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Gordon Brown mortgaged the NHS with PFI, a lot of the problems today are because so much money is having to be diverted to pay off the interest.

As I said I do not agree with the way that he did it but if he had not done something we would have been left with third world schools and hospitals in fact it would have worked out cheaper if he had just borrowed the money to do it then all we would have to pay is the interest on the lone not huge profit/handouts to the people who built the buildings but then if he had don that the Conservatives would have been slagging him off for doing that.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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I will be popping in this afternoon , but who do i vote for? i haven't got a Scooby doo who to vote for.Field sport and Shooting is the least of my worries & i'm certainly not going to base a vote on just that. Labours defiantly out as that guy is totally mental, Tories are looking like my only option at the moment.My mate went this morning and he just drew a knob on his.

So he voted for Corbyn then.. ;)

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Ok here we go jumping into the fire I think that there should be a law stating that everyone must vote having said that there should be a non of the above section for a protest vote if you do not agree with any on the form.


One thing that Conservatives forget is that before Tony Blair and Gorden Brown got voted in ( I will add that am a socialist always have been and always will be ) but I am no lover of ether of them having said that if you was around in the 70s 80s and 90s and can still remember it all of our Schools and Hospitals was in a terrible state of repair and your beloved conservative party could not give a **** about it.


It took Blair and Brown to do I do not agree with the way that it was done but it was done we now have for the most part good schools and hospitals and the financial crash was not Browns fault it was a world crash caused by everyone letting the banks run riot in fact the conservatives was pushing for even slacker rules the fact is they all every party got it wrong.



As I said I do not agree with the way that he did it but if he had not done something we would have been left with third world schools and hospitals in fact it would have worked out cheaper if he had just borrowed the money to do it then all we would have to pay is the interest on the lone not huge profit/handouts to the people who built the buildings but then if he had don that the Conservatives would have been slagging him off for doing that.


There is a theme here, isn't there, you are a full time labour Party apologist, you freely admit to voting for the shambles and say you always will.



Why not do something radical and have a thought of your own for once?

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On way shortly.


Hypothetical question though. Those old enough to have watched/remember 'Yes Minister' already know who runs the countrty. But what would happen if the traditional voters for the two main parties all decided that there were too many things that they didn't approve of in their respective manifestos, did not fancy voting for the 'also ran' mobs and consequently voted independent - and they won?

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You've got the PW massive to thank for pressuring you into it 😂 sucker lmao

Oh I'm right excited now,I only work 6hrs a week so will be up all night watching it on telly.'COME ON THE BLUES'

It wasn't the PW massive that forced me,it was her indoors (dictator)."get out and vote Labour"she said Mmmm "OK love" so I voted Conservative.

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Total of 6 votes for the Tory,s from this Family,we all work and dont wont Unskilled worker,s visa,s and unsupported spouse,s pouring in here.Let,s see do we want Isis fighter,s coming home to kill us no jezza we dont.

Do we want to pay land tax of over 3 grand a year no Jezza we dont.

Do we want ping pong,s nukes ruining our country whilst you want to talk no Jezz in fact why dont u clear off back to Longbridge in 1973 and take your thick girlfriend and I.R.A loving friend too .

Do we want our kid,s n grandkids brainwashed by the nanny state to confirm to their "co-ordinator,s " way of thinking no we dont

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