current government were elected and a decent education is more expensive than its ever been, foodbank use is now through the roof, next time there is a bombing somewhere in the world remember it was a poor uneducated person that comitted it and ask yourself what you have done or could have done to help redress the poverty and education imbalance

What you don't realise, because you believe the propaganda rather than the facts is that the Labour Party has deliberately put less money into almost everything, education, NHS, Policing, environmental projects, year on year than the Conservatives.


The Labour party needs a poorly educated, benefits dependant underclass to vote for it. If people get well educated they stop voting Labour.


Foodbanks are not a means tested benefit, in fact they are not a benefit at all. Absolutely anybody can be referred to a foodbank, the Harrow foodbank is right next to the Independent Mercedes Garage that I use to service my cars. You see a lot of very expensive cars going in and out of the foodbank.


Foodbanks are a charity set up to redistribute food but they are a gift for people like yourself to point to as if they are proof of some deep seated problem in our society that actually doesn't exist. nobody is starving in this country.

Edited by Vince Green
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Foodbanks are a charity set up to redistribute food but they are a gift for people like yourself to point to as if they are proof of some deep seated problem in our society that actually doesn't exist. nobody is starving in this country.


Well said Vince.

I cant remember when food banks became a 'thing' but Im pretty sure they havnt been around that long.

It seems to me that they are often used as a yardstick to hit the government with.


Im not sure about other towns, but in Notts, if I so choose ,I can visit various soup kitchens ,mosques ! and gurdwaras and get fed as much as I want.

Various supermarkets and cash and carrys, Costco being a personal favourite, will feed you as you browse.

No one starves in this country, so dont try to create a problem that isnt there.

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Well said Vince.

I cant remember when food banks became a 'thing' but Im pretty sure they havnt been around that long.

It seems to me that they are often used as a yardstick to hit the government with.


Im not sure about other towns, but in Notts, if I so choose ,I can visit various soup kitchens ,mosques ! and gurdwaras and get fed as much as I want.

Various supermarkets and cash and carrys, Costco being a personal favourite, will feed you as you browse.

No one starves in this country, so dont try to create a problem that isnt there.

There will always be those that are going to be quick to grab something for nothing. That doesn't make them needy

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That isn't true, it was Tony Blair that banned handguns.



It was the conservative party that brought forward the ban as far as i am aware.




Well doesn't this site do quote posts stupidly.... :rolleyes:


But yes, it was the full-bore handgun ban that came under the tories and the rim-fire ban that came under labour. However, had it not been for labour scoring cheap political points on the bodies of dead kids we would've had the proposal of the Cullen Inquiry (keeping the frame of the gun at the club and the slide/cylinder at home or vice versa) brought in, rather than EITHER of the bans. <_< Shooters should be counting their lucky stars that large 'legally owned' gun incidents have taken place under the conservatives or we'd all in be in archery clubs by now :oops:

Edited by Breastman
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I'd thank her for her response and offer my sympathies; she is after all wasting her time and her party will never be in government let alone a position of power. Not dissimilar to the Monster Raving Loonys

+1 They probably won't lose their deposit, but for forming a Goverment, they have about 10% of my chance of winning the Lottery 4 weeks on the trot.

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and if you want a total ban on guns and the government to take all your money - vote leibour

Simple fact Yellow Bear, nearly all the laws effecting shooting have come from Tory govenments not Labour. IE, protection of birds act 53, countryside and wildlife act 81 and its admendants a decade later plus the restriction of hand guns after the Hungerford shootings all under the Tories. Not that would trust Corbin , but to put your faith in the Tories to protect shooting is a just as bad a risk risk. What was it Mrs May said when she was home sec , o yes "there is no reason for any firearms to be held in private hands".

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Simple fact Yellow Bear, nearly all the laws effecting shooting have come from Tory govenments not Labour. IE, protection of birds act 53, countryside and wildlife act 81 and its admendants a decade later plus the restriction of hand guns after the Hungerford shootings all under the Tories. Not that would trust Corbin , but to put your faith in the Tories to protect shooting is a just as bad a risk risk. What was it Mrs May said when she was home sec , o yes "there is no reason for any firearms to be held in private hands".

I notice you omitted comment on the money

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May said when she was home sec , o yes "there is no reason for any firearms to be held in private han.

Have you a link to her saying that. ? I found this. :hmm:



Theresa May, the Home Secretary, was accused last night of resisting calls to tighten gun laws following the shooting spree of Derrick Bird in which 12 people were murdered.

A report by MPs more than seven months ago denounced the legislation in England and Wales as a "complex and confused" mess and condemned the loopholes that allowed convicted criminals to acquire firearms legally.

Ms May is yet to respond to demand for action by the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, prompting charges by gun law campaigners that she is dragging her feet on an urgent issue.


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