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Election Results SLOWLY coming In


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I think the left wing marxists and liberals are still sore over the brexit issue. I don't class myself as right wing, but I do believe in common sense and the left have very little of that, as we have seen over the years. Anyone who has holds a dissimilar view to the looney left will be seen as right wing. A bit like how someone who enjoys the odd snifter would be seen as having a drink problem next to a mormon. A lot of the press and the BBC are left wing orientated as they all recruit from the same universities so it's no wonder they are biased. Mrs May needs to get on with governing the country and not take any stick from the left or those challenging her from her own party. It is a mess but it's our mess so let's get on with it and not worry about what the EU, or the rest of the world, think of us.

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If politicians had a real sense of duty ,they`d be dropping party politics right now and working TOGETHER to sort Brexit !

Afterwards they could all return to their party games....

I really think the situation is that bad for our country at this moment in time !

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Well at the moment I keep bursting out laughing at the scenario the Tory's are in and lets be completely honest its self inflicted! Not sad (others will disagree but that's democracy) at the apparent demise of UKIP although I do accept if Nigel Farrage comes back it may change.

Well even more "wait and see" than before, this time though not only on Brexit, but on Parliament itself.



So you would rather have had the traitorous, IRA loving, pro-terrorist Corbyn, the Marxist McDonnell, and the truly incompetent racist Abbott? How strange, coming from a shooting man! Seeing as how these plonkers are anti-gun, anti-countrysports....Don,t forget, in every country where the Marxist Leninist Trots have taken power, they have disarmed the people...........

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I wonder if Jeremy Corbyn attended the Diane Abbott School for Mathematic Geniuses. Labour lost the election, the Tories won. Not with an increased majority, but a reduced one. They still have more MPs than Labour, SNP and the Lib Dems put together.


A disaster for Theresa May, a disaster for Nicola Sturgeon and hardly a victory for Jeremy Corbyn. He did better than I and many others expected, but he still lost.


The Tories have several quick fixes:-


The so called Dementia Tax - dump it. It actually quadrupled the present allowance, but highlighted a situation most people had not faced.


Replace Theresa May - Boris is a non-starter. I admit to being impressed by Ruth Davidson.


Fight the next campaign with their whole team - not a presidential style campaign consisting only Theresa May.


I had to laugh at Jeremy Corbyn and others calling for Theresa May to go. Will he resign? His claim to fame is that he didn't lose by as many as predicted. Hardly a recipe for winning a future election. He will be older and Diane Abbott's health will have recovered.

Abbotts health is what is known as "truly incompetent!"... A chimp could do better!

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David Davis might fancy a stab at being PM. He might think it's going to be less stressful than spending 2 years in Brussels bent over the negotiation table with his pants down.

I like Davis....gets on with the job!

David Davis is the only sensible choice. Can identify with the ordinary man/woman, intelligent and with actual experience in business, qualified, previously served in 21 (T.A.) S.A.S, pro-brexit (pretty much was banging on about it when no-one else was). Hasn't got a plum in his gob which alienates a great proportion of the electorate, hasn't got a face you desperately want to punch.


Gets my vote!

And mine !

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Its not safe with ether party, but the tory's have the worst track record with anti shooting laws by far.

Blair banned pistols....... Labour brought in 1968 Firearms Act.....and in ALL Socialist/Marxist/Leninist countries, the took away the peoples firearms! (And Corbyns crew are Marxist, he is backed by Momentum, a Marxist clique). Plus, Labour are backed by all the Animal Rights nutters, who contribute a lot of money, and ALL vote Labour! Remember how they backed Blair, he brought in the Hunting Act? And the Ramblers Association? They gave Blair support, and he gave them the right to walk over everyones land! The Tories might screw you, but Labour will stab you in the back!

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I think the left wing marxists and liberals are still sore over the brexit issue. I don't class myself as right wing, but I do believe in common sense and the left have very little of that, as we have seen over the years. Anyone who has holds a dissimilar view to the looney left will be seen as right wing. A bit like how someone who enjoys the odd snifter would be seen as having a drink problem next to a mormon. A lot of the press and the BBC are left wing orientated as they all recruit from the same universities so it's no wonder they are biased. Mrs May needs to get on with governing the country and not take any stick from the left or those challenging her from her own party. It is a mess but it's our mess so let's get on with it and not worry about what the EU, or the rest of the world, think of us.


He will get my vote

And mine!

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So you would rather have had the traitorous, IRA loving, pro-terrorist Corbyn, the Marxist McDonnell, and the truly incompetent racist Abbott? How strange, coming from a shooting man! Seeing as how these plonkers are anti-gun, anti-countrysports....Don,t forget, in every country where the Marxist Leninist Trots have taken power, they have disarmed the people...........

Seems you have misunderstood my post, I'm just finding this entire situation rather amusing....May called an election expecting a large majority and it goes belly up I'm just finding it funny! ....which lets be honest it is....My political beliefs don't really come in to it. This is due to the fact that across the political spectrum, all parties seem to say some things i agree with, and other things which i disagree with, therefore i tend to vote for a person rather than a party. Its also worth noting that many members of my local angling and wildfowling club, who are hard working countrymen and women, are also very committed card carrying Labour supporters (I am not one of them for the reasons above)



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Visiting family last night and during a political discussion I said I could never vote for Corbyn due to his terrorist link, and the fact so many of his cronies are opposed to armed police, security services and the armed forces. Their reply was it's not about policies people in the north east should always vote labour.

Edited by toontastic
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People seem to think you should vote say labour in the north east because there working class and that's who labour are for.


It's really a shame people can't see that labour aren't for the working class anymore, how does open borders and mass immigration of unskilled labour help a working man or women.


Even in skilled jobs the wages are kept lower because of the number of foreign workers that are available who will work for much less.

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Gordon R - I'm a long way off being a political expert but Boris has often come across as a man with a high level of popularity, why in your opinion is he a non starter. Does he have some black marks against his name.



Before this election, my view would be that the appeal of Johnson was purely comedic. However, a fair number of the electorate voted for Abbott and Corbyn, so off the wall idiots are today's heroes / heroines.


I do like Boris Johnson - always good for a quote, but not sure people see him as a serious contender for leadership.

Edited by Gordon R
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I like Davis....gets on with the job!


Really what has he or any of them actually done over Brexit of which he is Minister. He was on TV Friday am saying he now has no mandate to take us out of the Single Market because of the Election result. Utter Bull**** it wasn't a 2nd EU Referendum Leavers voted for Tories and Labour he is part of the conspiracy to scupper Brexit.

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Before this election, my view would be that the appeal of Johnson was purely comedic. However, a fair number of the electorate voted for Abbott and Corbyn, so off the wall idiots are today's heroes / heroines.


I do like Boris Johnson - always good for a quote, but not sure people see him as a serious contender for leadership.

When you say people, do you mean the voting public don't see him as a leader or do you think the party establishment don't see him as a leader.

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He is charismatic and witty but that doesn't mean he should be PM, we need someone else. Rees Mogg would be my choice.


I like JRM, he's a wonderful speaker and seems to be a loyal man with genuine passion and integrity. He would probably make an excellent PM, or Speaker of the House, but he has very publicly said he has no interest in either role.

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When you say people, do you mean the voting public don't see him as a leader or do you think the party establishment don't see him as a leader.




Both. Boris has created an image of a bright, funny individual who is not afraid to speak up. His judgement isn't up there with the very best - but sharper than any of the current Labour leadership - by a mile.

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I like JRM, he's a wonderful speaker and seems to be a loyal man with genuine passion and integrity. He would probably make an excellent PM, or Speaker of the House, but he has very publicly said he has no interest in either role.


There is nobody glaringly obvious then really (apartr from our Nigel of course should he have been a Tory MP if only!!)

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The way things are going at the moment brexit is as dead as Scottish independence.another election in the autumn would still not produce a clear winner able to see anything through.none of the political parties are truly in favour of leaving.be it labour or tory there is just to much money to be made by their backers to let it go.the rest of us can go swing.

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Boris is a very likeable chap , the trouble is he does not know or maybe care about the truth. In the Brexit vote last year he told lie after lie after lie when he knew full well what he was saying was not the truth, but covered it up with some blustering gag. Not a suitable person for a PM. The trouble for the Tories is that they have so few MPs with Ministerial experance that are respected by the public. Amber Rudd might be one, if nothing else she had the guts to go on the TV debates while May hid at home behind the sofa.

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I think the left wing marxists and liberals are still sore over the brexit issue. I don't class myself as right wing, but I do believe in common sense and the left have very little of that, as we have seen over the years. Anyone who has holds a dissimilar view to the looney left will be seen as right wing. A bit like how someone who enjoys the odd snifter would be seen as having a drink problem next to a mormon. A lot of the press and the BBC are left wing orientated as they all recruit from the same universities so it's no wonder they are biased.

How can you say that after the insults coming from the BBC ( and me ) aimed at Corbin and some of the Labour MPs. The ex editor of the Sunday Times Andrew ( cant remember his sir name ) on Daily politics and This week really get stuck into Labour. As a whole I though the BBC was pretty even handed knocking all three of the main parties, quite badly at times.

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