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We went and we hated the harassment in the City. Lady S had an especially tough time. Everyone seemed to be out to get you (financially, rather than physically).


Mogador was a different story entirely. Much more relaxed, and you could get the same tat as in Marrakech for almost half the price. The fresh seafood was really decent there too.



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We loved it but it's an intense place to be as the harassment from people trying to sell you stuff is non stop, you quickly have to loose your British politeness and ignore people or sternly say no and walk away.


Dont be worried if you don't like it on the first day, after a short time you get into it and realise what a great place it is, well we did.


Do the normal city stuff but our two favourite events were quad biking through the mountains and a show/dinner thing in a big arena thing which was all the traditional horse riding and gun shooting stuff. For the quad biking we did half a day but was full 4 hours on the bikes which was enough, not sure if they are still about but we did ours with an independent company run by a French couple who come pick you up from the hotel.


If you want to buy anything head into the modern part of the city outside the walls they have all the same junk as in the souks but half the price which you can then barter down to half as much again.

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Not been but did stop at agadir for a day whilst on a cruise. The harassment was something else. A bloke on the ship quoted an apocalypse now line "don't get off the boat, don't ever get off the boat" wish I had listened to him.

I am sure you will enjoy it though 😁



He also told me they only understand one phrase in English and it ends in ... off

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the place is bedlam. it's mad, exotic and absolutely brilliant. One of the few cities i'd actually want to go back to. The harassment is a bit annoying at times, but you get used to it. we just ignored it. Literally pretended they weren't even there. do all the usual things and just enjoy being a tourist for a week.

Have a great time!

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Oh just remembered some moroccon bloke offered me some camels for my Mrs (cant remember how many) being blonde and attractive you get attention (the Mrs not me, although I am quite dashing and used to be blonde 😁) the thought never crossed my mind as apart from not really liking camels I could not see how I would get them home.

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All I can say is culture shock. Totally different from the typical European or US city (which to me are now pretty much the same) As said once you settle in you will really appreciate what it offers. The harrassment is annoying at first but I"ve had worse in the Caribbean.

Edited by Paul1440
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Every country I go to with any type of harassment I have found the same solution now, just totally blank them as if they do not exist!


Many a times have I and others tried to politely decline but as soon as you speak to them they won't leave you alone and it's relentless.


It's a shame as I feel quite rude but I also don't want them following me and my friends/partner everywhere and they refuse to accept my polite 'no thanks'.

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Didn't get hassled once, the main square stinks to high heaven of baked in horses urine when it gets hot which is a bit nasty, lovely people anf Amazing food. If you have booked the popular "hotel.club kenzie" unless you're a fan of distorted Europop round every pool and stale old buffet food your not gonna love it, it looks very fancy in the photos but its like butlins for French people and we hated it so much that despite paying for a package we left after the first night and went to a traditional riad at extra expens a few miles away which was amazing, I would happily go back there again one day, when you enter the market and accidentally wander into the "non tourist" area you all find pelts from all manner of exotic animals hanging up and locals keen to sell you hawks and eagles as pets that have had their talons pulled out! In the evening the square is transformed and comes alive with snake charmers and magnificent Street food

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Ben there, done it, got the T shirt. Will not go again.




Essouira on the coast is rather quieter and less hassling.


In Marrakech, I would advise not to eat from the food stalls - the stuff has been out in the sun all day.

The souk, although superficially interesting is repetitive, and if you do wander out to the back alleys, do watch out for the guys welding out on the streets - no eye protection!

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We were there for a wedding, and stayed for a few days.


It was great; much less hassle then we were expecting. We also ate every day at the stalls and had no problem. If you look around and see, you'll be fine.


Souk was good fun, we just wandered around most days and got lost. Great fun.

Edited by iano
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Essouira on the coast is rather quieter and less hassling.


In Marrakech, I would advise not to eat from the food stalls - the stuff has been out in the sun all day.

The souk, although superficially interesting is repetitive, and if you do wander out to the back alleys, do watch out for the guys welding out on the streets - no eye protection!

When we went the food stalls didn't get set up until the evening, the Square was empty all day long and the cafes were the only place to eat? After sundown it all came alive and changed completely

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Dirty, rude ,offensive people, hassle, if they are being nice, its probably because their friends are trying to rob you.

If you eat or drink anything, its always in the back of your mind what its going to do to you.

Ive been to Agadir and Casablanca on cruise trips too, not places you would want to venture out at night on your own.

Its cheap for a reason.

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Strange how people can have such different viewpoints of exactly the same place, Egypt was the place for rude people in my book, a few people in Marrakech tried their luck but got put in their place they smell weakness and doubt a Mile off and will use it to manipulate you with. It's the same wherever I have been on holiday and there is poverty, London beggars can be just as aggressive if you let them though

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Didn't get hassled once, the main square stinks to high heaven of baked in horses urine when it gets hot which is a bit nasty, lovely people anf Amazing food. If you have booked the popular "hotel.club kenzie" unless you're a fan of distorted Europop round every pool and stale old buffet food your not gonna love it, it looks very fancy in the photos but its like butlins for French people and we hated it so much that despite paying for a package we left after the first night and went to a traditional riad at extra expens a few miles away which was amazing, I would happily go back there again one day, when you enter the market and accidentally wander into the "non tourist" area you all find pelts from all manner of exotic animals hanging up and locals keen to sell you hawks and eagles as pets that have had their talons pulled out! In the evening the square is transformed and comes alive with snake charmers and magnificent Street food

We are staying at the medina gardens

Adults only hotel

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Marrakesh is a love it or hate it type place, if you want to go to a beach setting with lots of other English folk then forget Marrakesh it's not for you. It isn't a resort holiday.


I've been twice and loved it on both occasions, the medina is largely unchanged for well over a thousand years, in the day it's a largely quiet affair with locals going about their daily business trading their wares that have been produced all over North Africa and sometimes beyond.


Come sunset the centre djemma el fna comes alive with snake charmers, market type restaurants and vendors of all different types. It's a unesco world heritage site for its culture and rightly deserved.


If you want to take the square in a little bit then just take a seat on one of the many rooftop terraces and watch the events from above, you will pay a little more for drinks but your paying for the view and peace overlooking the square in the shadow of koutouba mosque.


The chap who said the food has been out all day is quite honestly full of ****, as the market stall restaurants in the square don't start getting set up until just after dark and a good tip is to look at which vendors the locals are eating at, Hassan is my favourite I believe his stall number is 32.


You do need to be a savy traveller and haggling is part of the culture weather it be for buying goods or taking a taxi, as a rough guide anywhere within the city limits (not the palmerie) you should pay no more than 50 dirhams for, if the taxi driver won't accept move on and ask another.


You can take a caleche tour (horse driven cart) to familiarise yourself with the centre, again haggle here and you should pay no more than around 150-200 dirhams.


I would avoid the fruit juice vendors in the square as they often water the juice down and this can give you an upset stomach.


Have a look at TripAdvisor for food recommendations, there are some excellent places that a meal for two people and drinks won't cost more than £10.


Brush up on a little bit of French, English is not a first language!


There's many many more things to do but this reply is long enough already, drop me a pm if you want some tips, Marrakesh has lots to offer but if your used to the costas you need to be savvy.

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We are staying at the medina gardens

Adults only hotel

I am pleased for you that looks like a nice hotel, I'm sure you will both have an amazing time there, remember that salad is washed in local tap water though which might not be palatable for your digestive system! Have an amazing holiday and don't forget to brush up on your French before you go, and always agree a price from a cab before you get in the car because they all try it on regardless
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Marrakesh is a love it or hate it type place, if you want to go to a beach setting with lots of other English folk then forget Marrakesh it's not for you. It isn't a resort holiday.


I've been twice and loved it on both occasions, the medina is largely unchanged for well over a thousand years, in the day it's a largely quiet affair with locals going about their daily business trading their wares that have been produced all over North Africa and sometimes beyond.


Come sunset the centre djemma el fna comes alive with snake charmers, market type restaurants and vendors of all different types. It's a unesco world heritage site for its culture and rightly deserved.


If you want to take the square in a little bit then just take a seat on one of the many rooftop terraces and watch the events from above, you will pay a little more for drinks but your paying for the view and peace overlooking the square in the shadow of koutouba mosque.


The chap who said the food has been out all day is quite honestly full of ****, as the market stall restaurants in the square don't start getting set up until just after dark and a good tip is to look at which vendors the locals are eating at, Hassan is my favourite I believe his stall number is 32.


You do need to be a savy traveller and haggling is part of the culture weather it be for buying goods or taking a taxi, as a rough guide anywhere within the city limits (not the palmerie) you should pay no more than 50 dirhams for, if the taxi driver won't accept move on and ask another.


You can take a caleche tour (horse driven cart) to familiarise yourself with the centre, again haggle here and you should pay no more than around 150-200 dirhams.


I would avoid the fruit juice vendors in the square as they often water the juice down and this can give you an upset stomach.


Have a look at TripAdvisor for food recommendations, there are some excellent places that a meal for two people and drinks won't cost more than £10.


Brush up on a little bit of French, English is not a first language!


There's many many more things to do but this reply is long enough already, drop me a pm if you want some tips, Marrakesh has lots to offer but if your used to the costas you need to be savvy.

Thanks for that reply, sounds just up my street.

I love cultural places that you have to fit into their life style while visiting.

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Marrakesh is a love it or hate it type place.........


...... The chap who said the food has been out all day is quite honestly full of ****........

I can report only my experience about 10 years ago, and that was of meat unloaded on to the food stalls during the day.


Marrakech is a Marmite sort of place.

I prefer Essouira

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